Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    ELECTION *92
Super Tuesday favors Clinton
n o \ i o n <1
1 A Ml’A.
Fla (AF)
Thi- SupiT
I' ll l* s ll .1 S
r <* >; i o n .i I
p r i rn .i r \ .
i n v i* n t c (i
[ bv IllMlHl
boost Southern moderates. may
well live tip to its billing tins
year after proving ,t disaster for
its art Inlet ts in I'tBH
()( the 7Hil Demot ratu con
veiltion delegates at stake ill the
biggest dav of the primaries,
(i t.t are in seven Southern anti
border states And f I or id a
seems to be the tilth tint ertain
t y as Arkansas (it tv Hill (iltn
ton looks for a Southern sweep
to rot ket his t ampaign into the
M id west
"I just don’t see am contest
except in Morula, and 1 don't
know how much of a contest it
is there,” said former Demo
crat it Party i hatrman |ohn
White. '(Hinton will of course
pile up a prodigious amount of
delegates, ant) only a Tsongas
upset in Morula would punt
turf to some degree the so
tailed Super Tuesday’ con
Southern moderates, Irus
trated hy liberals' suet ess in
winning Democratic nomina
lions hill failure in general elet
tions, designed Super Tuesday
to gt\c a more moderate t andt
date early strength in the pri
man, season
l'hi-s year's version is .1
stuled-dovvn version of SIMM's
regionaI prtmurv . vs hen t
Dernot r.itK primaries 1 rv<! < -au
Uses w ere staged \t the- outset
1 I that r.u 1 I ennessee Sen \ I
her! (hire |r was the presumed;
benel'i l.irv of the Super ! lies
this uni • pt hul the vs inner-,
ended up tiemg llher.lis |esse
In k '.(ip and e v ent mi I I leimi
I r.lt: III It'll i rlee V .1 bar' i hi k.ik
U .kak ■ the;; tile Me- e hu
setts governor, won Seven t:on
tests outside the South that d.iv
un ! i apt ti red the two biggest
Southern trophies hinted.i
• in. I ! e v i Jill k •■op /w ■: ! r v •
si,ites and run sei in id in 1 j
more ! hose perfoim.ini e-- let'
Dukak ;:s lie limi! -rumu- r .md
l.ii k-.on ,i serious i untender
While (iore never shed life label
id regional i undulate
It Il ls heen ,m a.lisohitf: fail
tire up to now. Atlanta poll
ster ( l.llhotime 1 t.irdel: said ot
the Super fuesij.iv (.oruepl
riiat it seems to he Working tilts
year, he said, is more a flint
lion ol who is in the r.u >■ (dm
ton is winning the South virtu
ally by default her ause he is a
neighbor and this is a weak
field "
( hnton is the favorite m all
seven Southern and border
rontests l lorida. Louisiana.
Mississippi. Missouri Oklaho
MU, Tennessee and Texas
()nly in I lorida is the r.u e
w ith I songas < onsidered t.om
petitise and both < andidatrs
wnr tampaignmg m I Hi- stale
i.in I in' ev i' uf : in - I I. iv s \ 11[ i ng
i his iv Uni •• b 11 k sard.
iVnii^w s.ml during mu' Hun
. |,l slop So VS i b.iv l‘ I s i! v IT
medalstralegs for these prrm.tr
M'S "
A Suupheru Sweep partic u
birlv it his v )< tors margins ire
largo would give I Hn'm <
huge itol' g it’- bold .Hid make
go ht showings in ini:.\l vvi . k's
M; :i e -i' . i :. ■' ■- p: ■ '; i’ ■ '
even more important tor i in
gas and former ( alilotnia ( .ov
(errs [truss ti
; n.g.is Iii lung tor i I Ion
da upset md is aiming tor tin
gold I v. - Nvv : rig. i" d
onms m i.; i ; ... lav V i ss a
{ bn set Is and K hud'* i>iant!
( tmlon is i onsidon d the tasor
iti; in n.ivvaii. vvtuio Holavs in
Is : olisidered a tossiip tx-i a.O.r
of littli- ; umpaign n In its dure
(roilii attv . i vvii stairs ili'i i
Slolls lu abandon Super I •
da\ helped sol dii' stag'1 I ■’
( Imt.on
Knowing Super T u ■ . d a s
Would t ' loss i 11 ivv i ti d I I ;
scar. Sooth (larolma ilo lilt'd to
swili Ii I! s i oiliest I mm a . am ,
lo a primary and leapfrog from
a few days after Soper I u» - das
lo Stall !i
rile n (icorgi a <j ec ided I o
lin iv e ; Is primary up lo Stan ■
! ,i dei is ion tll.it gav e ( diritnn
a Southern beai tihead to c oon
ter losses m sni Ii si.lies a •
S! a r s . ■ i m t a o d ( i ■ d
Poll shows Bush even with Demos
VV ASHING i ON (AP) President H rdi's pub!;.
approval rating has hil .in ,ill turn low mil. lor
llii' first tinii', he's no liotter than even money
against either ol I In' two lr.nl Inn 1 Viihh r.i! K con
tenders lor tlir While House at i online !. the m!
rst AH( WushintfUm 1’n't survey
The niitlonwuir poll ol 1,n ill Atnerii ans U
tw ii'ti Mari h -1 anil Man li H showed only hi per
cent, a rei ord lovy. approvril ol Hush's handling
of the president v I hat is ri I points below his rat
mg in the same survey at the end of the Persian
(hilt War a year ago
The poll also showed Hush in a dead heat.
■H -1-1, when hypothetical!v paired against former
Massachusetts Senator Paul Tsongas Against Ar
Kansas Gov Hill ( hnton. Hush was preterm! by a
siant -IS percent to li percent edge again, too
dose to ( ,i 11. gl Vi‘fl fit*' } <• , ; '• s!at i•• ’ : i! r ity r - ■ t
error of plus or minus i S pert entag* points
When I he poll was hunted ! < ) : . • ’ • : ■ :
voters. Hush r.in a lew points hem:. ! both I »* "
i rats Anti wlien pitted against ai; in.- I I>< :
ocrat. he trailed both among the general popul.i
lion, f>J to 37. and among registered voters, S t to
The president s disapproval rating ami*',.’ ah
those surveyed was a solid r*M percent. h points
worse than the previa is high in nod - e, iar\
The poll also showed th.it i pen erst >{ th •
surveyed, another record. disapprove o! the w e,
the ( ongress is doing its job And a pen ei.t
majority opposes a $41M) annual im ate tax at
lor most Americans, though a solid -11 percent
ininoritN supports the lleiniK rate pi m
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