r“ SitJ HELP! HELP! SUPERTUESDAV! SAVE ME! - V l LETTERS Worry I rei cnlIv attended my first KM1’ budget hearing meeting ,i! the request id .1 Iriend. .md frankly. I was appalled by the insulting behavior of several student officials toward roll cerni'd students 1 must admit i have not fol lowed school politics very closely, but what I witnessed tias me worried ulxnit the fu ture of this institution At one point. Incidental l ee (aimrnit tee memlw-r Anita Stai ry was so rude as to storm out of the rexim, refusing to listen to the students Moreover. I-.MIJ board members Sara Dodge and Scott Dunlap made it readily appar en! that they did not care to bear students' opinions I expei t this kind of behavior from the administration that has repeatedly shown its lack of romerti for students, but I bad expected more from these so ( ailed progressive' st cfent leaders Sean Knox English Fund raiser i bis is in response to Debra I- ry - s letter Money, ()l)l. Man h ■ ' oni einmg the land raiser Trading Places" in yvh ti i) i ’ n l y er si I y Pre sidelit My ies Brand will sw ill !i jil.n es yx ilfi ii student for a day Hopefu 11y, I can clou r up some misi uni options she .mil others m.iv havv K.i'rst of .ill. this fund -raiser was ,in idea given to the Student Crtiversity Relations Council hy another university that puts it on ever\ year (>ur organi/ation brought t It is proposu 1 to Brand who agreed to partM ipate We felt this . 11 11 vit v won Id give at least one student a be! te: idea ,1 w hat Brand s job en tails. while at the same time givmg Brand in 1 ipporturntv to see turn one student spends his or her day As far as hr ye s y oneerns alxiut where tier money would be going, every dollar donated by students for this raffle yy dtl ,;n dire, tly tow ard stu dent programs Our organ)/.a lion, s! K( is a nonprofit group whose only purpose is to organize and put on t mveiMly events W, aft ill ha: a.. ,| tgantz mg Homei timing activities. May lest. Barents W* eg.-nd . | e oak • lain h 1 r [or a l), ..■et! Dui ks the 1 an ; . ■ blood drives, the Settlor Send oil and Comedy Might, just to n.i'iii.' .1 f< s\ ! f anyone has quest ions of. torn if ns about (his ftimi raiser please li t'I free iu i imi.ii I our f Llano InKstor SURC Other side li! failing lb1' -if!ii It s on I’m lessor John Hci-he .mil Dll'. Sc urtmrnugh from the Offu f of I’uhlii Safety. 1 w.is rompolli il to ask Si arborough to slop by my offu f a nil explain his Milf of the story Another employee itrui mv sfll listem I w.tfioii! making iidgnif nts of 11 ir ow n U i would love to tn-.ir Irmn Beebe .mil has f him expi nil !hf apol ogv hf offufil In ihf public ■a lets off 11 f r last niflc ami then hopefully slop all Ihf (Ourislingmg Thorn aro onlv Us ci pfoplf who arc iiositivf n| tfif im idem. ami I hast* only hoard mif Vicki Travis Stall COMMENTARY POLICY (annmentarics should tic between /SO and ! .000 words, legible and signed, .ind tile identdu ution of the writei must be verified upon .submission. The I'montld reserves the right to edit for grammar, stvle and length if nei essnrv. __ ‘freshman Seminars 1)1 < k ( Al l. REGISTRATION SPRING TKRV1 1992 Open to students with freshman status and first term transfer students Enrollment limited to 20 students PH1K 199 ENG 1W ARK 199 PH 199 PS 199 PHIL 199 ENG 199 CM 199 TA 199 Matters of I lie and I )eath Racism in American Literature Pioneers of Image: Ethnic and Minority Group Stereotypes in the Visual Arts The Cosmic Connection Political Biography: A Window on American Politics Existentialism and Types of Characters Crucial Human Issues Creativity, Eccentricity and Serendipity in Science Contemporary Issues in Modern Drama Office of the ‘/Van of Students 3b4 Lhrtjon '.Hull Or 11 ■><> nn 4M0946 Wn*l|8«lWI_ / / Ibis Week '* luncheon Specials Satav Chicken w/Rice C hit trn .ttvtl \ egrtjhlrt w j Mot I’rjnut Sjuir A < AMJ’l s I AYORIll $4.50 Kic t* vs/Teriyaki Chicken Wirn> $3.65 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT U\ our dinn< 7\ too! L 879 E. 13th MKKKWNS DI S I K<>\ .V) Mil.NON I Kl I S l<) 1*1 lil.lSII I \( 11 SI \l> VY I 1)1 I ION <>l I III \/ H YORK mu S I \ I in VI \u. I’ri'ttv ch-ur cut isn’t it’ \tnl that's just tin' Suinl.n pajH'r I i >ok It we uinlimif si a si mu; millions , >t im-s tor -rnr newspapers, packaf;tn>; and other paper piiHlu.ts sooner or Inter use’ll run out o! forests Imagin'' tin- number t tu ns we could -aw it we us Vi led more Isi \. Iii 1^; ! onlv j'o -or Vos our natural i> .otm <\ it avi . l o-r^N s [i . i. Ii- v n newspapers I vrrv lav 1 i t o. i a to i Ri v. !ir>’ hi-vjiis in tlir hotiu' It’s i", i ryl’o.l v • ii sj a:sihilit\ I'nr innt't' i nformat ion call: ,'Mfi 1 r>2\) %.J RECYCLING l of () Recycles THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON u , Sumo temporaries