Plan to list House check abusers L~J WASHINGTON (AI ’) Ropubli can Ifticr•• pro post'd Wednesday publicly identifying .ill 355 cur run! and former House mem bers who wrote overdrafts at the chamber's bank during a di-month period Twenty-four would be lalreled abusers The plan also would Identify House members who did not write l»ad checks during the pc riod It will tx1 presented Thurs day to all Republicans, who previously bat ked full disclo sure, but could not agree on the details. Sponsors of the full (list In sure resolution demand that Demot rats permit a vote on the plan Friday, as an alternative to a much smaller publii listing baiked In the House ethics committee 'Idle House Dmilix rail! lead erxhip is supporting the com mittec, which voted 10 4 last week to identity only 10 cur rent and five former members as abusers All others who held accounts at the bank during the to months, which ended last ()< ' .i, could request a letter show ing their overdrafts and de< ide w hether to make it publu Kep Naurs I, Johnson ol Connecticut, one of the Kepub Ilian sponsors, said it will be politically difficult lor anyone to vote against lull disclosure on the floor "How would you like to vote against full disclosure7" John son said she would ask any wa vering lawmakers, referring to the explanations they would have to make to constituents Johnson and three other Repub licans supplied the four nega tive votes on the etlik x commit tee The Republic an plan would • Reveal the number ol bad chocks written by current and former memliers who had a< counts at the (sink during the 11 month period under review The committee has said l!1f> current and 51 former House members wrote at least one rubber chei k during the ill months, Jiefore the bank was closed for good late last year • Retain the etjnr s committee's "worst abuser" criteria lor tJie SECOND THOM6HT5 *v r / J ff>e< Ren le Oc** -j for men& women . 77W 11th. 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Pmtnon S f any fiytt on I3H 485-6253 11 current and five former members These account hold ers overdrew their tia lane es fiv more than tlieir next pave hot k. 20 percent of the- .10 months This amounted to eight months for those who had accounts the full period • Release the1 extensive mfor mation available on these 2-t and -12 others The t>!> represent the group w hose ac counts were ret onslruc Ic'd in detail by con gressiona! investigators The in formation on the f>tc Inc hides the numlier of had c hoc ks writ ten. the numlier not honored arid returned to the account holder, the dates of the first and last rubber checks, and the number of months the bad checks exceeded the members next pave hoe k • Provide the- number ol had e hex ks and the dates ol the first and last c hee ks for the' remain der ol the account holders dur mg thi' ;)‘l months The com 'nut lee does not have’ the' more rt>mplots' information on these niettihers • Adopt the ethic s committee to allow It) days after passage before publit release of the list of 24 This would allow them to demonstrate in private that the information was faulty • Release all remaining names 20 day s after passage Before the I'.OI’ leadership agreed to the plan, a meeting ol all Republicans had failed to re solve differences over releasing information that was not uni form for all bank i ustomers But the resolution sponsors said they decided the public had the right to timely disc lo sure, despite the uneven release of ac count information 1’residenl Bush also weighed In for a complete list, telling re porters at the While House on Wednesday. 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