Musique Gourmet Catering ro lh« Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMEO CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CDS FROM S5.95 TAPES FROM $3.95 In the Filthpearl Building ?0/ ( ‘ !ii Avenue 343-9000 Meets 4/21, 4/28, and Vim A seminar esploring all types W | ft.* of abusive and/or addictive ft* behjviorv in either yourself I ^ !■ T ▼ or someone sou care about. DIRECTIONS EDTM 44C/S4T7 “New Directors' CRN 20SM/2UB U 191X12120, 1S5 Education FA'I Davenport, 1 credit P/N or Audit This course does not require prior approval. ARE YOU INTERESTED? The University of Oregon Athletic Department is offering a student internship program that develops skills in Public Relations, Personnel and Marketing & Communications as a representative of the University of Oregon. Accepting applications now! I of more ml. *i mat ion call t U» S Mo ( h puk up .ippln ation at ( a\ano\a C enter or NK \rthui • ut Due \pril f>, I‘M2 Details at 11 ..JKJL Photo by Sht'xJk* Detrdre Rodens (left) and Karissa Schwartz work on their final project for Writing 121 ■Aith the help C camera operator Summer Swanson They are interviewing people in the quad next to PL C on their opinions of the greek system COMMUNITY BRIEFS College drinking up When It limit's to bools or hrew. more stu dents are c honsing the laller, mi ordmg to a study released (tv Michigan's Institute for Survey Re search Tin' l***)! survey of high school seniors and col lege sludenls showed that the numiier of binge drinkers and daily drinkers among these groups have increased Binge drinkers are defined by those people who drink five or more drinks a day The study also t I led evidence showing that till' college age population spends more on alcohol each year than on books The study chums that tile amount of money spent on boo/e eat h year is aftout Vi S In 11 urn for -4.10 gallons of alcohol Springfield gets tied More than _'(Kl cl.issK nei kites are on display at an exhibition i ailed lit to tie Tied' In Spring field The Springfield Museum vs 111 display the lies until April -t yvliiih tn< hides such gems as one designed hv Salvadnrr Dull and vintage ties from the l«M(ls and t't'.tis I he ties ,ire from a collection of more than 2,000 belonging to I)r Konald Spark of I'm son, An/ "M\ in's reflei 1 lht' American spirit between World War II and the Korean War." Spark said " I lii'N re gaudv and glorious crealions of lie man ufaclurers and clothing designers This was a lime ol optimism and relief when the e\ (d was coming home and wanted some splash and color after years of conformity Senate nets fish bill Oregon Sen Hob I’nckwood announced last week that the l' S Senate passed a hill that would end drift net fishing earlier than the deadline ere ated by the I lilted Nations Drill nets are particularly harmful to sea crea lures because they entrap and kill not only fish, hut any other < dryers • $18.18 monthly phone service Tost lumlshrd by Financial Alii for 1901 92. On-Campus Living • $2(>8/month tor rent, food and utilities* • Food prepared for you all you can eat • Dishes washed tor you • 5 10 minute walk to class • doc washers/ tree dryers • Free local phone service •Cost based on remainder ol at ademlc seal contract Pamper yourself and live where the living Is easy! Living on-campus will make you happier, wealthier, more comfortable and more secure ...for more Information, contact university Housing at 346-4277 immediately. DCICKS DOIT 24 HOURS rdry rANNINC CENTER 13th & Patterson 342-1727