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Purchase lunch pass at University Housing or call .S46-4277 for more information. By Layne Lakehsh ! mm no fotflOan "iodI t clrtof “(live me mi Komeo anti w hen he shall die. lake him ami t ul him out in little shirs, anil he will make the fine of Heaven so fine that till the wnrlii will lx- in love with night ami pay no warship to the garish sun Twus Juliet Unit spoke those words 'Twin. William Shakespeare that taught ail the world to love the heavens And, Saturday night. It will he the Universi ty advanced Shakespeare acting (lass and the Planetarium that will bring the two Shake sj>eure s words and the night skv together The show, whic h will begin at 8 p in in the Planetarium. 2300 Leo Harris Parkway, will feature Improvisations interspersed with se le< ted sc cues from six of Shakespeare's plays "Performing Shakespeare surrounded by the nigh! skv is the lies! experience." said Robert Harton, the acting ( hiss professor " Ills writing is full of roferenc es to the stars so he s a perfec t c omplement to the Planetarium " The love ol hen yen makes i me he,n enl\ All of the c lass' students will take part in the show, whether they portray a character from one of the selec ted plays or portray an Improvising Shakespearean persona I he show has an interesting format in that some parts are very light and other parts are less structured. Barton said "After one si one. (or instance, someone may ask for someone's hand in marriage and they may acc ept or re jec t. and so on There's no script for these parts It just kind of digresses for a while, and then we go hue k to a s< one "Make th\ two eyes like shirs shirt from their spheres The whole evening's show will !«■ set as if in an LI I/a bet ban court Complete \s itfi costumes music and special lighting, the performance Photo by Shindtor Russall Dyball, ona of tha class mam bars, par forms a piaca of iha show that will ba saan in tha Pianatanum on Saturday night. will take audience members bar k to Shake speare's days and nights Hut even with all of this, one thing will lie different different for us. anyway As an extra bonus, tfie night skv displayed in the Planetarium dome won't fie the one we re used to seeing "We will use the Elizabethan view of the universe. " said Jon Klvert, the Planetarium's director "It was seen nun h differently tiack then." "I uni as <(instant as the northern star, of whose true, fixeil, and restinf; quality thi'n• is no fellow in the firmament " Those involved with the props t s.iv It will be an experience well worthwhile "Perform ing under the stars is inc redible and Shake speare's words are beautiful," said Coleman Zeigen one of the students who will be play ing an improvisationul role, "and, under the stars, those words are even more beautiful." Tickets, selling for Si general and SI slu dents seniors, t an lie purchased by calling wet t.SOO TRUFFLE Continued from Page 7 tnuustic iinii elec iri< guitars the bass amt tin' mandolin. to namr .1 few Although Savoy Truffle has never appeared in Oregon !*■ fore, previous lours have tuk«-n them .is f.ir west .is Uolomdo, Nias Miah ii .mil Wyoming, where they played sold-out ram erts A more recent concert .it Stanford University, the band s first perform.ime In California, was sold out as well, even though Koss said that notxtdv there hud ever heard of Ifie bund He attributed sell-outs like these to word of mouth Peo ple talk about tins hand." fie Silid All,nn Zaeks, ol the sponsor mg l.MU Cultural forum, salii that they first hi'arii of Savov Truffle through an agent They re in a familv of hands with Mines Traveller a rr d l’hlsh, ' he said Moth ol those hands plavixl at the Cmversltv t>e|ore and fjotll to sell out shows and /.ails expects that Savoy Truffle will attract a large cri>w d as well So far. Zar ks said that tii kel sales are fair, hut sim e Savo\ Truffle doesn't usually have ad yarn ed tu ket sales, lie expects that 'Mt |H?n:ent of the sales w ill take place at the door on the night of the show ■'They're a jammln improve satlonal hand that'll play until all flours of the night." Zacks Sittin ’ Pretty ! Personalized Professional House- Sitting | You ’re north the pence of mind l Bonded W hat’s important to you is important to me l osing (are For Home And Pels 345-8415 i One FREE \ isil W ith This Ad i said It's what the Lugene ( rowd digs " Their music: is easily ndat .ililc. Russ said "It's heavy into extended jams It's also not too weird It's ridati'd to bluesy ris k and full and has a i lassii rock sound like the Allman Itrothers "You're never going to leave one (of their live shows) with out being really sweaty they're very dam cable Appearing with Savoy Truf fle will he Little Women, a band tfvat performed in liugene seven months ago. and opening for both hands will lie The Mothertones Tickets, which sell for S