CAMPUS BRIEFS Pay by April 1 to avoid fee Due. to a scheduling con flirt, the tmivensitv Business Office (ashler and financial aid (Inals disbursement,operations will he in the'KM 1' Ball room onl\ on Monday, March 10. Tuesday-. March it, and Wednesday, April 1 After that date, students may go to the Business Olfti e. first floor of Oregon Hall, to pay or receive money re garding registration All students are encouraged to use the drop hov in front of Oregon Hall or to mail in payments. I \ check, vvheneycr possible Tuition payments must he ret eived hy Wednesday, \ j i r •.! 1 to avoid a SSO late registration fee Nominations sought for GTF awards Two $500-awards for distinguished leaching hy Graduate Teat hing fellows will he presented at the Spring Commencement. i'.ine ! t Ht1).: These awards have been established hy the 1 n i versity in cooperation with tire Mortar Board him or sot.ifU This is the l.tth sear the awards are Iteing presented Tin- ob|e< tive is !i givi rr. ognitjon ! el |linen m tear lung and academic gutdan <■ A (Ir.tdwale Tear htng Fellows invoked in < ias-e.ioiti nr laboratory tea. long ire eligible In nomination In students '.graduate, and undergraduate) and till ultv A si’li t'lion iummitlee miitli1 up nt students .uni fiuultv is now seeking nominations I hese nano nations must be in writing, and should indicate llie reasons that the nominee is outstanding Art individual rnuv nominate more than one LIT Ml nominations must include a signature Previous ret iptents are not eligible for r onstderatton tit subsequent years Forms mav he puked tip at di t> tr111■ ■ ntu! o! lues, the Knight reference desk area, or the referent e desk area of the Si ten. e Lite irv All Horn mat a ns shoii til he sent t : if i , r id u a' ■ S{ hool. IPS ( hapman 1 fall.- no late; than Tridav, April I ", I mi.' ET ALS Informal meeting r«» girding Westmoreland child (*rr will In Tuesday ai « 10 n m a! « h»» Westmoreland l*ren hoc! at W«%i 17 th Cl 'TniUrMn Valuw l«>]nUpt Jour.^* 4t 14i?■ .Avwmio dfwj Al l**? Ntr*»*»t l^dJIirw fin Hibrrut'r h t Mt Its th* Fm»id'ui front d«»k. >.Mf Su/te» h*m m n #vw»7 V ;■:»* ,)f >V4Tft(t »Jl/i 4 I ritlr ’t'. ,»/ ii/miHi n ■ < wtil n«.*f i*’*’ * i f .«rttffu* #*ph fi in 1 ih ■ *» h oiiuiad ripjmt ihtt pubhution will bp $t*vn pnottt> I bp Yrtift n/lbt f’ r**hl noltt #* for trammer *n>l KNOW WHERE THEY’RE GETTING THOSE GREAT FRISBEES??? •Golf Disks •Ultimate 175s* KITES AND OTHER DELIGHTS 2nd Moor 5th Start I’uNa Mnikct 344-KITli EMU Continued from Page 4 AS 1'() represent,it l ve i't i s, : 1 l.i W arren w re opp ■■ I Piml.ip added an amendment that a committee !«’ lormed to i n r 1 u d i- tiu d ge I cum in i 11 ee Green .im! 1! I (’hair L\dM ! i. ! '.sill tin- entire I..M! Hi ir,i ■! '.)ire> tors and, i! it passes, will in presented to ttn' it 1 n April in one lump suns li t members cannot change line items, but can continue to reject the budg et until one is presented that meets their demands henna, who has been .it the heart of the protests and was involved in drawing up the IPG’s proposal for the hMh budget, said she will vole in opposition ll the budget that passeii Friday comes before the i Ft: SHAMROCK PLANTS ► $6.99 B-4d 4J»1 (»«II • ***> * krUi>*r Infch f»'» I i owl Ks \M ) (.11 'I s 1*1* « lUMIIIt • * li*» i NfN r a*rrr • ••■ t i **> ■ m* TERIYAKI ALLEY CURRY DISHES-lg.3.50 sm.2.50 BEBIM RICE-5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK._3.50 YAKJSOBA NOODLES_lg.3.50 sm.2.50 TF.RI BEE^_3.50 ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN 1306 HILYARD • 345-9555 I_........ RIGHT ®N TRRGET Make sure your road trip proceeds without a hitch. « V W* tut S()[! R't I UK'S H >,kl tups t .in t H ‘ link' mus ilun \ou e\p he W Iik It is win sou should alssas s | >ut k v< uir. 11\I < ailing Canl It's .ill vt»u net vtl to nuke .1 eall from almost am where to anywhere It's the least expensive • wa\ t<) c all state to state on \ I'M \s hen you c an t dial duet t And ik as. vc )U a )iild als< > uet 1(>' A has k (.Cl IO‘>. h.11 k on ill the l< )iii> distance c alls v< >11 make \s tilt sour card* The AT&T Calling Can/ It's the best route to wherever you’re tf<>inj». Call more, save more with an AT&T ( ailing ( aril. (all 1 H00 65-»-0471, Ext. S91S. rrHig tEttf* Mfttoltftl * • l tm * • ATHT - •' AT&T pf- r^o aUh! ■ t«9?ATAT AT&T