Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
ultv members and students would
"Believe me, this is hard work. L)res< her said
"We need someone who's a pro, who knows
what's admissible and what's not admissible, and
what the standard of proof is "
Faculty Sen I’etorGilkey argued in favor of the
motion, saying it would provide more incentive
for faculty members to turn in students they sus
pect of cheating
"At these hearings, professors often feel that e\
eryone is too caught up in the legal issues, that
they don't get to say what they really need to," he
said "I think they would Ire more liable to partic
ipate if faculty and students are running the
Student Conduct Coordinator Klaine Croon,
speaking in support of till' motion, said some pro
fessors don't turn in students they suspect or
know have cheated bet ause the hearings are inef
lei live
The entire Student Senate opposed (lie idea,
and all members present voted against it. concur
ring with Dfoschnr that people w ith legal 'exper
tiso should handle the cases
In other business, a motion was considered licit
would have deleted (hr word slgnlfic .in' from
the sn lion of the Student Conduct Code that
deals with fire hazards As it now reads. the so.
tlon allows diM iplinarv Ix'havidr against anv stu
dent responsible for a significant fire hazard
(ireen sanl that significant" is too vague and
the wording should lx- restated to read that any
fire hazard could lie punishable and the sanc tion
would fit the level of offense
Student Sen Urten Hoop said he Ixdieved the
proposed rewording was too vague t’.reen re
quested that the Student Senate come up with an
alternate proposal and present it at the next meet
A third motion, whic h would have allowed an
informal resolution of minor conduc t infractions
when a student falls to appear, was withdrawn,
although it'maV he reconsidered at a later dale
[•'acuity Sen Patric ia Cwartnev Cibhsan
nouneed the proposes) guidelines fur the Interc ol
legiate Athletic (ommltleo. winch is expected to
formal 1 v begin during the next ae ademic vear
The IAC would consist of 10 faculty members
and five students would he an advisory, body to
the athletic: director on all aspects of intercolle
giate athletic polic ies, and would he acrountahle
to the University Senate through reports and re
views, according to the proposal
Continued from Page 1
parking citations, which
amounted to .S2JH,0'K) for the
1<MX)-91 year, also goes to fund
the parking program For that
same year, OPS officers collect
ed S133.45B from campus me
The parking citations most
students toss in the trash along
with their junk mail may prove
to he a problem if students
have failed to pay five or more
When tile owner of a vehicle
has failed to pay five parking
citations, Ol’S will send that
person a “tow letter," inform
mg them that if they don't pay
the tickets within 10 days, the
vehicle will hit towed the next
time it is found in violation
If towed, the student would
not only have to pay thi* park
ing tickets, but also the cost of
repossessing the car from Har
well's l owing yard.
Vehicles parked blocking a
wheelchair access or in a re
served space can also he towed
If OPS has no re< ord of who
the vehicle belongs to, they are
authorized to act ess state Mo
tor Vehit les Division records to
get the ne< essarv information
"All Oregon license plates
that we don't show ownership
for. we are allowed to go
through tho DMV," s.ilii Kami
Stamm. OPS parking program
Thu booling of vehicles is
done only by city parking con
trol officers However, OPS of
fleers enforce the parking rt-gu
lations in the campus area lie
Iwiinn University Street from
Utth to lHth avenues, on lSth
Avenue from University Street
to Agate Street, and on 11th
Avenue from University Street
to Agate Stris't
OPS officers consistently en
force tile campus parking regu
lations throughout the day un
less there is an emergent v that
they need to tend to
Continued from Page 1
iur mi teasing sk.ni cam it rates
in Ni'W ZnLini! and Australia
l ruicr thi* plan, t l(icarrying
coolants would l>e withdrawn
from discarded refrigerators
seruhtied" of water and other
solvents, and reused In se< ond
hand appliarues
Rands MacDonald, a l.ugene
city count ilor and the t hovers i
tv director for legislative and
community relations, presentee!
to the Ixiard a letter signed hs
the Citv (iounc il supporting the
The board also heard (esti
rnuny (rum t'niversilv i hum is
try Professor Paul lingelking.
who said .1 county plan would
he an important first step in ri
versing the o/one [irohlem
Commissioner St e v e
C >r mu ( h 1.1 asked t he hoard
and hngelking what good it
would do to simple reuse the
materials if thin are harmlul,
and it tile materials could sim
ply he destroyed
h rigid king said Cits are d i ffi
cult to destroy and when in
itinerated can turn out other
harmful chemicals hngelking
and Kust also said reusing tin*
< hemtcals in secondhand appll
antes would ri iiut t* the dr
mend fur new appliant es and
( l l ••
I'hr countv s Kesourte Kr
covers' Advisory (himmitter
will disi us>. various trr si hrd
ulrs lor lhr plan. Including a
flat fur for removal of ihr
chemicals, or graduated frrs
11 lit t would reward proplr lor
dropping oil refrigerators with
their i oolanl s\stems int.it !
II i in p le me n Ini. the lees
would pav lor a lull lime post
lion lo remove the < (xdaiit from
the a|iplianr es
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Lacking a horse- Jed was compelled to |ust drift along
wiih the tumbling tumbleweed