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I -r in* «rc m! i in.it:> ti c all O'* S AJo < >t pu k up a. j'ii, at.. a at * \i\a;; s I \ aid . a M< i : Dili' \pr il (>, 1002 IFC Continued from Page 1 at* »ut .! pets enl .In 1 vs i' > wi'i'k ly meet mgs arr often tension-filled mar athon sessions. with II I mem fairs staling repeatedly that they cannot give as much as they did last \i'ur Student enroll ment is del musing, there will he fewer people using your groupV services and we Just can t afford' to pav higher fees, tfie refrain goes (troop representatives nearly always counter with the same argument our group is i il.il to the l'diversity-. we provide srry n es that are i rut nil and we i an t esist without more mon ev. . .Some of lire Int reaves are tin avoidable Croups with profes siunal staff memfx rs, sue t) as I.eg.ii Savin's tire Office of Stutienl Advm ar \ and the i. M ! staff, have sa l a rv in ireases that are mandated by the Oregon I’utiln .Employees I Inion Arguments go around and around for hours until a final budget is hammered out ami a final vote is taken The result rarely satisfies either the stu dent groups or tile liC mem hers lit (hair w o m a n l. v d I a hernia and member Robert ( ru/ ha i e a Iread v ( a lied sev era 1 groups tiiat have mi cived alio i ations, ln< hiding the Man hmg Rand Isti k to tin budget table They believed the groups re ( eiv ed too nun h money and yy anted the li t! to i (insider cut ting the budgets further l .u li lime, tiie committee has reject ed the proposal Lermu said she tries in under sinnil Ik)!(i sides n! the dllern m.i On one hand, she knows Hi. ■ ! students think let s .ire ton high Hut nn the other hand, .is .1 student who's been involved for \ e.irs with Ml.l'h A she knows how important thesi groups .ire lilt reusing fees Is ,t 1. ulld (oin ern, she s,i!,i With the irn reuse in tuition and the drop in enrollment people are afraid The m t essibility to this l imversitv is being leopard i/ed The first reai lion, of .nurse IS IIV uf enla) fees. We elei t these students, the\ should l lit our Hu identai fees Well vs iiat thev also have to realize Is that thev have two lull-lime attor neys. I he \ have a mediator they hav e a student ad Voi ate. thev have a student govern ment they have all kinds ol programs here the’ Vie fit them d thev want to use them !. vv :n ome p. ipie of color a.’, u. .'( a! : ■ ». tor h. :ng shut out ol an edui ation with tuition nil leases l.erma said But she said ethnic student groups like MId :i)A. the l.a 11no (ihic a no student group, are i rui nil I hese groups provide sup OSSHE 1991*92 STUDENT INCIDENTAL FEES "VO*™1* r*© l TfllAf STUDf N'T ME Ai. IM f f f »UH DNG F££ 37 Ai COSC $1445 5585 Si.» 871 na,jD 3050 iaw ’ f OSHU 'i bbwmb f 74.00 10.00 84 00 108.00 1850 nji ’9 6? ’6 05 psj - 1290 >.•<« 38 M '4 93 3790 71 •» ? UO 40 40 27.72 22 77 1 98 400 2 6* 00.00 < 7 V '» 60 4750 47' 18 SO 18' $18700 VMS $20850 S'4‘ < $15100 S'51 ' 504 10100 54 50 18.50 $17800 $148 port for the very few students of color that .ire here," Lerma said Ihoy determine whether or not .1 student stays at this l’ntversttv For me. if it weren't for MFThA. I wouldn't fie here today That was my haven I knew I always had somewhere to go and someone to talk to Krii lories, m i oordinutor of the Survival ( enter, said he d<«*s not think his group got a fair hearing The Survival Ten ter received an allocation last month that was down 11 per i ent from this year's budget 'The li t! had told us a < (Hi pie of weeks before the hearing that there would tie across the hoard 10 percent cuts," Jones said "I’m not real involved in those issues. I just want enough tu get on yvith the group I mean. I didn't want to get into a log light about yvliether we were going to have .S~ for pen tils The group presented a budg et request that was a -1 peri ent decrease. Jones said, adding that he did not feel flits was ai know lodged or appreciated We y e lost a lot of respect for the Il-'T this year." he said A lot of groups are getting in i reuses and we got more than a HI percent decrease I don't re soart h this stuff, but as a stu dent working trt a studen' group, I feel disgusted The allocations hove tlutiii.it ■ 'ii svildls \( I .ml< 7 think they’re trying to be frugal and that’s good. But I think they ’re erring on the side of being too frugal. I’m concerned that some of these groups who have been cut will be coming back for special requests in the middle of next year because they’re going to run out of money.’ Priscilla Warren, ASUO vice president and former lh C mem Per lion Sonin groups ran bo cut .1 lot and still operate and sorvo students." she said "Hut some .ire already at the bare bones and can't take another cut I’nsi ilia Warren was elected to the 1IC in April, but resigned last month to take over as ASCO vice president Warren said there is a definite differ unie in how Il-fi members per c eive their task "Lydia and Robert feed that across-the-board cuts need to be made," she said "Others, myself jnc hided, feed it's not a percentage we're after We have to look at these groups individ ually Some warrant an in crease and some don't " Warren said she believes some of the cuts have been un justified, such as the 2.^ pen ent decrease Amazon (aimmumt\ Tenants were giy on 1 think they're trying to be frugal and that's good. Warren said "1 think they're erring on the side of being too frugal I'm concerned that some of these groups who have been cut will lie coming hut k tor special re quests in the middle of next year because they re going to run out of money Continued from Page 1 I'mvcr*itv o! Washington students pa\ only $’<> i term In lees but nirollmi'iit is more than 34.000 twice Itii’ numtx’r of students as the l'nivursitv, twice as man) students to uhsorb e\ ponses At l H U A. ri-sident students pas SA SO a term lor their student union and ns realtor, renter fees and S’t tor what is railed the undergraduate stu dent activities tee About 35.000 people attend I .'Cl. A I he tecs students pav at the University climb a little bit each year Last year, students paid $lt>.r) a term During the IUH'1 ‘>0 school year, it was $148 Ices were $1 J7 m 1 ‘>88-8*1 and SI 18 during 1 «JH7 88 ()l the $17fi each student paid in fees each term this year. Slo t was allocated by the ll-'C In addi tion. Sr>-1 $0 goes to the Student Health Center and $18 T>() is a state mandated building-mainten ance fee paid by students at every Oregon i ollege and university RIGHT ON .Emerald CALI OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712