ELECTIONS ’92 Bush, Clinton do Super Tuesday (At*) Bill ('.Union won iin unbroken string of South orn landslides Tuesday, brushing past Haul T song, is In establish hirnsi'lf ns Iron! runner In the Democratic presidential rate I’resident Hush notched an eight-state Republican shutout of chal ........... On the boniest nighl of iHt* pnm.irv season. Hush won from Boston to Austin, and six stains in tiet ween. He fin od a dwindling protest, pu king up linin' than (ir> percent of the OOl1 vote In rath stain. Clinton, the Domex rats' prr primary favorite until confronted witli a sequence of t harat ter questions in l ebruarv, hail r nmpaigned hard for Southern margins so lopsitled that T songas would have to limp to the Midwest as the primary < alen dar turned north to Illinois and Mn hig.in i'lorida fiad been the hitler liattleground. mid even there T songas could capture only M pen ent of the vole Clinton lar outdistanced I songas and |err\ Brown to tiie Derivor ralii delegate competition, positioning himself < omforiahly lor the Midw est primaries He was piling up margins of l.S pert ent or more in tin* popular vote in the Southern stati-s. including Texas, Tennessee. Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana and the Missouri i am us "The people of tin South heard the worst alxiul me, hut they saw the lies!, said the Ark.in ses governor in a Chicago victory rally "Tonight, people are railing for genuine r hangi' hei niiM' they are hurling, ( dinton said, i rltir i/ing Hush’s rx nitnmir leadership f or his part. Hush said in a statement that his landslides were proof voters were ratifying his economic proposals Tsongas won at home in Mitsui husettx, in Khoric Kland nnd in Delawares c auruscs Hmwn's l«*sl showing was 1H percent in Khndc Island Despite Hush\ sucres*. large numbers of vul its expressed disapproval with his job perfor mama if* percent of Republlt um in Texas and 41 percent in Florid* Hue hanan did l»-si in Florida, where he was in ihr if) percent range Hr proi lulrned ( mill for "Interrupting the political rareer of David Duke by treating former Ku Klux Klan loader for six nnd plain in Buko's home slate of Louisiana Campaign manager ( red M.ilek spread Ihr word that Hush would devote less lime in um paigning in the (ulure The president was hxiking beyond the COP i ampaign in a statement that railed on congressional Bemor nils in pass his anil rei ession Ingishilion Hui hanan. In a fierv speech-In Michigan, showed no sign of (pulling - He said the president was "winning votes hut we have been winning the hearts of the American popple and vs ■■ .ire go mg to continue to do v> " With 72 percent of the prei inr Is tallied in I-lor Ida. Hush had !>H peri enl of the Republican vote, to 12 percent for Hur hanan In returns from 14 pen cut of Texas' pret ini Is Hush was gaining 70 percent, to 23 percent for Hur hanan and 2 percent for Duke Clinton and 1 song,is, one appealing fits! to the middle class, the oiler to upvale suburbanites dashed almost exduMvelv in Florida, the rrown (rwei id the busiest night of the primarv ram p.ngn AIM. said exit polls Indicated Clinton was run ning strongly among him ks and Hispanit s in I ex .is, sllghtlv ahead of Tsongas among Jewish voters In Florida, and had sura -.ended in iiittiiig into Tsongas' support among upsr ale Bemor rats Clinton riding high on Southern support WASHINGTON |AI’) Crowned again, this time for real, front-runner Rill Clinton is on his way to the Democratic presidential nomination. He'll need some Northern wins to go with his Southern sweep, but they’re in reach There are four months to go before the Democrats nominate their candidate, and Clinton comes with no guarantee But af ter his Super Tuesday showing, neither of his remaining ri vals t an boat him He'd have to blow it to lose it The Arkansas governor swept through the Southern pri maries Tuesday night, easily defeating Paul Tsongas even in Florida, where the former Massachusetts senator had made his stand In Texas, Mississippi, ’Tennessee, Louisiana and Oklahoma where Tsongas didn't even make the ballot H was Clinton’s night The night's work will add up to a commanding Clinton lead in delegate commitments one e tin' votes and margins .ire computed OCA may field candidate SAl.KM (A!*) Angered bv its treatment .tt the Dorchester Conference, the Oregon Citi zens Alliance Tuesday renewed its throat to Hold u third-party i andtdale against Republican Son Hot) Pat kwood this fall Matron said Ins group fools hotravod hot auso modorutos vs tin iittondotj tannual Re publit on conference last wook end lamfvastod the (XIA's pm posod ballot moasuro to label homosexuality as abnormal. That .ill but ruined any chances of continuing the shaky truce between the (K!A and moderate leaders of the state Republic an I’artv Sending a third-party candi date against I’m kwood would let tin' Republic an establish ment know conservatives won't tie pushed around. Mahon said. Some Republicans believe Al Mobley's independent Candida v in the 1990 governor's rac e siphoned enough votes from Republican Dave Frohnmayer io put Democrat Barbara Rob erts into the state s top office EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES /’/:i« t nn lit \Ji miv tv pi.** V at K>* n ' ‘ i VI • . ' > IkM itiiotr. M»«i I loot /’.(V nwnt Ml j.ii it iM U |>fv['.»:*! unl» \ KLm*; ha* S- * n t vuMuh •! i n falling afiai nit pit ju- iail \4h l M 1

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