EDITORIAL Election ’92: Lions, tigers and bears! With proposals under way like the official "loot's Keep California on Our Side" metal cable link up pro ject, and the introduction of relevant campaign topics like the "Bombard and Eliminate White Bread" effort, sand-box tactics are at their l>est. OK. so there is no attempt to keep California, and white bread is here to stay, but don’t let the lies bother you — they fit right in with the '92 presidential race. Voters have recently had the pleasure of experienc ing an often inaccurate, exaggerated, half-true cam paign. whether they know it or not. Some examples: When Iowa Sen Tom Harkin was still in the race, he ran an ad stating he was the "only one with the guts to stand up for your family" by vot ing against the president's authority to negotiate a free trade agreement with Mexico. Must have been rough, going it alone like that. Luckily Harkin didn't really have to find out .tK other senators and 192 House rep resentatives joined the man in his quest for the ulti mate “no" vote. Then there's Pat Buchanan, who promised to "use the line-item veto to stop wasteful government spend ing." Great idea Pat. though there's one small problem - a presidential line item veto doesn't exist. But don't worry; our boy Bush got him back with an ol' half truth to the left Bush c laimed that Buchan an's "America First" trade policy "threatens 1M.OOO jobs in Georgia." Though the figure does aicount for the total num ber of Georgia’s trade-related jobs, the ad alludes to the possibility of Buchanan killing them all off Buchanan has stated, however, that his get tough stance would shield those jobs while creating more via increasing ex ports. So, do truth in advertising laws ring a bell? What about laws requiring the media to re[>ort the truth7 Though rules like these are admittedly bent and often broken, the ideal remains a good goal to shoot for. Truth. Nic e sound to it. huh? An ideal our politicians should be held accountable for (hspei iallv considering it w.ls such a scare commodity in the 1‘lHOs.) This tol erance of fantasia in our presidential race is ridiculous. These candidates obviously feel they can get away with fooling "their" public, and sadly, they are As suming the politii al leaders of this country are hell bent on the highest standards of morality, or at least decent enough not to intentionally deceive (lie to) the public, voters tend to swallow every slice of apple pie they are fed. Considering this campaign serves as an indicator of this country’s political future, it’s in our l>est interest to iH'gin demanding accountability from these individuals — now LETTERS POLICY Li tters to the editor must he limited to no more than 2fil) words, legible, signed and the identifu ation of the writer must tie verified when (tie letter is submitted Oregon Path Emerald po »o* m* i uct.Nf o«igon*moj TNa (Vugon D,t > f nwdki *. txAv'iahad iU;>Y Monday though > «k»y dating iMa *>y I ">«ra*J Put>«h*ng C-O Ire 01 IN# l*W«rvfy 0* 0«®«X' I ( V«g<>1 I\ -»>****’ opteaf«s Oupundont^ at Wm LirwttrVty w*h o-*f<<%! Swia 300 0? f^« I Mam anal IJruo' a?%S <* * o' tha rt’«! Pnn» ( mar*«1 ■» pr-vale p/oparty I S* un.;,»* 1 r*rrtav*< tv .•%« O* jwlpiK'* n proaaculai>a Managing I tMor t (Mortal I dfioc Graphtca t drior I mtflalrvnifil ( drtor f anor m Chiaf f*AS Ca!*’«a ! .A*’’ Pavay l Sly •%«» l OfcoHh rnfW4oprt*ir B«f Naara l <»of I (Mortal f dttor Spona I door In Touch l dltor Chna Bouna»'* Don PuUv* Bor g Community Kara OaCftf f aaturaa l iu» MAagan Night f drtor (>«.»> t Trappa Aaaoctata I dll or a Sludanl Gov arnm ant Act hr Htaa [Va'ayn I-appa Nrghar I ducatton AdmmratraUon Carna liar 'Wt Haporiara Tommy Batay I’tevid C ^artxv'>«*. Karan I ng** Jayaon UacoOy BwwJw mv’ t iont hooppng K-'Mttr l .xjim >A>pa Hmm>on Cot****' l*oMig Copy I dttor a Don I Ka'ot I nga* I ’**! liagor Pat* Ito/vor^or srw^a Mfha. Kaihy Shirtot* Pttoiographara T*oalor MeNaa* Sh»nd«r Advancing Jaan ftrwfcay Set*! Dana. I «* ■« I «\ Daw! G\rvUm lAeAm* Hm i*r K ifx/r Tom l oa* Randor fWy Ca!**r n« IVr>*u Dt.pm SJaM Vck. Tob*n S?won Va/ CtaaaAiad Paggy McCann. M.r WV* Aian C Sh*va t CK»v'.*o Buainaaa Kaf*>y GartxxM S.pm«*v >«jy Corvx>»y Production Ingres W**o Production C-CKWhn*tat Sara?* t r-v *< I ** s s«j G'tt 'g ar Su-iAT IAmkI. Janndar lA*w> Duo IAa-oPC S-’acy • J*v fA>.