Ore van Daily o MONDAY, 16.1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 121 EMU directors clash with IFC over budgets jThe two groups differ on where to make cuts: student positions or administration By Daralyn Trappe t "ii'.i : Asso i'. • i' ' The I.Mi Rii.1 r11 <11 Directors and !ii Incidental !•»■<• ( nminilti c won t "a >■-I lor' a budget hearing until next month but the battle lines fieiw een the gr -ups havi already lieen drawn \lter weeks id di'b.ite imi no-eiing- ■■■ !ween the !',M1 bu.ird uid the !!•(.' .ds.i.t where iuts should be made the i Ml budget < ommitler approved i 1UU u.1 budget Indus afternoon that trued 1H ' members Sura Dodge and Robert (Iru/, ltletnl»-!s d itie let is lie, is tile I.MI ' eigi t committee. voted against the budget that passed. Indiiv s meeting was tvpic a! id others tai betweei groups reientlv with anger and frustru tion the overriding emotions ae.d it) to ill students often sitting in to support the IK li t members contend that the pro posed budget makes too many uts in ( bad uate Teat lung I ei low ship positions, student emplmee iubs ,md night manager slaff positions II * members have drawn up their own proposal that would cut bai k on some administrative positions and salaries II fl members contend that lewcr stu dent positions w ould have to tie i ut d the i-.Mt.t board Was willing to i : dm id ministralive cuts During the meeting, lei mi mliers irterreil to tile : Ml stall from administration down, us top heal V Students an- going to get hummere.t l uiit Cru/ said How in student e|ei led representatives vote ii favor of Turn to EMU P-igu Tropical tango Mentiery. at the Haw3n Club practice native turcr- '■ -r H'( ■ '.puny :uu to be hcht on April /.' in tl < EMU Baltic* >m if ar i>V./A; ( t’”' perti a (liner ot the Muon i i ■ v i i ft New . e. i i l TATTOO YOU Sports editor, Jake 'the snake' Berg, goes through the process of getting a tattoo See TATTOO, Page 8 JUST A REMINDER... This is the last issue of the Oregon Daily Emerald for winter term. Publica tion will resume on the first day of classes for spring term, March 30. FINAL HOOP * The Bruins handed * the Ducks their final * loss for the season | Saturday, 83-76. Se« SPORTS, Page 12 Conference to feature native peoples j Speakers from the world over will address the preservation ot indigenous cultures during four day gathering By Rene DeC.tr indigenous peupi” from 'ill over the world will gather in Eugene next wr. * it; .in unpn •< edented gathering lo find wavs lo pn serve their iulliir.il heritage and their I find rill’ four-dav cnnlereni r. wllii h IS open In ihr public, will feature 21 s|n -akers from mu li i nunlriis .is Mexico. I’rru. New Zealand ind ( .m.id.i I . ature I will lx- 22 panels and 1 *> work.shops on sm ti topics .is rainforest preservation, women's roles, and arl and culture of in digenuus people Ru hard Si line der, World l’eai e University i ham el lor and i onferim i nordmator said indigenous people are thosi who wer.- tin- original mhahdant.s of a region before coloni/.ii u -rt b\ i liter people Native Amer i.i:., native South Americans. Hawai ians. Canadians arid people from Costa Kh.i are all ex ampins of indigenous people. Si hnetder said "We're going to have more medu me men and high tribal leaders than have been gathered in one olace, ' Schneider said "It really is an ini redible list The conference ailed "l’eai e and the Plane! Native Wisdom. Native Rights ,md Motfu-r i..irlh. will t.«k«• V in li .M» r V Kivir Inn .mil will tie hru.idi as! t \ i • r the ( osla Hu '.an based Kudin fur I’eane llni ut die mm Is id tin- i unfiti'ni i is to in'lp etpup in digi nous people will) I'lonmnii .mil legal inloiin.ition th.it tin s ( .in use in their own • mintrv Schneider s.nd tin- < tmferent:»! is nisi) .in attempt to lim'd bridges Irluirn non indigenous people .ind in digenous unis. ,im! to flit it support from non native people This is going to hf .1 wonderful i tint.ition proi css," In s.nd 'It's going to take cvervlmdv on this to limin' it work lor i.; to he thf orifs to see th.it I s done. St hneider Mill ( i remomes w . .pen with -i walk ol n.dions. le.itur ■ ,:i ■ r. present it . • • Irtmt d ifferi-nt tribes .mil n.dions dressed III tin ;r native regalia 1’n si lit lit Ions will he giv to .n both n.itivi I.in^u.iges anti bngllsh Stuill'tlis get s spec l.ll df.ll otl 1 he tori |e rent e , whit il will t ost SMS for lour days tut lulling four lunches at Valley River Inn The tost for non students is Slur> A daily rate for students is S2f> ,mii Sr><) for non-students lor more information t all 74 1 -1 7*14