SUPER WINTER AUTOMOTIVE LUBE, OILj & FILTER : I MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS 4 CYL. s49" 59" s69** 6 CYL 8 CYL. Maintenance | BRAKE SERVICE $59" mew,! J4" -i'-An i-rv: y drwm *. ■ 1 J’nave Mas ■ «; TIRES • Steel belted* All season 1 I Compare Our Lowest Price' I 345-1593 No Appt. Necessary 185 E 11th Store Only-Short Walk from Campus Recycle. It works, (if you work it.) question: WRKBt&SRUKKKM What are you doing during spring break? *l'm going home to Laguna Beach California and I'm' going to go scuba diving for the first time It s going to be kind of eerie and kind of scary, but it sfrould be fun ' -Philip Bentloy sophomore, undeclared "I'm going to the Nevada Desert to check out the hot spring;, with my boyfriend and my best friend There's going to hopefully be hot. dry weather and no cloudiness “ -Kendra Sorensen freshman, undeclared 'I'm going down to California I have a friend whose grand par enls have a house on Huntington Beach, and I'm going to try body boarding for the first time ever in my life " -Gregory Woldt sophomore, journalism “I'm going to travel to San Francisco and some friend-, I've never been to anyplace in America but Eugene I expect to see the beautiful scenery of San Francisco that I've seen in pictures * -Jane Kebora sophomore, CIS Tm going home to Joseph Oregon, and see friends I rn riot going to do much but relax and have no responsibilities I'll |ust hang out and watch a tot of TV ‘ -Leigh Latta freshman, biology Tm going back to Los Angeles to visit my parents and maybe go to Mexico I’m most looking forward to seeing my parents I haven’t seen them since winter vacation " -Ruriko Mugishima junior, journalism I EMU I Continued from Page 1 1 rank (.eltner. >n 111I Ml direi lot said elimo mi I in# ml m ini st r o 11 vi- position* or i ultlng admin I Strut IVI’ salaries IS (illlu lilt |te< aiise till' employ i'cs are under ctinlnicl and mandated pay in i I' .i'is ’or pulilli t-mpi ivci's ,ir- ,s--,.id hv the si,III rin• system forms us lo do vnnr things tlmt arc very unpleasant, (.eltner told tin- crowd in day No students arc expendable inti wr have hi t«' sure we're serving !lie entire student papula lion, and yye have to downsl/e iieta se of de ( teasing enrollment Some students will he impa. ted, he said, hut there yvill still !»• student jobs and the ser vices and programs are still there Might to nine part lime jobs m KMt lood ser yue alone yymilii lie eliminated lood Servile Manager Dennis (birr proposed those , uts, saving t! is lh«' (inly iii'm in his budget allows for iimv real flexibility "M\ only options, because of contracts is to control student l.ilxir, M»i.704 «.is approved for administrative 401 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Kamil) Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651