Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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is a fine art"
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Continued from Page 4
qulrn the building Install smoke
alarms in the corridors and a
sprinkler system throughout
the building, Augsburgnr said
Because of the changes' ex
pense, Augsburgnr said he
doesn't know when the Univer
sity will have the funds to bring
the building up to current
cod os
Augsburgnr also said Kla
math Hall needs a full smoke
alarm system In the corridors.
Despite these problem areas,
the University has made strides
in fire safety, Augsburgnr said
"l-'or instance, Mac Court
now has a full alarm system,
where last spring there was
only one (fire alarm) station
and that couldn't be heard in
side. he said
On one Monday Augsburgnr
.Inspected .1 number of small
buildings near the physical
plan! Out of five buildings,
three had lire code violations
The worst violator was on
130.1 Kranklin St . h small
building used by the psycholo
gy department and tho Institute
of Neurosc (once that had three
codo violations
Augsburgor found electrical
equipment that had had been
Improperly spliced, tho uso of
unsafe multi-plug adaptors and
the uso of extension cords ns
permanent wiring
Several months from now.
Augsburgor will check to see if
those buildings have made the
necessary changes
Bui Augsburgor s Inspections
are just part of tho University's
fire prevention efforts
The Physical Plant checks all
the University's fire extinguish
ers once a year, Coots said In
addition tho Physical Plant will
sometimes make buildings safer
than currant fire codes, she
One recent example is the
physical plant's upgrading of a
fire alarm receiver at OPS The
new receiver will tell public
safety exactly where a fire
alarm Is pulled
,n ? ::s».s
Ini wirni«i l «*> ( ommillM will meet
» ft ; ■ • t- ; W Hoard Room to hoar
. ' r i j»rrt| ffmU'jn Kac hange
V !• *. ^u AT.imiiy IntamatJonai
* r c u Studer- An ■ . a 11 n n . and
• trr* a1 a Student taUon
Mult u ultural ( urm ulum ( ommille*
* • - • -a* • r NT. H offi 20 H
I (.my and Mi*r*ual \liian«e w»
? ate a i‘: :«• wort g " w'.-, rg tonight
ai '• . r. K M - H ” »'. «
AM f) Health Insurant# ( lenmitlor w
mtm- *■ «! % KV ( a»>lar Mr < m D
s«:\\'M >: s
National Mr at (hit i*n- • • .ud r g
.* . c * « ‘ . ■ li/'i «’ T in '.ha KM!
! rwhian I ifr l)rnj> i« N*-r |r« n f»e i -lav
4 n , W. . .'ft4 f the
fMt Hoard of Dir art on Hudgal
( ommliii* Will in*#; today at i SO p rri in
tha FMt H ard Room
An ov#r»i*» of Hraul history
li«'>graphv to onomy and cultura will ta»
dm ;i%Mid by intamational studant Mar?
V ai i« ’.day at 4 »0 pm
Studant Man w i ba ? ;^ht at at the
Nimmafi {amtur. ill AO Kmaraid St
Ihtadltno for tubmiiiing f'r Alt to tho
i rrwia’d front iUi%M b!A4l Suita WO. it noon
'.So fay tmforv publication f.f Alt run the
./ay of tha ovarii union tha ovant toko*
plant twfctr# noon
\ tin •» of a»ants With a donation r
*Jmi*»iort < hatge mil* not ho m « optod
f j»rrtput o*ont» and th<<u» u hodulod n«**rw*(
tho fHjbluMUon data Will !*> v»/l ftfiority
I he $-mar aid ra*«»rnM the right t-> edit
notn pi /\ >/ grammar and ay to
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