UNIVERSITY IFC hears nine budgets, cuts eight By Da'a!yn TraDDe anc) Karen Engels t aid.S’.V* V* r**rs The Incidental 1-Commute. *i**t idrd on tuuj od budgets for nine groups last week and al Itx ,ilc mooting, the II ( la an! several spec ml requests The Student < lamp iign for Disar mament was unanimously allocated SMM) to pay part of the expense of bringing two speakers lor Nuclear Free Friday I Ft' members Sara Bridge and \nita Star ev were not present for Wednesday's budget hear mgs The College Bowl team requested SSOO to travel to the national competition iri W ashington. 1) ( lint the 1FC voted unanimously not to alien ate any money, in keeping w ilh its pi ’In s of not .pro vidmg funds lor events happening outside this area A SCO Affirmative Action Coordinator Bohbv Lee requested a loan from the ICC to mail ti funds from tile president's '.offit e lor a lull'd raiser to make Johnson Hall wheelc hair act csmIiIi; But lid member Anne Frig said becutis. li'iins. Hah is tiie administration building, the pn will A otlii e should provide the money Other IF'C members agreed and I hi- request'.was denied Lei' returned later and said the presi dent's office would make up the di!lereni e The Survival Center requested funds to help pay the $1,000 honorarium ot an Larth Wen speaker l iie IFt. settled on a $ 100 alien ation ami transferred $200 from the Center's unused him Account. Budget hearings began with the \meru an Inst: lute of Arc hitecture Students, who ti mi rived Sjqfi, down .11 l pen ent from this year's sr, ' . 1 ho li t agreed ( ills could tie made in almosi \ erv area, including speaker lees adnunisir.itise costs and supplies AIAS members lid run agree, but tlie budget passed t 1 with Hubert Cru/ p (Campus i,\. liangi • . ■ ■ •> ■ 1 jor decrease, for which llers .• xpr< • fi their apprer i.ilum I’hfl group .111 epted an H 1 :i percent decrease for a Sill budget next veaf This'S budget IS SOlth (.11, !!ll'!|ll»'rs su'd it erating expeases bus .■ tier reused Tin MBA \s\ih n ich itt Si' 1 ■ H o percent decrease from Hu years s • >»i ;i members said limy Ixdieved llie group could p er.ile ns eflettiveT with iess inoMA pi .Hid duplication, long distant e phone post uge .111 ci oliite supplies I he voC was l ai'i. (CrU/ opposed The ( h m esc Slti lie til Asso ul lull vvas a. n a .ilo! 5 1 ’H " .1 (IT pi l' en! 1 lei reuse I' ole. ’Hi- \ e.i • - 55,102 1ft members nuled the group Old Mo! use nil of the money il was allot .ml ’ : 'he ( hi nese New Year celebration ami made the mum de< reuse in that line item (ISA took, a smaller cut in the ( Cultural Week line item imoIIv. ttie International Student Association received S1B,H5M. down from tins year • S1H.H.VI However .1 budget note was attached, and the group will receive SC.(M)7 from next year's sur plus account by ()< t lr> at tile latest. 1KC (Chairwoman Lvdia Lerma said the addi (tonal funds were allot ailed her a use the IM. he GROUP A! AS Compel* Mo Excfwe* MM A A v.oc CttnaM SluOwt Amoc. ini«mafionftj .v*tuti«*»si Av. Pr*-H*«Ui Sctont** Btot k S!u8 31 » 14 i S.102 4,7»7 . 6i 18 B‘ * } «f.i , /», •. SQ8 SW * 77 It 4 ? tO ' Y >. Mg' 3.22$ Bit, , ' . . >8 heves (hr ISA needs inure tnonev hut !\t want to allot.utr such a substantial im reuse I io• surplus lunil will be made up of alls a .11• i many that groups do nut spend this year ISA Direr tor ( Ihristmn I-rank r11>t*-/'le/s/tv Mag.-i /me. to campus, was tabled untli organt/ers could provide .1 tost break down M nienihers also suggested tile ( omnie/i/.ifor -.'all do some fundr.using and possihlv find co-sponsors lot the speaker I'l.e Ilf voted mmill! ns'tv \\ • t;d.o. to givi the (".ntnnii'tttutor the money In budget hearings the li t voted > 0 0 to /ern hind the pre dental group I Ins g: mp w 1 i n stead be mi lulled under the S’re Health S, umbrella ifse lit voted 1 DO Ws's is senting. to alloc,ili- S'>1 ■ J to I're-Me.i t!t; Si lent i s lor '.0! year. .1 ■' pen en: (>•< • . • r - SfetO I in i! gel Idle I It as: s'. ! StO,”'- ' ill" Ola * •! let.'. Union, a t> percent derreasi* Iroin tins year st; t ..1 budget I he 1 omitutiee w.e, div 1 t> -t, , ■ a ■tig I I I. with Cruz voting against tin :e > u and Stac e\ .distuming HSU organizers explained tin r idforts to repre • ,! t 'a .’ .. k p.p dll '. ■ a . • ■ , ' .It id ; a Sales s a ! ' S • . . s ■ e " S' ■ ‘ ■ a . - '' 1 ■' tie- eiversil v i la v sa d .'II • , «. ■ I ■ '.' now enrolled, w ith about to to so i< tn ■ v t vulved in IISi il l' members said BSl hud .1 ..jr< r i . 1!v:>*’ > 1 >«* direr tor stipends Ilian ot her student unions if id ! ! •.; if 1 Ilnilll’ (Ills Su^l-sIlUllH I ( ■ r ,C ■ ■i'll muga/.ine suiiscrlptions, liut list no mbers said many ol these puhlhulium aren 1 as.11i.iI>!*■ ,il It.' ili 1.ikstorr nr the knight Library Women in Transition "as allot uted St.’.'H. .1 riH percent decrease from ibis vimr s budget of $.1.41)2 The vole was 12 0 with Dodge and Lerrna dissenting Lerina explained .1 need to < it many groups budgets in order lo keep incidental fees low so women in ibis group 1 mild continue their edm .1 lion. APRIL 30 •8:3(T HULT CENTER $36.00, $26.00 $20.50 RESERVED TICKETS AVAILABLE AT HULT CENTER ONLY 687-5000 OMUiMMT Kiel wiicoais MUCH 30 • WOW H/Ul • Ml AMS • $10.47 7011 Til INI WtlCMUl WIDESPREAD PANIC -o-LITTLE WOMEN APRIL 12 • WOW HALL * ALL ACES • $9 APV. A LONG EVENING WITH ■WCOMI PHISH «' APRIL 22 • HILTON BALLROOM • ALL AGES In association with EMU Cuttuval * arum LfVE ALBUM RECORDING LITTLE WOMEN ♦ THE STRANGERS A RENEGADE SAINTS SATJLPRIL 4 • WOW NALL • ALL AGES • $4 ADV. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT WOW HALL, EMU MAIN DESK, CD WORLD, RECORD GARDEN, HOUSE OF RECORDS & FACE THE MUSIC. FOR INFO CALL 346 4373. TICKETS SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE AND/OR USER FEE HIGH! ON IASGCT! I ► Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 The John Wesley White/Franklin Graham Crusade. Wed., March 18. 5:30 - FREE Pizza feed/ 6:00 - Praise Band Concert/ ":00 - Service Lane Counts Fairgrounds. All seats free. Come as sou are. Call 345*5886 for more information.