Cal’s three-pointers end Duck season at 6-21 j Oregon's Orlando Williams shines with 27 points, but that wasn't enough to avoid a 87-76 loss By Jayson Jacoby £ffWf *>, Saturday- night the Oregon men's basketball team tried to finish the i’ui ifii -10 Conference season tiic same wav it started it. but ,i late run toll sin rt and the Out ks closed out tile year with an H?fti liws in ( ulilorniu in Berkeley The Ducks, who tin1 ( Hours 07 r> 7 in tin league opener Jan u narrowed u I i point Iruii to just three at 13-70 when John nit* Rente tipprd in Antoine Stolid.iinir* ■ miss. Hut tin*'Bears, u ho sen: . d jo get ,i three pointer whenever the\ needed one Saturday, got u trev from Bill i. I lob v an i scored tile next seven p lints put tile 1 til. k- iiw n\ The loss dropped Oregon lei oril for tins long, long s. Si HI !; I li 7 i overall Till- ! til i * finislied lust in tiie i’-ii - It) vv .t! ,i 7 Hi murk l ui fin 1 silt I u' It) irt und i ! 1 Tiie I )ui ks h iven't liud '1 bod of a record sii wtien tliev finished in: ih 1071 "7 team w • nt o 70. and the l'lHH HO sipi ai it 7 i ( tregon might not ilu V e ill O': in am ptisition tii win Sul ;i nl ! v hud Orlando Williams ; t shown up The redslnr! freshman guard had i ureer highs ol 7 7 points and nine rebounds int hiding four three-pointers Two of those treys t ame in the iirsl live minutes, is tin i hit ks rai I'd to a 1 ri ' lead Cal lame li.n k to take tilt lead at 7 5-71 hut W : i. i a ms tipped m it Stoud.more miss In give the 1 )ui ks their last , it :t7 :i l Thun Kilehv and freshman k ] Roberts tot three pointers as tile Hears went nil a 10 0 rill: to take a i omm.Hiding 1 i 17 lead, eventually upping dm id \ lil: -»!.*■ • - f 4 K. il l ■ ' h ! I ‘; 1: ( i ' I : IfiV. ' ti\ ■ fi -sid; •• !*i h.i:: u i-.rii ():■ in/ ,j K-.t-i ; • lurn-iv• ■ ’ ■ ;) , i • l"' ■’->»r i s'' in the M'l-nnd i ■ 1 ’ 1’: ih'-v did in i'llti rsd v ' ’(.! • " - •> i .• SKin l;>: 1 i.. liid >: ' . ii :.:1 k c ! \\ ■ ' ' ■ i (inlugisi liir :1 . » ' pom• ,ii i: in Hui ihi ()•••.• in s . " • ,lj • > i • " i, tliY.'ni 'ViTN, '11 i ' i '■ K i • Hi!i !..,• t!v i; ii ;: '' -i'i- ; ■■ 1 ■' : in i i. I-.!', mi! .ih<\ f iiri niiisi utmg liii' Ui'.hs !t pivl n>, vr liiUf hifiv.i m-. : within 7.1 ’() tieinrr < s 1\ I It S,.|? il r t i \ ■ I, i A i 1(5 !i; 1 '■ . vv .kS;.. tvpn. ni i d- th.- i■ 11■ i-rt-.- 51 .1 - ;; i)r■up.-is pin ■ ■ i \ my a ’A 1 ISltllt ■ ■ [irvis ■ r pi ' tiln! • in-. ht *> h li’i,, 1'i ! liiTi' Mure til l-' -nn tiling tin- t .:: 1 1V . ► • i 1 i) ■ ► • ( >' ' . ,M\. til.- h.i up 70 i;nil's v. day. w 11 u h ' ■ 1! si i i ■ 1.1 l; ' 111 ;\ '. ■ i .1 ' » ... p. ..Ill ii.l-k.'ts in■ ! lin ks . in ts!it ' !: . 1 ij pure i*nt ti) Iti pi-n ru (.,il had t t thr 1 1 -s ti. On-g n s 1 • v 1 ■ n 1 or uni I- On-gon didu 1 tidy solely on Sliiud.imin I u r p, i:".!s. t. it til) t 111 k ’ : . , ■ nusi in s more it;.in • >!■ up tor thi’ si ' 11 mg hid.nn 1 whn.h m 1 hidi-ii Stolid.mi in-'s 22 p - ids and Ki-i-i n's 1 ! ( tff|V U! s : 1 1 ' k POTATO v \KK w;i Ml N i $9.w I l ( )NN I MS \V * < , r ; ' i ! e Jis nls iltul ■ n : !n •, ins find! to! i!r tj.inir I-' ' r!, ,t:h (’ll lirtii Mill loo lu.tsiy tr* vs . '; \ . ■ ! ' - : ’' ■ ; Wish .’ () , . ' ' ‘ . A ' *- 1 i;! ( .1 ! * :: i .1 V- li i : * I j I, i: ti Is . ■« . i:ui \! n.ivr hrniJ mrmntl.fs of this m-.i rfgiinili'ss ill thf n-tuni I cnjovi’ii this siM«i;i h<; . uisii di th.■ k , I ■ Munson i : \ " !l,ll i SUIMlllS VS til'll' I i■ ijii’ii in',, s but (ftiin't on 1 :; ,1'. Illlil !l Hl.'S.' kills Iff "";; ■ i>• tti-r ni .i lot iit iirisis ! ■ ' .-in . in 11’'• !o< ki-r room I ,i ' . .! i j 1V IV U Hi S' ...) : ■ nl no i \ i on) tuit : ' • ■ • 11 sji.-i u l.t11tig m ,:,,! -1 tins i' tiri-n ■ " ! » . i, ",t {till r 10 v'.iMin sturtml You tuku anv llirff startrrs off .(nv .mil mi’ tin lull Irani, .mil I'll plus ant mu' M.lusim s.iiii Munson, who llhistnsl with lln> worst ns orii ot his ! 1 vi .it i .irror .is .1 (mlli’^i' t oat h s.itil tin' Ducks will !»• .i l.smi to watch in the Itiltiff. whi’thft In- s .it (hr hitlm or not I know ,i lot o! ] ..-tijdr w fro dis,i|)|iolnlfil this sf.ison. hut (ltfitoii f.tns art’, Munson said \s our pimple i ottif Ink k mil mii k ids i tinif I long, t: . v II have a good I::::.- ill Mat l our! and I'tljov this If.on Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Weasel's World Kraig Norris BOOK BUYBACK today : | H hit ft f rytC DUCKS DOIT 24 HOURS tfD*nr TANNING CENTER 13th & Patterson 342-1727 Guido's Guido's Guido’s Guido’s St. Patrick’s Day Party Green Beer Live Music With The Little Luck o' the Irish Arnold Brothers & The Motor City Rhythm Section Party starts at 4 (X) Music 10.(H) 343-OMI tor info