Faculty, Staff and Students GOOD DEAL -ON SQUARE MEALS 25 meal lunch pass for only $100 During Spring Term Only I his is .i 30% discount Ironi the duih ______ cash price. Purchase lunch pass at University Housing or call 34(>-4277 for more information. riMVidiki! Groups to hold anti-nuke fair By Mandy Baucum fmer a id Contrcf The Siudent (Campaign fur Disarmament will hnsl Nuclear Free Friday on Marc h 1 i lo in form people alxHil pariic ipaling in a protest against nuclear weapons testing, as well as lo heighten awareness of environ mental issues SCI), along with other organ izallons will l>e at the event's awareness fair with sign up sheets for those who want to pa r I if i pa te in the protest, which liegins April in Knvi ronrnental groups such as I1KINC Recycling and the Solar Knergv Center will also he at the fair lo give- out free environ mental information The fair will take plac e in t he KM I Courtyard Friday afternoon Alsu. Kiiymomi Yowell, ( hiff of thr Shoshone Indians, arid tritie mwnbcr Carrie Dann will present the film 77> /’mbs / Mnlhrr l urlh Friday night at ti in Room 177 Lawrence The film depicts the difficulties the Western Shoshone face in their land struggle Comments will also t>e made hv Yowell and Dann Yowell and Dann have a "very unique point of view we want to share w ith members of the community. SCI) < o-Direi lor Jake Wagner said "It will fie very empowering to sis’ some one who is there all the time come and say what is going on dow n there I he protest y\ ill begin near Meet Lou Whittaker Lou Whittaker is an internahon ally Known mountaineer whose histone achievements include leading the first successful ascent ol an American team to the top of 28 168 tt Mount Kanqehenunga in 1989 On March 12 l ou will lecture atxrut his many mountaineering adventures, and present an exciting slide show ol his climbs He has successfully spellbound a packed room in his last two visits to the UO Don't miss this opportunity to meet one of the world's greatest mountain climbers l le will be ac. emp i rued by Skip Yowell another >•. irid class mountaineer i LOU WHITTAKER i LECTURE AND SLIDE SHOW j THURS., MARCH 12 | 7 30 - 9:30 p.m 150 Columbia, UO Campus •sons? by J-i ,k'H .i a 1 hr (fQ H, "e Talk to Lou Whittaker At the UO BOOKSTORE FRIDAY, MARCH 13 10:00 - 1:00 Win A Mountain Climbing Trip truer at the UU Bookstore tor a Climbing Trip on Mt Rainier with Lou Whittaker and Skip Yowell as your professional guides I he trip includes one nigh! accommodations m downtown Seattle a boat cruise and dinner on Puget Sound a live day seminar and basic mountain climbing training tour nights lodging and all meals at Camp Muir on Mt Rainier one rugh! a^ cornmodahons at the ba* e o! Mt Ramier and an awards dinner and dance party Worth : th ■ e >c ting trip is : p n i ored by Jansport The drawing will be held at Lou Whittaker's lecture March 12, and you must be present to win. Door Prize Giveaways On MARCH 114 12 the UO Bookstore will be giving away TWO DAILY PRIZES Ot a backpack and a sweatshirt On MARCH 13 to celebrate L ou Whittaker's visit to the bookstore we will be giving away HOURLY PRIZES of a backpack and a sweatshirt, with TWO PRIZE WINNERS EVERY HOUR! [ nter in the lobby ot the UO Bookstore March 11 13 20% Off Jansport MARCH 9-13 You Save 20% On All Jansport Merchandise at the UO Bookstore •..I r v.-ns •’ ’f incluck>d' Author Signing Thursday, March 12 12 30 • 1 30 p m in the General Book Department | Kenneth Hetphar*} is a professor of I anascape at the Unaersty of Oregon Las with .1 !«» il.il opening ceremony featuring in temational speakers and per formers Tarticupants will walk l>r> miles from I.as Vegas lo the Ne vada lest Site from April IT 17 A nonviolent demonstra lion will he held at the site In ail, the events w ill last 10 days, including Karth l)a\ on April 1R The federal government in lost established the Nevada Test Site on a pier e of land the Western Shoshone have been living and herding their rattle on for years The impact of nuclear radi ation has reported !v caused the Shoshone to suffer increasing incidents of hirth defects, men till retardation and cancer The Shoshone want an end to the nuclear testing and hope that the protest will force action on the issue SCI) wants to help the Sho shone keep their land and pre sent it from being destroyed bs nuclear testing By hosting Mu t fear Free Fridas. the group hopes to raise awareness and gain support for this cause (,rinips su< h as The Mad f arm ers and singer I'eter Wilde will he performing in the Courtyard from 11 It) a m to t p m In addition to the Shosho re s light against mil lear test ing, they also face a battle to keep their nailva* land In 1 *)7;t, lie- government accused Dunn of trespassing on its land land the Shoshone have been herding t hei r cattle on for years I'he Shoshone have taken their i use to the I S Court of Appeals three times and to the CS Supreme Court once The Supreme Court ruled against ihe tribe ls< ause its members have supposedly been paid lor lhe land The 1 S interior se< retary who serves as spokes man for the W estern Shoshone incepted the $-’•> million dol bus and deposited it into a U S Treasury Department trust fund H: wi v er the W i’stern Shu shone ha\ e refuser! to at < ept I he sei ret.iry is a guardian and haven't r i i i ; y ,-d any of the money i'fie Shoshone still plan nonviolent resistance against any government attempts to drive them pom their land I r: th ’ ' are unable to attend tie Nev ad.i Protest bill w . id k, upport It. a hen etit ; ;; or: featuring Afrit an marimba music will Is’ at the W ()W ft., n April .1 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651