Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 16, 1992, Page 12, Image 11

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Bruins beat back Ducks, 83-76
By Jake Berq
T!if rml iil th* Ori gi in vs i mi
I" ■ h.i-k< Ib.di m i-i it; S.i!uniiiV
did not end thr i|u rations
\\ : i' ’ ■ i-r.11 r S.i!.. \\ 1 i ■
had tint hern inuiri’d bt'fnr*' thi
I D' ' ’ • ■ I; ! . !
nut miss huff of thi f’ai ifii 10
('jorifi r> ni t «.i-.i>.u:i with an in
Wi .it if ! th- .'i ll ks fill
Ishnd thi- \' iir m tit a ( l«-.m bill
of h.tilth'
A •*it of vs hat its (fn-gon
j mu hi.Svs iii Hcmv said
In till i utl'' I d !hi‘ frvs (jUfs
ttoils ansvsrnif !v • fi• ■ M'.iMin
l-ndini: H t uss t ’Cl.A S;ii
urtfm .i! MtArdvur ( mirt mis
that tin' Dunks pruvrii thin
« mi Id [i!.IV WiSti ,rnv !• .in. n tin
i’.u 1 o, hi iiltin hi tint
Oregon may htivo Inst mm> of
its final li (unti sis. but r.iridv
wi n thi' Dm i,s i-vi*r blown out
in thosi ganu s despjtr starting
IT dilfi n-n! Imi-ujis U-'iirr thi
vvi i ki-nd
'Du Dm k1 jil.n i ii vs itli tin
Brians i-vi-ry mjnulr of thi’
({.mu S.iturd.iv and pl.ivrd ovim
rlnsi't with. I St Thursday, and
both ti'.ims vvim sclo ti-if In go
to thi- N( \A t. urii.inii n! Sun
dav morning
H • fi.tv r piavi ’I vvi d ,i,; ui ■ :
a riuntiu r <>f t< nis. rv mi vs ■ ■1
prupli’ missing," Hninv said
Though tfir rn oril dt i sn ;
risiflv show it Ongon s srusun
finish)*d mm h butter tfi.tn uni’
iti.tv have prrdu tnd t (insider
' I v: II , V ’ ' . S ! I . vv ■
■ ■■■ * ' ' ■ itt • V ■ V giilli’
,ind i. IT
(>*OtO D> JO* P4»i«V
Oregon senior Marne Smith battles a Bruin for the ball in her last col
lege game She finished the contest with 10 points. 10 rebounds and
two blocked shots
• •nth plat <■ in the Put 10
VVi didn't have .1 losing re
inti!. Hnnv said. and that's
something "
[tut it i on Id have ended on .1
hitler note !( not lor an inhu
man performance b\ UCLA
:d ■ i :n■ ir ■■ \.it.i; \\ i i "; ■
win had I’d points and re
■ Dtn k- ■ - is has t
won anil bid seniors Stan
W in if i: arid Mar n>- Si:: ;!h t
fitting larewell
Oregon held its largest and
las’ lead of tin game- ill r> i
five minutes into the second
• a. ( ' \ ' '! : i:
Bruins exploded on a 1J Z run
th.it dimmed Orogons hopes
for .in upset
Willi.ims fxigan the rampage
with .1 lav-in and ensuing free
throw that tied the game at 5(>
In I ( !..\ forward totaled six
■ ! tfir 12 points on tin- run, and
the DurlkS soon found them
si Ives dew n *> > ‘iH with onh 10
minutes left in their season
We were at 5H forever,'
Meinv said
It was an uphill struggle for
( iregon the rest id the wav, as
. Brums slreO tied their lead
is itiui h as eight before wan
' a - -o DUCKS Page 13
Duck wrestlers have NCAA finals
By I r'(. k Stv>dt‘n , »,i
} *>r tin On-gun wn vtling tram. it \s\ Im- h
rials Mirk n r> thun • in •-%.iv is !ui' mrm
In rs u! thi' spind wot Irnvri (U, ilumii (ill
Oklit ! 11 r tin n.'tui Anmi.ii Ni A A Wirstling
(:h.ini|iio!!siu|!s. M.ip h ’ i J 1
I In- tivr wn-s' i rs iju.ilitifil tor the i humpton
ships U\ pi.u mj; in Hit- tup tlui i ,ii the I’m ific 111
(A i; liTi-ni ‘ iiii *’l Ir id in Mi Arthur ( . .irt lust
month ih.i quiili liirs mi hide i ontiri-ni r chump
Dun A iilluk .it iti trpi.it St A A •p.nlififi Darren
t.iistutsun us well us jurirtt l.iurk Put ( ruig uiui
Si c it t Mvrs
(It the fur. Vidluk ipprurs to hu\ r thf hi st shut
fur an individual title 1 hr 118-pound senior hus
u si'usun murk of J M unti dominated thr I’m 10
iin'rt winning thr , .ulm-nir s Must Outstanding
Wrrstlcr uvvurd
Vulhik has ulrr.nU rurnrd Alt Atrirru un honors
Iwiir plui mg righth nnd srvrntli m thr past two
\i A A tournamruts Hr is currently ranked sis
ond in thr country
(mstafson qunlilird lor his snnnd i onset.ultt r
toiirnnmrnt hv rrgistrring a 2 •» ovrrtimr w.u in
thr 1 uHpOUnd third plmr nuitl h .it thr Pm 10
!)! the live, ( raig has had to overcome the1 most
in 111f\ fnt tilurnamoni Throughout the
yr.if. he has wrestled with il dislocated shoulder
and str.i■ ned kt,■ .- ligaments
; w weeks I . lore the l’ac-10 tournament, dot
is ret ■. mmentloi thill Craig not wrestle, but he
chose to 1on finite
I'H list hale to lift taped up and do MlV lies!.
Craig said H.f Worst thing about the Injuries is
that they tort e me to alter mv wrestling style, so
I'm not .is eflet live as I normally would he
larrett Clark, who h.ts been rankl'd as high as
! Hh this year i ould lie the surprise of the tourna
merit Clark plated third in the l’ac-U) meet In’
hind two former All-Americans His record this
year is _’-t ’ sis ond host on the Dm k squad.
Myers, who took second in the l’ac-10. is a se
nior making his first appearance in the NCAA
meet Myers look two years off from the sport be
fore coming out again this year and finished the
season vs ith a !<> it) record
Last year at the tournament, Oregon finished
14th, the second first finish In the s< hool s histo
ry l itre, Duc ks earned All Americ an status last
year at the tournament, the most in school histo
St. Patrick’s Music Basil
s! i\»tu k, \ Muvn B.uh *>nl\ .ii
1 1th stfrrt Morr
lo75 W’ot ! 1 th, Ru^cnr
"Tuesday March 17th • to pin
I HI L l»%!'*-'• t«» tho lir^t 200 i ti' li'im n
w r.irmi; jjitch (nuitl lu* .»l il*»- front iloor .it 0:00)
JL-?' ' ’ ^ ^ l I .ill rt* ii I.ir |»r u »'il i .»i '•«' 11»- * , C I ^N .t i». I mu'u hook'
in 'liu U N|n-i i.il C P\ from 5 2 .*>*> r.ii li to N(, «-.•*. |».
Spot i.il ni-iscUc*'* Ironi ‘>4\* »-.*i I» to *> l.**** i-.ii li
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