Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 11, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    ***»«<^ ..
Oregon i Jett I yon* lake* a *wmg at me Duck Invitational at l met
aid Valley Goll Cour*e
Duck golfer prospers at invitational
j Oregon's Jeff Lyons
finds victory at Tues
day's tournament
By Stove M -nr.
i.mi't i V ii ' \ (.nil Honrs*
!iii! ami thr Lynns’ di-n on
I ni--.il,iv .is (>r*-(4on s Jeff Lyons
(in <( ,i i -1n<i*" | *r Mi hi iIh- fi
: .ml t \s :. '!ir I In * His i
fatmnal lour.n.1 nsrnt by four
San |os<- Shili usi i! ,i final
r■ :■ : i .mlt'r ii ' .’it.' !.. nilj-i‘
; ■ | : i ,i J h, i k- i s t: V ' si ri s
Veil I! L.V
on the fourth. sixth and sev
erith hob's tu !.i k> .1 x - vh t
lead after nine holes
1 btrdied the first holi- and 1
xx.is nff and running. Lyons
•- i j-.i " li lut t i s us unity t hfl
(might st hob' for nic, after that I
felt good
{ )n till' 1 Jill bi :r, l,\ oils Si'jl
united himself from tiic rest of
•th<- In id .vslien he s ink a
foot putt for eagle lie stumbled
n tie 1rith liole when Ills tee
s|.i .t i.inded in the vs ater Hi
finished with a triple-bogey till
the hole, bringing bun down to
b.s final score of I under par
for the d.iv
Lnritpie/ and Ins teammate
Jeff Arneson I led for set rind
with mcr par Jills Oregon's
’ 1 ug ! )ii( ihate.nl w as right tie
'and them after firi ig a 1 tin
der par 1 on the d. v to finish
at 21 ft
Brian Tucker's li-tinder-par
I. ■ the low est round of the
Lou Whittaker is an internaion
ally known mountaineer wn
historic achievements include
leading ttie lust successful
ascent ol an American team t
ttie top of 28.168 ft Mount
Kangcfienunga in 1989
On Marcti 12 tou will lecture
about his many mountameennu
adventures and present an
exciting slide ‘ how of his climbs
He has successfully spellbound
a packed room m his last two
visits to the UO Don't miss the
opportunity to meet one ot the
work! s greatest mc>uhtani
Climbers I te will be a. mnj i
med try Skip Vowell another
world class mountaineer
7 30 - 9:30 p m
150 Columbia,
UO Campus
Ialk to Lou Whittaker
►At the
10 00 ■ 1 00
Win A Mountain
Climbing IKp
truer at the UU bookstore tor
a Climbing Trip on Mt Homier
witti L ou Whittaker and Skip
Y owe 11 as your professional
1 he tup includes one night
; mmodaiions m downiowr
s.-allk* a bout cruise and dinner
pit Puget Sound a five day
• riii:! ur and toe ,c mountain
ch'nt'.rig training tour nights
lc d : rug and all meals at Camp
V ■ " f.lt Raimar one- night
,i mm oat’ ns at the base .. I
Rail' er and an award:
u"d tail, r pa’1> W ■"
|-i t! - r «ting trip e, -,pc :
The drawing will be held at
Lou Whittaker's lecture
March 12, and you must be
Door Prize
On MARCH 11 & 12, the UO
Bookstore will be giving away
backpack and a sweatshirt
On MARCH 13 to celebrate
t ou Whittaker's visit to the
bookstore we will be giving
backpack and a sweatshirt, with
HOUR' i nter in the lobby ot
the UO Bookstore March 1113
20% Off
MARCH 9-13
You Save 20°o On All
Jansport Merchandise at the
UO Bookstore
,i ..s riot inctoeksil
HOOK SI(i\l\(, with kl WI TH HELPHAND
I ()/ ()1{ \DO \ /s/n\s ()/ \ / \\DSC.\ni
Author Signing
Thursday, March 12
12 30 - 1 30 pm.
in the General Book Department
K, • i . or jt
• r. ■ .:! :■ h V of Oregon
7 birdied the first
hole, and I was off
and running. That
is usually the
toughest hole for
me; after that I felt
Jeff Lyons,
Oregon golfer
tournament, powered San lose
Stale through the final day The
team finished at H77 for all
three rounds, just ahead of Ore
gon s HH2. (udlfornia Irvine fin
ished third at H85. followed by
Long Heat h Slate’s 8*17.
The course-played so that if
someone got hot they would he
rewarded " Dudhateau said I
guess more guvs from San Jose
State did today
Tuesday's round was lot with
,i one hour frost delay in the
morning, fait the greens were
mowed and play begun at o it)
Lyons rredited the pre-round
mow with helping Ins score. “If
the greens are good I should
drain my putts, " he said
"They were just mowed, so
they are perfet t “
The victory y\us Lyons’ first
career college win This win.
combined with three top 10 fin
ishes in the fall, give the Ore
gon junior a shot at an All
American berth
Individual Top 10
1 j n f f L y o n * • U O
74- 71 (.9-214
2 Sal Knr11| ui-/ S|S
73- 75-70-2 18
2 BoI) A rnoson S ] S
70-70-72-2 10
•1 Doug DuChuteau-UO
75- 73-71-219
4 Brian Tucker-SJS
74- 78 (.7-219
t. William Yanagisawa-UCI
7 Mil key Miller LBS
73- 76-72-22 1
7 |ay I’o I el i o k I’S l)
75- 7 7 (.9-221
7 Adam Horodyski-Udl
73 75-73-221
10 Joey Sugur UCI
74- 75 73-222
Other Oregon finishes —
Trov Tomiva 73-75-77-225,
Mark Aldrich 76-79-74 229.
James (I li r i s m a n
HI 74 77-232
Final Team Standings
1 San |(>s« Stale
29)1-299 2H2 -877
2 Oregon —
3 U C - 1 r v i i) e
298 2*15 292-885
•1 Long Beach State
101-2*18 298-897
f> l: c ■ N o r t h r i ii g it
309 302 2*1*1 ‘111)
t> Washington State
ill) 120-300 *130
t> U o i s e S 1 a t r
308 110 312 *110
8 Oregon Stall*
32 1 30 1-31 1*137
8 1* o r t i .1 mi St a t <*
319 119 2*81 *137
1 0 I* o r t I a n (1
3 13-311.-309-93R
10 Utah State
1! t 11 1 111 <138
12 British Coin rn i) l a
317 122 10*1*1-18
iz Recycle tc
t h i s
☆ PaPer* ☆