Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 16, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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    KRMA to KWVA,
saga nearly over
No. could i! really be true? After all this time?
K the I 'niversits going to get a radio station?
But for I diversity students who have waited a < ou
pie of years and seen .SMI.000 poured into a program
that hasn't (yet) borne fruit, "probably" is a bit of a
downer "Probably" could mean anything
In all fairness. KWVA I’M. as the campus station is
now called, does look as if it has everything in order
The I CO has approver! the ownership change which
transferred the license from the Idivrrsits Foundation
to students. The equipment and studio are reads
The only remaining obstac le: getting !•'('.(! approval
to put a broadt ast tower on top of Prim e l.ucien (lamp
hell Hall That process is
supposed to be over
soon.hid with .ill the past
I ( ( . delays, stallings, post
ponement. and proi rash
nation radio station or
gam/ers ,ire a hi! jaded
—they won't say esat tlv
when KWVA will hit the
airwas es,
For anybody not
keeping a total,
that’s nearly
$110,000, and the
radio station has
yet to spin a
Let's hope it's soon
K VV VA has rri i*iv ed a
lot nl student money over the past two years, arid tfio.se
same students are getting a little restless In addition to
tlie $«>0.(KM) the radio station has aireudv received.
kWVA got a S40.1H2 alloration from the li t' for next
For anybody not keeping a tot,if, that's nearly
.St to.non. and the radio station lias yet to spin a ret ord
(letting the license looks as d it's a long and com
plicated pro* ess. but two soars seems an inordinate
amount of time Ordinarily, the smartest option might
be to si rap the whole deal and cut losses However, the
radio station is so close to opening (supposedly), and
ttie money allotted is so much, the choice here is to
suck it up and wait for kWVA to finally show up
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stamp rnrts*.
aM a 'tfted
\ . "V. V s\-.S\ \
Guilty or not, Peltier deserves retrial
Leonard IVlttor King .1 hell?
Hr should, hi- s now sorv
in;j lvv 11 ' onset ulue life
forms in hi ArmTioin prison
fur .1 1 nmi- no one 1 .in prove hr
1 iiininilli-d t in- hti i k of 1 In- rv 1
tin . ■ used lo i onvii 1 him in
]M’ ’ h is sim i! him ri'pudiid
i d. vi'i hr Inis lx-rn denied rv
i-rs appeal for .1 rrlri.il slnrr
I hen
IVliier, .1 (ililppi vs .1 - L.iknla
Indian .11 livtsl. is the subject of
Ivvn dot unii nliinrs and om
torlhc-uming Oliver Sionii film
ih'pii ting his 1 7 vi'.ir long li'g.il
hullh- ol Amnesty Intrrnuiion
al s r 1 •< itiI 1.1II lor ,1 (nmm 1 s
sum of Inquiry info the role of
flu- MU in jioliln.il Iri.ils. and
of a IVI i I i on lor hvet u t i ve
(dcnn iKA di'in.Hiding IVllier's
irredom. It'd hv Sen Daniel
A Triends n( thi’ ('.ourl"
tirir! has also Iitrll Issued. ask
mg lor i new Inal for Peltier
The dot ument, so far ignored,
iv,is signed In 55 memiiers ol
( ongress, ihe National Asst* ia
lion of ( ritnlnal Defense Atlor
ne\s, California Atturnevs lor
( '.ritnlnal justice and 7H world
religious leaders
So. what s all the Ini huh
alxiut an\ was
l’eltler is being held lor the
shooting deaths of two PHI
agents during a June 1975
.hootnut on tin- Pine Ktdge In
dtan Reservation, S I) Trouble
is the evidence convicting
Peltier has situ e (seen found to
he fabricated, perjured, and/or
coert ed bv the I 'll I
There is ahsolutelv no evi
<jrru I' ill ktM‘|) him thrfr," s.mi
Lin.i 1 aruolo, officr mumigrr
.uni ji.ir.ilrg.il for ihr !.run.mi
IVIlirr Drfrnsr (donmillrr in
Lavvrrncr Kan Vrt hr remains
In jail
IVltlrr was involvrtl vvilti thr
American Indian Movements
l<r,’t 75 South Dakota protest
against various human rights
and trratv violations, ini hiding
Ihr signing jwjv of rrsuunr
ruti rrservation land without
tfa Dakota people's knowlrdgr
and loliMint, abuses sullrrrd i)\
a rrsrrval Ion pollring "goon
squad . and continued Igno
ram r id tin’ IHt.H I or! l.aramir
I rratv. whit h origmallv guar
untii'd tiir Stoun nrarlv 50 mil
lion .a rrs ol traditional home
land in Nebraska North ami
South Dakota, Montana ami
U i uning
AIM mt-mlxTH p«si<:i*!ully <«
( tip in! V\ i1Umil’> 1 K I’l-r, s 1)
to: 1 days in 1M7 1 leaving af
ter government representatives
agreed in conduct congression
al investigations ol thru <i( cu
s.ilmns i hr investigations nrv
rr happened. but an inrrrasr in
mysterious rr s r r v a l i n n
tiraths ciiii Between l'i7.t and
1U7U, thr yearly murder rate
rose In nearly 170 per 100.000
thr highest in thr i ounlry
and mure than right limes the
1074 llrirmt murder rate
( mine idem e ' Maybe One
must take Into ai count, howev
er the testimonies of those liv
ing on thr reservation After the
occupation, it isas not uncom
mon for the "goon squad." Bu
reau of Indian Affairs police,
anchor FBI agents to keep the
residents in check via unquali
fied beatings, ransacking and
destruction of properly.
ho deal with the worsening
situation, the Traditional (muri
( il of Chiefs ul llx' Oglala Sioux
I rifii' asked \1M members In
i onu* in Him? Ridge in early
ITT) inr protection The move,
no doubt threatening t" the
C S gnvi'rnnii'Ml because AIM s
in I luencie and strength had
grown significantly, prompted
tensions to rise
It et w ee n April .1 mi ) u n e
1T.T>, the I HI prepared itsell for
a confrontation via actions like
a study of its paramilitary op
erations readiness in Indian
country, and a buildup ul I HI
personnel in and around the
reservation, un hiding SU A I
trained agents
Ironically, the only thing the
government was lighting was a
group ul people trying to keep
rights that were justifiably
theirs m the lirst plar e jus! as
much, d not more, manpower
and energy was expended de
living these people their rights
instead of obliging them with
the earlier promise of emigres
siunal investigations Another
agreement broken
In real lion to the building
tension, a firelight, complete
with SWAT teams firing auto
malic and semi-automatic
weapons, tear gas. high explo
sives and fixed wing aircraft,
ensued June 2t>. 1U75. resulting
in the shooting of two Fill
agents and one Lakota man
Helper now carries the load of
the agents' deaths, the Lakota
man's death was never investi
Heftier was sentenced June 1,
1U77, his prosecution secured
bv "witnesses'" like Myrtle
Hixir Hear Hoor Hear, the only
alleged eyewitness, signed two
affidavits st.it mg sin- was
Turn to RETRIAL Page 3