EDITORIAL U.S., imperialism: the newest combo How docs a world governing order led by a single country sound, complete with all the little extras such as complete military backup of the imperialistic system and total ignorunce of international leadership mech anisms like the United Nations? The country presently entertaining the idea "must sufficiently account for the interests of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order," according to a docu ment now circulating within the country's highest gov erning circle. The document also stated the country would be willing to use military force if necessary to enforce the new system, which includes zero nuclear buildup in neighl»oring countries Of course, the country is ex tremely nervous about weapon culpabilities of other na tions. because there? would be a good chance of it final ly getting knocked off the pedestal it has long sat on. Oops — c lue number one?. It also opted for "collective ac tion" in world af fairs through temporary, "ad hoc assemblies, often not lasting beyond the? crisis being confronted, and in many cases carrying only general agreement over the objectives to Ih- accomplished.” in lieu of the contin ued establishment of the United Nations. Had enough? The suspense too much? Well, don't look now. but the- possible self-imposed dictator is us, the United State’s. The Defense Department declared in a new policy statement, now in its final drafting stages, that Ameri ca's political and military mission in the post-(.old War era is to make sure no rival superpower emerges to threaten its standing. The c lassified document, whic h has been passed around the- Pentagon for several weeks now, was re cently given to I hr Nc\* York limes by an oftic ial wanting to see this strategy carried out in the* public eye. Defense Secretary Dick Uheney may release it later this month. Scary. Should this Hush brained sc heme actually be carried out. it would set the United States up as en forcer of its self imposed primacy - a position it has no right to occupy in the first plac e No country should proclaim itself world leader, least of all the United States: it totally goes against ev erything sve supposedly stand for. This imposition of America on the world den’s not ring of libc-rts and free dom. nor does military coercion of its vic tims Under this plan, wc-’rc- setting ourselves up to be our own worst enemy. Instead of trying to heighten our already shaky pedestal, we should be- dismantling it while rallying for similar action worldwide lust think, Americans were worried about the So viet Union's ultimate show of power. Oregon Daily PO tOGINl OR1CON9M03 TN» Oagor D**y I rr\ufotd t% pcO«r%N*l tfca-’v MoncMry lPvixjg* f '*J*y ciwnng th» u'wi ,«a «nd T..«m1av *fv1 Tfwvtay cJ^nng tt*» wmm*» t»y tT*» CVugiv JW»> I m«r»ld f*.4>i»r*ng Co I nr. «K !%a IJrwarvTy of Or agon l (>«gor T^i | rrH^eUl oottraJtn m*»$>Mnck*rt|»y ol Uruwarftfy »«') ofltti Ml Sofla 100 of ttw { ft) MomtyW Unton a/*J a a -n^Dar of f^a Aavcm I ^ f fv-wmni A p< Yit.'e popart* !ha untowK/i 'arxjvni or i/*a of papar% f% pro*an/f*N« by m«w Cdflor In Chtof Chrniopfw Hki-f Managing i cm or I (Morwl I dnot Graphic* F <*1or I ntartairwnant F drtor ran ' C«lhM J»r* P*ua> t ay'y l Night I drtof t drtofttl f drtor Sports Editor In T ouch EdHor C hr** iiounoff mx/'w Don l‘ot«r\ Uk« I mmmMP Student Covwranint Actrvftre* Oerefyn T '*ppe Conrrurly fWn* QeC«jf Higher Education Administration Came Domett Feature# i «m U **g* V0O Garni Kaepp*ng K rven l jcm Hope Neeteor Cottoer Pon>tg Copy Editor* Dor I *** Kre' I ng***, t rm) iiage'’ Paul Ita/vortar Shah/a AA”^ Ka:*y Sfwtot* Ptvo tog raptor* Near Pm tor U» *«*•* Sh*ntf»er Advent*tog Jeer TVarfley Scot Den*. le**e f Oa*\l G*ur»t>eli Jenr ’** HucAm* 8 m *n K-Sxjm Tom loach RervJor H<*y Cattor (Wte Met obt> Story Iwtictoi M.V Mom Janrvier Hexane] Jann»'*x sm*h Arne Steptor>v»n. Jerwtsr Vee Todd W-^ii General Manager Judy He*! Advertising Director tVyar H c opge Production Manager M* ***-e Roe* Hmmuoom GkiimMi Off«c« 146 1 146 SM? Oisptey Advertising CUesrfied Advertising 146 3712 146-4143 Tt'U s ft * OUR BUSINESS f ! '—I-i—i—i LETTERS on toot If the Office of Public Siifi'iy is serious alxiut controlling bl eyelets on campus, an effective method would tm lo assign one of two offic ers to foot patrol the campus Such a patrol would be liable to show up anywhere at anytime This would also reap some benefits for OPS Inc idents like the recent handcuffing of the professor are damaging to OPS Ihm uuse the officers are eflcs lively insulated from the stu dent body by their c .crs Stu dents need lo Is1 