‘Naked Lunch’ revels in oddities FVM fiimkmd Lunch ka currantly avowing M tha Bijcmj Art Clnamaa Ralad R • «•* I b»9*m> • • mmti to • • • t+m «*»• w#* «m Bill Lee in iin ex terminator with ,i problem While he's on .1 ](>h shooting roach poison into the walls he lines phnnahly runs out When he tries to ev plain, ms ooss m i uses mm pi stealing it ami the Chinese guv who dispenses the stuff laughs as he tosses some of the roach powder into fits mouth When Bill returns home, he finds the answer to the missing powder mystery His wife is injecting the powder into her bosom Tins is the opening of Naked l.unch Ihe drug induced scenes haven't even begun yet it certainty is compelling, though David Cronenberg is a director who tins already ere ated, with his films, a unique visual world Here, he takes on tile unenviable task of adapting the William Burrough s book of tile same name the one peo pie have been classifying as un adaptable for years The narrative structure of tiie film is odd The introduc tion is a set up for an interest ing and simple plot Bill Lee wants to write a book Then we have the middle portion of the film, which is as visually stun ning and incoherent as a drug induced hallucination It's then revealed the! lie's ■ OW’t**VpNjh5 Joan La* (Judy Davit) it tha ante of William taa (Paiar Wallar). a writar whota Imagination plunges him into a nightmarish world of tpiat and monttart in N*k»d Lunch written tin' bulk, of the tx>ok without knowing it l ie' blood staim-d pages .ire found by bis be.itnik friends .is he's tempo rarity brought out of his nan ot k -induced state There's a name for the sane tuarv in his mind It's a plant that looks a little like the streets of Tangiers d the city were relocated in the bow els of hell It s called the lnter/one in the lnter/one, Bill's typewriter becomes a beetle like Ix'ing that speaks from a huge sphinc ter on its back In a bar. be meets a Mugwump, a grotesque c rea lure that oozes a milky sub stance that affix ts a person .is if they were addicted to sex As you may be able to tell. Vakei/ l.uni h is not a film easy to des< ribe in .1 lv (in .il m■inner Absolutely re< nm.mend.fug it r not is hard to do After .ill, it is ,i film vshioh slimss the world through the glared eyes of .1 junkie At least you know you 1 an leave after two hours A film like tins is suet essfuI if it ran 1 reate a world as it ex ists in the i harai ter's mind and surround the audience with si milur senses In that way. Cronenberg and Peter Weller as Hill, work magK If you are willing to give up « your perception of reality, then you will enjoy the excursion ( into a world of Mood, sex, slimeon/lng creatures and ( on fusion By Lucas J Gutman Fmeant t . ' Input: < Savoy Truffle to play a jammin’ show E3y Meg Dedoiph Emerald ( of!-• hast Const band Savoy Truffle is bringing their unique, blues influent ed improvisational rut k to the WOW Hull, 291 W Kighth Ave tonight a! M pm The itund s members began playing together in 1'iiU). and according to Brian Koss of Family Tree Productions, started as a rhythm-and blues rover band Since then, through bard work and energetic, live performances it bus tiernine the most pope lar ( lull band on the Northeastern sear oust, Ke.. said "Thev're protwblv the hardest working bar 1 in America on the lub t.ireuil." Kos- s.n I nHny t>1.11 the band Ivpically ptavs between .!(»(> ami ’’ V> live show s i i !; . ir Koss altritiuled ibe band s < urrent populare.\ !■ their phenomenal live shows and a strong < onne< lion tielween liie audieni e and the tsind Hi' also added that the band members are all Ver satile players Their 1‘t‘il (d). Talking with Cho^ls. is no eV. ceplion the four band members plav slide. Tum to TRUFFLE Page 3 Ilu KAVEQ5.3 PrcM-ntb: \Jwh $ x» M -i* ••« s • • i ij,.j. ,, 5; ->0 k.i $» 00 Support Your Iih.i1 Iluatrc McKenzie Theatre 630 Main St. (Downtown Sj [ \ JEWELRY DESIGN STUDIO 1502 WltametTe St 343 2290 Regular Bu*ne« Hou'i Tue* Frl 9am 1pm 2pm 6pm Sat 10am 4pm V vs I HE MUVIt U1NDBL0WER } Of THE YEAH n NAKED U N C H r .'00 JO ^ ‘TWO THUMBS UP. TERRIFIC!* In.M.IWbylM 'MIUIWII If'Life is Sweet !L the new comedy by mike Icijh r.v.tn<1 m: i1mmmmrwrna.fiI»T1 H’M L'MHI-IIt: n« •X'lfAlt: DEMRO .NOLTE LANGE mm \\ f FREE MUSIC I BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* frj) One coupon per customer per day fWe Pay Cash $$ For Used Records, Tapes & CD’s '(Free used record or tape of equal or lesser value) HAPPY TRAILS 161 E 13TH • 485-5351 Alpine Import Service The Volvo Specialists .Jl lit r»J I C ' I i • I '< > V< >1 IK, RADIATOR4 m o rvi i i i X Prvaauna Teat X X Hoae Inapectlon X Thermoetat Check Radiator Fb*vr Flushed indoor* 1 qsiIo* COOiS^t •Ct ASE Certified Techs tr One day serves imott worin One full year guaranty (on |I tV UPS parts serves to out o( town VOi VO owners MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30 5:30 COM/ 726-1808 ROM AIM'OIN f Ml N I 12th and MAIN in SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477