IN THE STORE |10% OFF anything! 1 AT I POSTERS CD'S LAZAR’S BAZAR I Regular | or aale Price CLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall SHOES j CARDS J GIFTS * mm mm mm ^m Sm J LIVE MUSIC MEMBERS OF UNSHAKABLE RACE REGGAE & BLUES 9 OO-MIDNIGHT Bubba's 344^95 BflRBUUE 8 6HILL DUKE Continued from Page 1 (Invcmur of Louisiana and l- S Senate together raised more than SS mill ion and won 1 i million votes Keisling added that Duke, ''may not get the press he may want, hilt he has been recognized as i candidate for the Repub In an nomination David Duke has more name rei ogmtlon than I’nt Buchan an, Keisling said Keisling said the rat e baiting of Buchanan. who has more mainstream Republic an support, is similar to Duke s tar:ti< s Herkrnan at first < one eded that i barge, fail later Isu k pedaled during a question and answer pericx) There is a signifu ant difference between Duke and Buchan an. Berk man said, but Buchanan has said some tilings that make people coni erned. myself included Keisling stresses! that having Duke on the Oregon billot does not rnean the state is ad via atlng or supporting him I.egitimai \ doesn't i nine bv getting on the ballot.” Keisling said, but by getting public support keisling said Duke s message is better brought out in the open so it i an be refuted When we put tins kind of politic s into the sunshine, it c an not flourish like it does in the dark. Keisling said The debate was put on b\ the Rubicon Society, a moderate group of mainstream Republicans Living In University Housing Is more affordable than you think... Off-Campus Living • $.r)30/inonth lor rent, food and utilities* • Cooking everyday • Washing dishes everyday • Hassle of commuting/parking • 7.r>< washers/ 7f>< dryers • $ 1H 1(> monthly phone sendee •Cost lutnlshrd l>v I In uu l it Aid lor lOtll 'C' On-Campus • $2(->H/month lor rer t, food and utilities* • Food prepared for you all you c an eat • 1 )ishes washed lor you • 5 10 minute walk to c lass • washers/ lree dryers • Free loc al phone service •< <>st 1 i.isnI on rrm.tlfulrt ol at ailrmlc contract. Pamper yourself and live where the living is easy! Living on-campus will make you happier, wealthier, more comfortable and more secure ...for more Information, contact university Housing at 346-4277 Immediately. ARE FINALS KEEPING YOG (IP ALL NIGHT? Need a coffee break? BEGINNING MARCH 17 — AND THROUGH MARCH 20th — BlIKCEK KINO ' ON FRANKLIN BLVD. WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 2 AM. We'll have FREE coffee tr free soft drinks ALL night for you ut Burger Kingv. SHOW YOUR STUDENT I.D. CARD I’Ki I comm \ i ki:i mi:dh m sorr drinks avaii.ahi.i-: 9pm - 2am ET ALS mkhtnc. S tudrnt llralth Insurant p ( ommillw wil. rrwart Sunday nigh? a' ft K) at 12V, S' St Apt S Mudmli for Otaym It* »«m will have .i» firt; orgaruMthna tonight from ft to * in I V’i famtury R■-■■m A kv«ryww» tntrn»*tnd tn tha philov- }*hy ? Ayn Kami i» urgnd to at'.and S'! so: l ! ASXK S *To Pnrtwr! Molhra f wrlh a film and ♦ {•■aking rvnn! with ( -aiftc Ikann and OlU»f Raymond YnwwlJ of thr W*»*!rm Shoahonr* wiu S« tonight from ft to ft in Room 177 UwTrr.' p A m»**p!ion w II follow Sw Uwr Irrr f r*day nvrnti w fwi today lr m 10 am to *» p m in lh» 1 Ml ( /mftyafd IMI Board of D»r>< I ora Mu dart (ammliiw will havo a publh hranns tnuay at i w p m KMl (a-dar H '»>* A ami H Population IKiuniM • in Pink Salmon Awls and M >d«U will hr the »"pj< of ar r-. oiogy ■ oiitKjulum today at v to pm tn H -n 11 : VS iiUmettr /krjii/tnr .'or tuhmituri# ht Alt i<> the Kmrr.1 d /font drti /.Ml Suit*’ UW* /* noon th* da> /»*•'iff* jiuhln jtton ti Alt run tho 1/4y ,f ihf rvrnl un/i'u tha ryrnt pi* r h*(ott* noon \,t/< ft <( nirnfi with < ./.»h .01 on of > /fr. n < har^r w/// not h«» u. ••pltui ( jm;im **v**nf» and lhos*r u hf*dulrtd nnarv\t ihr put-: • ufion ,/iff w pri vity J hf \ mor.iiij fpypfuM fA»*' ri^hl to *• / / nofj. os hv nr*rnnur and */> f«* MOBILE: I COME TO YOU! raHE-an 8CYL.: $45 • 4 CYL.: S30 PncesndudespaiV plugs Cal Jm at Tune-Ups Plus 746-7672 ££ I NICARAGUA | §>5 txTwo Years After & K» the Elections: A Sandinista Update A PRESENTATION BY NICARAGUAN CONGRESSMAN RAY HOOKER Monday 7:00 pm March 30, 1992 EMU Fir Room :'*■ « U v* a*;. :a\5^ v*' DUCKS DOIT 24 HOURS R DRY