* «i! J*rw.far Sman Anna Slaprw>M>' Jo'”' W * j « T v*A2 W ' a-'t Gana/al Ma'wigar j *N 'Ui Advanramg Drraclor Bryit- R v>pfaaJga Production Managar M, ’*►* fA»i Nawaroom 144-5511 Drap^ay Advamamg 544 371? Buamaaa Off tea 544 551? Ciaaarfiad Adv artiamg 546-4 543 : ***''teTb'WN Ti&cftTro* TOKbPIDM m ;_-.fC’. yM> 7t %\i fawNK5,weJ»ojfl LETTERS Sorry Fditor Jason Moore ami (I I I writer (larv Murrell ol the Student Insurgent have not deigned to apologize to those Jewish students who took ol funse at their artu les A paper that is supposed to stand against racism did not. does not and prulrablv will not apol oglze to the Jewish students w ho feel the finger ol disc rirnt nation coming from their pa per Instead, the editor in chief and the writer of the articles that mans believe lire hateful at least, and rac ist .it most, per sunnily attack the director of the Jewish Student I'nion on the Insurgent* pages I lies i all him "McCarthyite" and a "demagogue " That's what they do Hut what they don't do Is apologize for a possible misunderstand ing, for hurting someone's feel ings Whv? Human history has seen thousands of years of Jewish persecution and slaughter com mitted by propagandized and Insensitive non Jews that cul minated with the Holocaust only a few decades ago And now here at the t diversity, non Jews like lason Moore and (,ary Murrell at the Student In surgent. have freer! lalrelling the c ,impels rabbi and the Jewish Student lfnion direr tor 'Me ( arthvite" and calling the local Jew ish c ommunity organization deadly w ill use- any means to get y ciu It is so sad to see the seeds of hate in our university's back yard Brian Jones International studies llliterature Regarding the bookstore's de c ision to keep Penthouse on the shelves While I applaud Tuner thy Lavden [ODE. l-'eb (i) for "being personally opposed to violence!," I have! to question the1 value of such an abstrac t at titude m the- apparent absence of any will to penetrate the his torical and psychological ori gins of violence against women (ironically, in view of his stated majors). I'll.' uncritic ..I iilislra. tru ss of la-vdon's support of the prim i [lies of free spetx li is troubling Woold he consider it virtuous support for freedom of spec, h if the bookstore were to offer the X.itumnl iliufuirrr. hut not the Vow York I'imrs to sto. k textbooks on "creation sc i en< e. hut not evolution' How is it appropriate. then, lor the bookstore to offer us the blatant misrepresentation of human sexuality found in the letters section of I’cnthousv without at the same time pro viding access to quality erotica which might dispel some of the ignorance endemic to our eul lure on which /’ent/roose and similar illiterature depends for its readership7 Marek Lees Men Against Rape No Peters This is anything but the l ine I’rint." Don Peters (ODE, March 11) The suggestion to solve the University's financial woes though ( ommerciali/ation (humorous though they almost are), are abusive to the m (mess of the issue Hy trivializing the issue, your argument represents and ere dorses a belief that informed judgment is unnecessary fur thermore. with the ominous prospect of the privatization of schools looming on the ei o nomI. horizon at both the state and federal level, the jokesf?) you field concerning commer . lal answers are disturbing Public education is possibly the only forum left in which the possibility of personal de velopment is not directly gov erned and dictated by the dol lar Obviously, the inequalities in funding of different s. h.xil districts temper this argument, but it is my contention that the school system, in general at least, oporules on an ideal of creating equality in education Leaving education to lie gov erned by the marketplace is putting it Into a realm where social inequalities already abound especially for wom en and minorities Privatizing education, in my view, can onjv load to the unequal distri bution of educ ation akin to that of wealth In the marketplace Please, Peters, replace the useless, sophomoric wit of the l ine Print" column with calls to informed judgment about this issue Admitting that brevi t\ does Injustice to this issue, there are mv Tr>0 words Shalen Parker Student Disrespect As fee-paying students, we attended the IK'./lvMtJ meeting Ilti and FMIJ representatives got together to discuss the per centage cuts on costs of the fcIMlJ. A group of students pre sented a proposal to merely dis cuss the cost of the existing FMU management structure The suggestion was to open a dialogue between the students. IIC. FMU Hoard, OPFU, and the (. IT Federation discussing hMt' budget (flanges rather than simply cutting student employment and (ill- posi tions A debai le ensued Commit tee members began to argue idxnit procedural matters Anita Stacey, an il l member, left the meeting in disgust, refusing to listen to the students proposal As students, we were greatly offended that she re I used to lis ten to our concerns Near the end of the discussion, an FMU olfii ial questioned the presence of the students The official re ferred to tile students as "the people" as one of the propo nents of the pro|>o.sul Consider mg that the majority of students present were students ol color, many of us resented the "your people" reference I'he student officials pro )ec ted an attitude ol dlsrespec t and disregard for the students This disrespect is greatly re sented considering that they were disc ussing the students' future without student involve ment Although the OPFU. (TIT’ Federation, FMU management, and the students agreed to open dialogue, we still felt the con duct of the FMU Board and the IPC was unacceptable. The FMU is for students, and stu dent concerns need to be the priority. Enrique Rodriguez Felicia Lam-Rodrlguez Edward Beanes Jorge Golcochea Students