CAMPUS Continued from Page 1 through tho report's suggestion more minor ity faculty bo hired. he said Clarence Spigner. an assistant professor of folk ant) othnic studios at tho Univorsity. said thoro is a symbiotic and reciprocal relationship lietween faculty and students. When a minority student is having problems, that person is more likely to seek out a faculty member of similar persuasion who understands the perspectives of that person, lie said If an African-Amorli an student is feeling alien atod from a white campus, he or she probably won't reach out to other whites hut rather to someone who has been in a similar situation "Minority faculty will probably be retained with more minority students and vice versa. Spigner said "I know I can't survive without more minority students in the ilassroom and I think students feel the same wav Saueedn savs the retention of minority students is often related to a personal relationship with a professor He says they need relationship to feel flooded with the University setting "Students of color need to see faculty that un derstand their perspective and share their expert ences," he said Diane Wong, special assistant to the President for affirmative action and equal opportunity, said the larger problem that each University .depart merit must adjust to is that affirmative ar lion has no effect on who the University hires Individual departments lire in charge e applied to .1 department that hires onlv one or two new land tv evorv vear Wong sml. simply he< ause the po sitions open Up too infrequently to take lightly Department fai tiltv have to make the de< tsn.ns on who ts qualified and who isn't Wong said her influence is limited when it comes to facultv hiring She 1 an trv to (onvinie tenured faiultv that a professor willm crease'the scholarly value id the t niversitv Or she can offer a minority professor the chance to bet lime a visiting sc holar for a var or less therein offering other faculty the opportunity to observe this professor "Only under ideal conditions 1 an I 1 onvtm e departments to hire tenure truck, professors. hut ran do other things she said 1 here's an atti tilde change that has to.happen I trv to find ways to make those changes taster Sam eda said the report : an onlv be eUeitiv> ,l people take action on tl fie Ix-lley • > o sine;: I !• sent to every dean and every department "People need to ri member that so iety 1 ■. changing, even here in Oregon h- -.aid I ten are more students of color ey er y vs I. n• Hteie-. only so fniit h offli i s like ours can I Pin r.ea. adjustments will take plai.e outsid' these idf:. plai es like the dorms It s a ( ha ilenge t tie w hole campus ow CAJ*PUS£S ACROSS AMLPtCA STUPLHT5 API PiSfPAUGh'T THAT THEY CAM T APTOPP A MACJMYVSH COMPUTE# incout-P owLy Arrow? a • macintosh i COULD GET THAT'A in QUANTUM PH/SICS' -1 AAPLL Ht-AtfS f- TH&K AMkJi£*ll> CM/tS AHC> CX£Af£S The Apple Computer Loan. Now, you can’t afford not to own a Macintosh computer. Now you aui finance am Macintosh computer you want. ;is well ;ts printers, momtors, Cl) ROM drives, sc:umers even software All for a monthly [Kiyment that won t even put a big dent m your pizza budget See your Authorized Apple Campus Reseller right away for more details and our simple, one page application form Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am - 5 pm 346-4402 | Offer good with 1 James ■ ILLUSIONS™ 1 51'1 i IfH ol.n W'liamettf ' owprs •: i!; PERMS $29.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS Siatingol $39.95 HAIRCUTS $8.00 111 u S i O n S • J(!‘> Fight doors wes / of the l of O Bookstore THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I Oh yeah"> Well maybe I II |ust come over there and rattle your cage'