Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    Secretary of state rips
OSSHE administration
PORTLAND (AP) The Oregon Stain System of Higher
Education needs to do a better job of managing thn workload
of faculty members at stain exiling ns and universities, accord
ing to a draft report by thn secretary of state'* office
Thn report. obtained by Portland television station KOIN,
also says the system needs to re examine the way It limits
student enrollment
'Urn 20 page preliminary report says "we found that there
Is little analyses or monitoring of the use of faculty re
The report also < rlli< i/es the way enrollment is limited
"Offlt ials are unable to provide assurance that the enroll
ment limits they set are reasonable and an1 appropriate for
i ost-offer lively fulfilling OSSMK’s mission," il said
Peter Hughes, an internal auditor for the State System of
Higher lidur ation t hallenged tfie draft report
We disagree that we are inadequate." he said "We lie
lieve our < onlrols are very adequate
Meets 4.71, V2S. and SV*2
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Housing or call 34(>-4277 tor more
Is University fire safety up to par?
j Deputy Fire Marshal Reggie
Augsburger says several buildings
violate fire code regulations
By Gem! Koeppmg
Nobody noticed its the t undle wi< k, inMiad of
burning straight down, melted through the ten k
of the r itrxi11* I he 111 wick singed the i niton
drupes la-hind the candle until they flared into
fix- dnrin room was illuminated ,is the rapidly
burning drupes fell onto a < lintr that a University
student hud iteen sitting on whiikIs bafont, The
on upunts of the mom run to find u fire extin
guisher und warn the other residents of Kilev Hull
of the fire iiv pulling the building's lire ulurm
Though it was 1 IS on u Friday morning, (form
residents itegin to stir from their rooms The rose
dent assistant put, out the burning curtain with .1
hand held fire extinguisher, but not before the Of
fu e of Ihildir Safety was i ailed
Ol’S called the l.ugene fire department as pub
lic safely offit ers were si-nt to investigate the lire
As fire trucks raff'd toward Kilc\ Mall, Ol’S offi
1 ers told them over the radio that the lire had
freon (ontalmxJ
Uhuck ( .iinpcll, i deputy fir** marshal lor the
hugeno fire department, said tin* I eh 2H firr al
Kill's Hall was |iisl Olid ill the 20 or so calls the
department investigates e.u h soar .0 the I niverso
Hot most efforts .it the UniversitV try to stop
(ires Indore they start
( entral to sue h efforts is Keggje Augshurger
I or $26,000 a year, the University contrai ts
vs ith the city o( kugene to hire Augshurger to
make sure University buildings are up to uniform
lire ( odes
It is standard practice for universities to con
tract for their own fire Inspection services as they
don’t pay local taxes, Augshurger said hay t oots,
the safety officer for Ol’S. said large universities
will often (lire a person to do nothing hut jnsptx
As a result, Augshurger makes atniut 1,000 in
spections a year in University buildings hour
times a year he checks the dorm hallway lire
alarms and once a year he checks each dorm
room for fire code violations
Once a year he also inspects off-campus hous
mg and c arnpus buildings (or smoke alarms and
fire code y tolatlons
t.cnerallv it’s a safe environment, hut ysith
any location there are hound to he problems
Augshurger said
Photo by J«ft Paniay
Deputy Fire Marshal Reggie Augsburger makes e
routine check tor fire setety violations in the
Ouonsets Buildings on Agate Street.
Kxtnnslon cords used instead of permanent wir
mg ond the use of multi plug adaptors that don't
have an on/off switch or a circuit breaker are
most common fire code violations lor almost all
I Imversity buildings, Augsburger said
Augsburger reports bis findings to (loots (loots
then notifies either bousing offii iuls. the head of
departments or the physical plant, depending on
the problem. Augsburger said
"II he turns in .1 report about some disc repancy,
we make everv effort to fix it,” sail! John hvans,
Physical Plant safety coordinator "Some things
we cun fix immediately and some things need to
be designed and financed, like sprinkler sys
terns "
(lenerallv, the Physical Plant is good at bring
ing a building up to code, "but sometimes it's an
item that has to l>e budgeted for, Augsburger
One building vet to be brought up to current
codes is Princ e Lucien dampbell Hall PLd was
built m m at c ordani e with the fire codes of
that time Sine e then, however, new fin' codes re
Turn to FIRE Pago 8
Continued trom Page 1
I'd hute to miss something
in i lass ami have .1 student mail
at mo." ho said
Trading I’lai os i)a\ is a fund
raising projoi t of llio Student
t'mversiH Relations Council
Founded in 107H. the tf> mum
her group coordinates speciul
activiiics involving students,
tin- University and surrounding
comm uni tins
SUKC has treen selling SI ral
fie III krts Mill e Mari ll i lo slu
Living In University Housing Is more affordable than you think...
Off-Campus Living
• $530/month for rent, food and utilities*
• Cooking everyday
• Washing dishes everyday
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•Cost furnlshrd by Kln.imi.il Aid tot I‘>01 02.
On-Campus Living
• $268/month for rent, food and utilities*
• Food prepared for you — all you can eat
• Dishes washed for you
• 5 10 minute walk to class
• 35< washers/ free dryers
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•Cost based on remainder of academic year contract.
Pamper yourself and live where the living Is easy!
Living on-campus will make you happier, wealthier,
more comfortable and more secure
...for more Information, contact
University Housing at 346-4277 Immediately.
dents who want a chance to try
out the president's job lor an ai
Irrnnon jardine's name was
drawn Tuesday In the KMtl
l’rix eeds from llie raffle will
help fund pmjet ts such as l*,ir
unis' Weekend. Homecoming
and campus blood drives
Trading Clares Day is new to
the University, but brand said
the idea of a student filling Ins
shoes for awhile Is not new to
I had thought about making
a student president for a das ,
like some universities do. but
this is a (letter idea.'' he said
"It gives me a i banco to re
live mv own days as a stu
dent,'' Ilrand said "A lot of
people think the main gain in
this will he the student's, to
come to know wh.it goes on in
the president s ofFit e
What i see as the main gain
is that 1 get to see wli.it life is
like for a student
Brand won't officially relin
quish the university's reins, of
Jurdine will get a chance to
see how things work in the
president's office but won't be
able to make budget or other
management det islons
Those will have to wait for
mv return," brand said
’ Paper