able to interne t with OPS officers in a neutral setting where I In1 y can get to know eai h other and apprec i ate ecu h other as people, not roles This would naturally happen with a foot patrol Inc identallv. loot patrol offi cers would he well advised to leave their gulls, halide ufls and other hardw are at home Sue h tools only serve1 to intimidate people and do not encourage c ommunication Ralph Krumdieck Admission* offic# What’s the beef Somebody answer me a cpies lion What's the connection Is tween tires and heed'' Rubber and c ovv ’ IIit11 her and 11111 him lc' Wouldn't it lie logical to get a free lug wrench, or maybe .1 free1 tune-up with your pur chase of tires' I mean, if you’re going to give anything away, at least these things are Uisically related But no. tire companies arc1 offering "Free Beef" with your purchase of tires This is a huge campaign that I would really like lo under stand Did these tire companies buy too muc h beef for their an nual company barbecue' Did lex al held companies owe these tires companies money and pay them hack with T-bones, ground round and top sirloin? OK, obviously the two com panies made some kind of deal How they got together, who knows' Well, if you do. let me in on it Pd like to know I guess there is a fine line be tween Wendy and the Mu helm man Jenny Beaumont Student Ms Beaumont, (Uxxi question. first of nil. it's l.es Schwab. not Michelin Brian Capp. a member of Schwab's marketing ami adver Using staff at the compan\'s headquarters in 1‘rineville. snitl l.es started the promotion years ago Schwab, nothing that his tin> sales slumped in late winter, figured free heel would lure customers to bis shop Capp said Si hwab also believed a promotion sin h as tins would help out the neigh boring rani hers He was right Suit e the campaign began, Si. hwab has given awa\ S’ltHi.tHU) worth of meal, and the i bain id tire stores has grown Although Si hwab owns a ranch. Cup[> saiil all of the hoof comes from I !Sl>.-\-approved law s Capp said the promotion has spawned a loyal following, but also, understandably, a few angry letters from vegetarians lust thought you'd like to know i'.d Bikecology I would like lo expand upon Andrew I hompsons' great idea {Ol)b\ March 0) This could prove benefit nd to all of us Since ecology is such an im portant issue today, why has the University discouraged the use of bic yc les on campus-1 Having the right to ride a hie y c:le to the c ampus is one thing, hut why does the Offic e of Pub lic Safety penalize students and faculty for riding across the c ampus7 It is almost impossible for me to get from Straub to I’LU in less than 10 minutes without breaking the law by riding on the sidewalks Here is my solution In al most every direc tion ac ross our campus there are double sets ol sidewalks Why not provide one of them for pedestrians and the- other for bicycles7 Another thing we c an do is create a better relationship tie tween students/laculty .1 n OI'S As an oxamplc, Officer Scartiomugh does u very com mendable job Unfortunately, lie always seems to follow the "letter" of the law It is my be lief that the "spirit" of the law can often he more effective When confrontations occur, knee jerk reactions usually re suit. Cooperation and respect have to make things better for every one Jerry Carson History Mothers While students look upon the spring season as a "wind down" time, there is an orguni ration in "full swing" getting ready lor the next school year Ihe University of Oregon Mothers Club is probably not well-known on campus Yet. since It was organized in HUM. assisting students has always been its (oc us Among its early accomplishments were contri butions to the construction of the infirmary; recording studio in Beall Hall, individual build ing libraries and. also, the blue carpets in (’.erlinger Hall Today s ac tivities are fex used on financ ial aid In addition to making available a revolving loan fund, this year, the Moth ers Club will award ID si holur ships These sc holarships in clude- tile SI,IKK) Colda Wick ham Award, the S500 the Tere sa Kelly janes Award, a speech award of $400, and eight S*>()() scholarships given to under graduates currently attending the University Those interested students with a Cl’A of TO or above, have community or school ser vice experience and a financial need should watch the per sonals in the c lassified section of the Emerald after spring va c ation for spociflcdelaiis. Alloa Dugan, Chairwoman UO Mothars Club Scholar ships LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must Ik: verified when the letter is submitted. ■ - - 1 t - - —