Create ycur own FULL COLOR r*v T-SHIRTS photosVartwork HIC.M QUALITY I MAC It A MRflCTCirr '*&*, ***** '**m >n«r& kinko'S ltie cnpy imlrf 5 ,0v«O MttiKcrr A) WjUCjljgjn^ .*****_ VHWJADWTURE Kviuitmvvpuu 1 r*JTuLfr imgiiUniii You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore. PRE-INVENTORY SALE • 13% off Storewide • Friday, March 13tM Saturday, March 14th Save on clothing, shoes, boots, camping gear and accessories - 2 DAYS ONLY! CLOSED Sunday for inventory < Discount (Jin', not apply to previous purchaser. MKENZIE OUlf IT TC KtS \ 79 W Broadway we'll Pay You 1/2 THE NEW STUDENT PRICE On Books Needed For Spring Term At Our Main Store March 11-20 EMU Location March 16-20 Fast, Computerized Service I.llli A kint-aiil • >i-Sai ENTERTAINMENT Science for inquiring minds 1,001 Things Everyone Should Know About Science by James Trefil Doubteday . 1992 305 pages Hardcover price: 120 ★ ★★ Why don't hurricanes i’ht cm c nr in Kansas7 How doers one rotten apple spoil the whole laurel? When' ciid the earth come from, or the sun7 To some, these questions are nerciy trivia Hut for anyone in terested in things sc lentific . or just rurtous. I.(KU /Vimgs l \ ervcine Shouhl kiwis Ahttul .Science is a good [dace to dis cover the secrets of the natural vs orld At a tune when sc ientific lit crnt v or any kind of literal y swrns to in- dropping in ilits i ountry it's nitc !o have a txrok like this to remind us of what we should know 1 ,IH)1 ?7ij/)gs written by physios professor and science writer James Trofil does so simply and off is* lively oovering topics such as earth st ience, astronomy and ( lassi (ill physios The "things" are numlrerod and range in length from one sentence to two or three paragraphs 1 refil occasionally breaks in w ith a pop quiz question or ins own theory on whatever is be mg dismissed At first glume, the hook up pears to Ire another Ni(ilt') s Hr lirve ll or Not clone To he hon es|, there are a few quirky little fat Is like the fat I that a Sjiet it s td fern is the organism w itii the most chromosome pairs (with fetO) Bui the Ixrnk does have important information and could conceivably ire used its a study guide for any basic st t ent e course The hook breaks down the main harrier between the gener ill public and science its com piex11v. One can't understand the significance of a super t ol litier without grasping the con cept of elementary particles and atomic nm '• , And with cvi rv chapter. TrcTil starts 'it square one At the beginning of the < hap ter on molet ular biology, for example. we are told that .ill molecules in living systems are mu do from six chemical ete merits Treftl explains what they are and goes on from there Two pages later, the reader is learning about amino acids and enzymes at an easy pare written in simple linglish Another of the hook s plusses is the way it explains the s< irn tiTii background of the most or dinary things In the physical science chapter, for example, we learn about the si ientific [irim iples behind the distilla tion of whiskey, or the reason light switches are made with plastic Ini Identiilly, the book says hurricanes happen only over the South Atlanln . where the storms feed " off the w arm wa ters Rotting apples give off eth anol. whit h speeds up the rip ening of adjacent apples And the sun and earth are believed to have condensed from art an i lent ( loud of gas and dust I he things you learn By Christopher Blair ABC anchor flirtatious, wife says AKUNCI'ON V.i (Al’l ABC News am hnr man Peter Ironings may !*■ iihiI no s< rrrn, hut he's not off, hr says of himself, an insight hm krd up hy Ins wilr ami friends Mr srrs himself as ' yrry soinrtimrs always engaged Mr s also a flirt, says wile kali Marlon "Peter is very naturally flirtatious, hut. .is any laxly witli any hrams rrali/rs after five minutes, it's an exert ise in having fun." Marlon told / S \ Wri'ki'nd lor a profile to fir puhhslied Mari h 11 1 ci "And he loves to tell women that hr hods them attractive What harm does that do' "I find beauty irresistible, whether it s a woman or a juts e of mush: or a [minting. Jennings said "I am very, yrry visual, and I i an t not resjiond Marlon said Jennings' sentimental side t Topped up when he tallied home from Baghdad during Thanksgiving dinner in Mint) ' Wc sang We (lather Together for him, and y\r could hear him t rying Me somewhere on a Baghdad street, and then* we were shouting into this silly telt 11 hone Mr s also tough, says ABC eorres|>ondrn! Barrie Dunsroorc. .1 friend of to years "Peter lends In stearnroll people, .md Ill' s more interested In the ones lie doesn I sle.imroll Ih.m the ones lie does U hill goes vs ilh IVters great en ergy nnd curiosity IS ,1 rel.iliveU shorl attention spun I) Kati weren't the kind of person she is, Pe ter vs mild have lost interest a long time ago Sutherland welcomes sun kh A R NKY, \eh {AI *) former Lebanese hos lage Thomas Sutherland s.ivs the sun was the last thing he saw before he was kidnapped and it's a sight he now welcomes eiii h dav vs ilh new appre i iation Sutherland said he remembers glam ing at the sun just before a bag was pulled over Ins head June O, 1 this "That was the last I saw of the sun for six years," said Sutherland, who was released last November Sutherland, tit), was dean of the American Uni versitv of Beirut when he was kidnapped Me spoke Tuesday at the For! 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