Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 16, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 2
Polder s girlfriend and had seen
him kill ihi' agents ; hr ;i; .
m«nl» were kt’\ in evtrudilmg
Polder from C.unadu. where hr
had find in fear of an an|nxt I .
al. luiter il ysus four ! tli.it Poor
Hoar had horn tairn r,| into
signing ifir dtxiumenis In r'H;
The FBI contrived other ev i
done (' as well, lhr iud mg the"i n
err ion of three other vvltnossos
Michael Anderson, Wiiford
Draper and Norman Brown
and the intrixluilion ot an oar
Tier attempted-murder charge
on w hit h Pelt ier had been
found not guilty;
The f-HI was aide to intro
dine the mnjoriH of it-, evi
dent i', but Peltier s defense had
been. and i ontmues to fir de
Died that right, unit Tv ut it has
been locked tip and for good
Originally lour men: were
i h a rge d w 11 h the agen ts
deaths Two were acquitted in
lt)7(i when their kes defensive
evident e was aliens ed into the
trial Their acquittal was partly
due to FBI mist ondut t T he
third was also Ireed in ll)7(> at
ter it was com luded that lie
was IS miles avvav irom the
st nil! at the time ol the shoot
That lett Peltier Why is it so
net essary to keep this man
lot keti up' No doubt. It tomes
down to this government s tear
of opening .1 < an ol worms
should tin y alloys a lull invesli
gallon into the t use Not only
would the FBI’s tat tits he fur
llii r ■ \; used. i'll the l S gov
eminent would have to .mswi'f
lor .1 i: »i mam oi the wrongs
i ummittod against this (nun
try s n.iiivc people K eepmg
i’citlcr li" kcd up is :!s safest
in February lb ' ' the Mm
ncsot.i Citi/ens h’i view Com
mission on ihc FBI held Inves
ligalon hearings com eming re
ports of Kill miy< undue! !hc
■ Hearing Board s final decision
w is that Ihi' f III has engag'd
hi systiinatii and extensive ef
forts to harass, intittiid.de and
- ■ • i ■ - ss .':■]/• \ ! \!
and that the FBI is i oridui ting
a full st.de imiitafv operation
on the resen it ion Donald
Holman of the s ..'it ! )asi t i
Criminal (it'stine Commission
resigned soon after, his reasons
similar lo the Hoard •• findings
(ieralil Heune'v a senior t: ir
i nil judge sitting on tin Lighth
Circuit Court ol AppiMls vs I to
has tseen involved in Peltier's
: as. and ivlm i•• a i 11•• - .11 is
lied w it 11 l "it 1 ter s I r ea Inter '
sent a letter to I’resident .-Bush
through Sen inonvi' outlining
whs lie thought I’i'ltier sfmtti !
hit freed
I h e gov e r ft five n t s
prosecutive thitirv lias i !t.sfiged
from the original first degree
murder charges to one ol aiding
and abetting \\ hv the turn
around? Federal attorneys have
now admitted thev re not sure
who killed the agents, and that
the bullet shell casings ol tin
su p posed 1 v lata! bullets "did
not belong to Peltier," thereby
killing the primary pie< e ol cvi
detu !■ used to i unvit t him
Whether n. be!---ves Peltier
iv immu nl or not, tie■ iwilf to
mams i’eltier deserves a retrial
\m•!her i{>{ ■ .1! will !’<■ tit' '
M.tr-. h : i tv lie . ":M in.- gov
eminent will have iO 11 a \ to
!t W : n taio an I'lliir! !>v i pi
Zens who 1 iff ah. righting
this wrung to fnrre .1 1 intnge
Hep- w ays you ran help
• : p|u>r! :■! w •
e ipatgn now under wav r>'
ipiositng a i ongressionul tnves
tigutton Into nuM millui ! :n
Peltier v i .im' in liic govern
inenl I'iti ami She judit l.tl sys
lem \\ rile to Senate Side. t
(.ominitleo on Indian Atfairs,
H tli Semite 11 art Oli Bldg
\S ish , I) ( ' . .:uf> 1 (I phone
• H u p j ■ : \ • ;; I : v . I !e i:,
enc\ petition (previously men
lionet!) by writing Sen Dilna-I
Irtotiye at the above <iddt ess
• Write letters id pp I to lid
I ! t t ! 1 < : row tot 0 ■ : >v 1..: ■
! ane, lingerie OK 11 ton ( row
will deliver these letters to tin
’ \ re-present.itiVe . set to -It
tebd the I’e,ne and the 'Planet
llTp i , i ! 1 .'I, .' >1 : II ; 1
a 1 Ins w il 1 he ,1 gathering ol
It.- w-irM s indigenous eiders
i? i ie,liters to meet on relevant
issues and interests
• o ■.,| !o !’eI! .i i at
1, !• o 11 a r d !' e 11 i e r 1’ O \\
nH'tt. 17 11.' I' () Bov 10110
I av row of til. K S non !H
• unit;
[Mi111.il i untfihutions to I.PIX ,
P () Bov SH I. Lawrenee hS
oo(l I I pin .Hi 'It .i IH42 1 ' ' I
( ,i(hir O.inifh /s .1/1 rilllnn.il
page istilnr tnr (hr hiiierald
Monday, M itrli !.sii I iv xt M i vi ■ ■ tiv l m j
11 A I l Ul\( .
• 1 ■ M' ■ -> ■ , ''l.
• NtAt \V<. » ! ■ i . v- :»l . : >' ■
535 Main Sl • 747-0 307_
The free pizza teed sort.'- at v30 p.rn., there’s a fret Praise Band concert at MX) p.m., and the service is at :lHi p.m.
V) come join us as we deliver an evening of tun and inspiration. Oh veah. and Mz pi/za!
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II he darned Says here 70 percent ol all
accidents happen In the hole