Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Bars to gamble
with video poker
S.M.iAl The Oregon
Lottery hopes to switch on
its Video poker ne!\\i rs next
Wednesday. With liars <ind
taverns offering patrons a
i ham e to (day the new gain
filing game ai mss the state
It's expei ted that w It fun
tile first week, about 750 re
tat! establishments will fie
offering tile game on about
t.500 terminals. Lottery Di
rector Ifni Dayev said
The videm [inker game,
w liu li is expei ted to double
the Lottery's existing busi
ness, was approved by the
Pi'll Oregon Legislature af
ter a lengthy deflate over
how far tfie state should go
into tin- gambling business
Davev said, however, that
lie's confident [fiat tfie game
won't i reate the i ompulsi ve
gambling and other six jal
problems tfiat opponents
have warned about
■'We'Ve asked our retailers
not to otter credit to play
ers," Davev said And w e
don't want them i ash tug
people's (diet ks to play these
Plus, lie said, signs will lie
posted in retail establish
mnnts offering a toll tree
numlier people i an ( all for
help if they leel they re be
o oni i n g addicted to t h e
Davev also noted that
some of the proceeds bom
the video poker game w ill be
used to finance local pro
grams to help people wli
are i (impulsive gamblers
Those assurances don’t sit
well with opponents who
are mounting a petition el
fort to force a statewide vote
this fall on whether video
poker should lie banned
Mar k W emer. a spokes
man for a coalition that's op
posing the game, said video
[inker IS taking the lottery a
long wav toward Nevada
style gambling
Multicultural (urruulurn • •' - * **
!*• • r: g‘ t at • iM E MI K :• .**. H
K) I i(.J( >N
' Iviwybw fh«* H«n Pm lurv ** •«
lh«* fix n% of a .!ifc ..k*s if* t ■■■ 41 * K> . -
E Ml ( r- la/ K-M.rr, \
lk>nihntr tut tub mining hi A/* t>> f.*>*
r jru-ra: J front AJMf Su/f*» **», ;» rr- «
l/io day htf/tinr puhln a turn h i Ai» run th*r
cIj) itl the event unitf%* the ev.^nt take*
plm e t*> /* >/»» n<*on
Vrtii r»t of event* »ffAi a donation (
adrm**:<u charge will not #m» h • opted
Caunpu* event* And m fwduled neatvtl
(he 'hi hi Hall on iiabn »%»// f»*» /(ivun {Hi •/;' *
7‘h«* Emerald re*«»rve» t,*»e light r • edit
noiu &% tot grammar and *tyie
Oregon Daily Emerald
Oregoty Daily Emerald
Conference opens today
Following are several high
lighted speakers from the I’uh
In Interest Knv ironmental Law
(!oitferent r running today
through Sunday. March I t
i here will tw a total of more
than . to speakers representing
more than JO i ountnes at the
( onfereru e
• I.ois (>iiii»s director of the
(Oti/ehs t leartnghouse for
Hazardous Waste, Washington.
I) ( ( dhlis began Iter i .irirr as a
t iIi/kii organizer after discover
:ug that the i anal in her home
toys n. Love ( anal \ V was a
hazardous waste dump, and
that the memlxTs of her family
and people in her (ommiimtv
were firing poisoned
• Mu hard Wen she advoi ati
!. : lire protei tion ol the hl.u k
f h i n il M i - in h a s"a kruva
Weirkh'i he- raised more than
S! million toys aril protei Iron id
the hi.ii k rhino, endangered by
pi. a hers seeking its horn Hr
has tray idl'd tliroughou! I.urope
and till I tilted States to raise
a y\ ati'lless oI I Iii• r h I no's pI ig111
• Samuel l.uHudde. field hiuln
gist and filmmaker i.arth Is
Icin<) Institute LaFtuddo Is best
known for tns under* over due
umentarv work, on drift not
fishing, dolphin kills by the
lunn Industry, and the Alaskan
slaughter of walrus for the Ivo
rv Inidi’
• I.arrv Ki heehaw k Idaho attor
ney general Kcholuiwk is over
seeing tbi’ Idaho Department of
Natural Resources litigation
against tin' Deportment of Knur
g\ regarding transfer and stor
ago of nuclear waste into the
state of Idaho His offic e is also
involved in the Kndangered
Spec ies Act salmon listing pro
cess for tile Snake Kiser
• Kvaristo Nugkuag president
and founder of the Koordina!
ing Itodv of Indigenous I’eo
pic's Organi/alions of the Aina
/ o n II a s i n , Lima, for u
Nugkuag, >i member of the
Aguariina tribe, has worked to
gel Itie international environ
mental community to realize
that the- preservation of indig
■ nous people is i on trill to \ma
/.oman c onserv at ion
Agiwula tor Friday, March 13.
8 45 - 8 .*) 4 m
10- 11 XI am
1 • 2 30 p m
1 • 4 p m
2 45-4 IS pm
4 30 ■ 6 p m
7 - 8 p m
• Lot* Qttl, Dtreclof. C«U*na‘ CtoarinylHxrMi for
MA/anJou* Wa*tf«
• Dr l lLU*a/g*J t: nvtrorvmintaJ Minlator. M**ngoi*a
• Comrnuniy Oryaniiatiun In E nvtro«»twww*l Poverty law
• Won>wn ErMI Pubftvheni Impicalion* of OkxegtonaAvn
•US SacmO l and* ami CutoraJ Raaoufc** Protection
• (non CM Sp*l Tha SUky Detain
• f Mptno Environmental t aw
• African f nvironmerBal l Am
• AtaaM NalAw Htgfi* T rtxii Statu* & Imkan Country
• Clean Waler Act Panel
• Envtl tnlorwd Group Strategy* tor Poicy GtlAftg*
• Endangered tiatrftat* Doe* Sormifcody Go Ha Go?
WON A SHOP. CHiien Acceas to Public Information
• ('«rw*Man E rnrironmentai law
• Superior*} to B Working?
• t urftlrg o< E nvtronmerBaJ Group*
• SuatalnaWe CommurWlat
• f nvtronmerBal l ogal Networking HoumflaM* Otscuaalon
• Tone Waste kKjwwwalion anti Bs Wiped on Corn#T>unik*n
• Risk Avuissmnrtf Are II w Covin Too Nigh?
• Pa. iir Yaw Our Tumors (wow as tlw I orutii Shrink
• Oagon t and Um An Mroductton
• Total'-Kecycftng Worker* ><> ami Slkleshow
• Ecutemintarn Woman # Perspective
• Lou Gofc! • Stole* anil Stories u4 Ifw Oregon Wilderness
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