Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Senate kills
reform plan
on cheating
j Proposal to create com
mittee to hear academic dis
honesty cases defeated
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Associate EcMor
The I 'niversity Semite shot down a
proposal Wednesday that could have Mg
nificantly altered the way cases of at a
domic dishonesty are handled by involv
ing students and faculty members in the
By a vote of the senate rejoi ted a
faculty senator's motion to organize a
committee made up of five faculty and
five students, which would pare down
into three-member boards for each case
of serious or < ontested ( barges of dis
honesty that come before them
Currently, cases of academic dis
honesty are handled by outside attorneys
who volunteer tiieir time as hearings offi
cers The cases are conducted like trials
with law students ac ting as defenders
and prosecutors
Marlene Drencher, direc tor of the Of
flee of Student Advocacy, spoke before
the senate and explained her opposition
to the motion
Dresrher told the- University Senate,
made of the student unci faculty senates,
that these lawyers and law students have
a better grasp of the legal issues, pro
ceedings and Implications than most fac
Turn to CHEATING Page 3
Warming up a dead audience
PhOlo t>y U& l'iU4y
Dana Heitman. a Univenty music graduate warms up m the cemetery Wednesday afternoon under sunny
skies Heitman has played the trumpet since he was m fifth grade and currently plays in the University Jsu’c
Band Highs today are expected to reach 65-70 again but Friday will bring clouds and possible light ram m
the afternoon
Ticket revenue funds lots
jOPS's program fi
nances mainten
ance, renovation of
campus parking
By Colleen Pohlig
Err** a id Reporter
For those who think the
money they shovel into the
parking meters everyday is
funding the Office of Public
Safety's pizza parties, guess
The parking program, a sub
division of OPS. uses the
money col loot ml from tarmpus
meters to fund maintenance,
repair and new construction
of campus parking lots.
The recently completed
Bean parking lot at 15th Ave
Pnolo Or M* Calf
OPS pul lad $133,458 out ot Univanity parking malar* laal yaar.
Fund* want toward parking maintananca
nue and Moss Strict is one ex- The money generated from
ample of what the parking -
program funds. Turn to PARKING, Page 3
County to study CFC
removal, recycling plan
j Ozone depleting
chemicals would be
removed from junked
By Christopher Biair
t frKxaKi Editor
Th« t.iine County Board of
Commissioners a^ri i d Wednes
day to bexm work on a plan
that would remove and ri i yi It:
ozone-depleting chemicals
from discarded appliani os
'Hie county's waste munaxe
mont division, with thn help of
thn county's legal counsel, will
submit a final version of the
plan to the commissioners
within 4f> days for approval,
Commissioner |erry Kust said
"We got a Kr,-,‘n light to X'*
forward, but it will take some
massaging by I• ~>4<iI council to
get it Into legal form." Kust
Currently, discarded refrig
erators and freezers are crushed
alter their usable components
are removed This allows
chlorofluorocarbons (Old s) in
the c(xdant to es< ape
Many scientists and environ
mentalists believe the OlOs
which are also used in <ar air
conditioners, work their way to
the upper atmosphere Once
there it is hcltevod they destroy
the earth's ozone layer, which
shields the surface from the
sun s ultraviolet radiation
The depletion is feared to be
worse over polar areas The ul
traviolet rays have been blamed
Turn to OZONE. Page 3
Republican leaders proposed publicly
identifying all 355 current and former
House members who wrote bad checks
at the chamber’s bank.
The book '1,001 Things Everyone Should
Know About Science' is educational and
entertaining, and, as the title implies,
contains important information.
See REVIEW, Page 8
The bad luck should
end as the Oregon
women's hoop season
closes this weekend.
See SPORTS, Page 9