Guido’s Guido’s Guido's Guido’s St. Patrick’s Day Party Green Beer Live Music With The Little I Aick o' the Irish Arnold Brothers & The Motor City Rhythm Section Party starts at 4:(X) Music 10:00 tor inf< DUCKS Continued from Pnqe 9 Oregon crashed through the Trojans' 62 r>4 lead with a huge 1 7 ■ S run spark nr) by Start Waltrntxirn's nine points riur trig that spurt Wullenborn, who hail a tram-high 22 points and eight rebounds. made a driving lav in with six minutes left broke ,i 67 67 tie and gave the l)ur ks the lead Two free throws later, Ore gon had its biggest lead of the game. 7] 67. We came bar k and made a game of it. Heinv said. "We i nuld have wiin tonight Hut I S( s l.isa Leslie turned it around Leslie, who scored a game high 2') points on ! .1 of 20 shooting, in! a baseline jumper to bring I St. within 71-00. and she sank another jumper min utes Liter to give the Trojans a 7 1-71 lead The 6 foot rv t en let's three pointer -it 1 1 -t onlv iier second of the year put the t he Troja ns a head 7fi 7 t file Oregon item ii outsi ored its i st counterpart 2l) r> (ir' ai w i i i illllsii its se,iso'n Satuid.u at p ill at Nb Arthur ( a -tilt against ' ( I .A \ Ml KM I) ( I ASSII If OS Call I4l> 4)4) Before I ,).m. Toitav I n 1'iTTI s t o "Work f ur 'i mi I omormu1 105 PERSONALS iQS PERSONALS S< off A Alex. Shake that okolr because You're loo aejry for hula 7 F of all youf typing needs ISee Se< !k >n 11 \(I> A‘I> Congratulations to our new Execs! Hi«ah Chair Vic# Praa \ fit I d T raaaorar M#c Sac Ad Aaaiatant f\*>Hc Malalnna Chaplin Pan Datagata Mia tor lan Social Chair Scholar ah$) Philanthropy Houaa »^jr Corresponding Sac AdhrMraa Song l aadar Love, Your A<1> Alkaon A Mona! D Knatin (i Anna P Paan W Molly C Amy S Carolina M W hi! nay M Sarah G JannyC Suaan W Mo My k Knata M Bacra G Sisters A4> I <1>H 1 H ; ( ongr alula ttona to Mho Ch*a SAart P Pftig* l Jocatyn M ( arl^n S Kan D Way to Go' ▼ You* Sratara I B L >< V ■ > • »>. »■*! Love, I H no LOST 4 FOUND Did you ftnd a aat o< hay* tv..v * O'-?". >«*»'»■! ?V\; lor,' . •xx MA t ’ t «V t * 41 U*- t4- . I oat I Nn gold btatalat «% r ■*> : M •> \t • » *> lUma'U '4* MS « l oat Wool giovaa 1 . !*► *im> * 1 i * * tt • ti o A .« t*M ' . 4M Lost Red Bridgestone t 2 afwad wr (wdaiauapa Call Scott 44U 46®* ns TYPWG SERVICES A )(4 O'W H'.rtVN • i.UAf) '»< Mix X APWOVI t) .* y«fc* <■ $' >v A ** p?t". estufvj M f A(.l f f Y| f YP1M. f 01 TIM. f ASTVPI WOHO PHOCt SSING l imi (X ml my *dNtng p»oof "Mdtng 5 p*aM ,ri ,n MJ-3TM f l YiNG f tN< «t MS Typ»ng (••t kcuiii* pfoT#*»*on*l tl (X'»p*g* up 4iU 9016 JO Hit TYPING PHO , - in; i- M .wi ' « ,1 fjrf* * 1 .1 » ' ' U P#gOt • T VPM^3 s*'"r* \ *'*»■ «• »•; *>;•!• r'“ A, - i M > • > *• C»M P#gyy •* W? 44Mv« WOMSSIONAI TYPING , h , v,. ,i» , *« I ’ 1 ‘ *■ T Mi WORD SPt Cl At RTS »S. v\' * » w\* -w i [ %** »• -v I’A s’ „ .t*l A, , •• .a , fiU , t* ‘ Ml"- QfOiJ >• S " W. '«P -I \VM« I» IP ' U CINOY TYPING UNLIMITED H«rt>«r« lind ^^3 ■ *»•'■. 1 ^ * ***** % ’ ° *■ ’ ns TYPING SERVICES Punted tent to fS CIA NN E R Si 7474589 *■> \ is V 144 4 f> 10 I \ il ■ 'N!' IK' M | 605 I t ith HoTUTOMjG 1 •! v#*r G#»man •• i SO FOR SALE HSC Now you can aflofd • • *•*> A. ' **' . Vi ' ■ Cotof TV 19 ‘ •-» • i-. 4,1* * S ’» Nii*l*r*do « 18 garnaa ♦ • > f.. -,*■*, U Wo»d p»OC»*NO< ■ ' Vv^i I*' HIST 1 ♦ f l K t 145 BUY OR TRADE nhMiiiiitn B»./yw*g uaasd l a* i SOI a (*“•'* ahsrta JS pr Watat 32 * goo^ COfWfttwn ? 8’48 m PETS l Mi HAL ' ASSif ii 0 A ycm ■ ! *» 7§ Pfym Arrow *4*r» , i-i, M . M v , V Pf*ux1* • * * for Saw ’i**‘j Honda voou » . .. -V W ’« 1 v ' 4 y am • ha ■ l - , «K< * Yamaha Hadvan 600 <•' - :*v i •• m «j • % 4 **" •* 154 BICYCLES MC I rail WO -■>» . , ; . * :r <-■ U‘| iTT!>V'Jii=;4a.ljngrai A T * T computer with hard drtva mondor and fcaytward l‘*00 r7*-*MS 170 SOUNO SYSTEMS CASH* .. • - ■■■ I *»• m » Sony componanta ra< amp u*»* }«* > ■ s * • .1 ' >:«J V ' • *,ly • ,M1»^ ‘ i ft. * w . i * m/ • . «u S'-- mi :mj 1 170 SOUND SYSTEMS XV.’ Rockford f o**^*io "•» " * r* 1 ■•* V- • - * . ’ AM 190 SKI EQUIPMENT for Nordic* *ki boot* A »• s H . tKi’ onti' - y IV or oruf Pa *t >44 '4' ' 195 TRAVEL SPRING BHt AK A NO SUMMI R l -m 'ivir. t .. ;.■« S'xl A*, a A1 • ky , t*- ■,v«4. ' <* oi- W# '44 Ki*v.' 205 OPPORTUNITIES CANDIDATES 11»2 t i#ction PacA»ta NOW Av*iL*t>N m t MU SuHA 4 ASUO f r«« Artjonna I uropAAn f aciaI A a' .'a: ps,-'* SimAA $*r- ca-'u No « -a a? v« ex UNItfig 04 or* 0» group • d » Ary* titf/ 1&T4_ GuArantood f inarvOAl A*J Soc'f uft ••u»,k ?. »opr»om(XMb and fl’Ad *i .ii* % • 800 8/2 «*1 ?400 ★★★★★★★★★ 2 1 ★ Rent one movie ★ and second rental ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ M 344-2691 ★★★★★★★★★ of equal of lesser value is free Expires 4/15/92 1888 Franklin Blvd. \ 'nr 'n <■ V. f sil\ I ksl \U \ II t ( 1 / X V Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU J S " • •( : ' V? r 1 .< > f1. ' .1 • t 'hi U-V h ■■ t IU ASK -riOH/UM*" Sift / you've CMNuev. KJP. i ukb THAI