Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Castration no way
to deal with rape
As usual, lawmakers don't know w-hic h end is up
A Houston, Texas man recently won approval of
his request to face castration s':: stead of a jan. sen ten: e
for his February 1't‘n sexual assault of a Ft ear old
Should Steve Allen Butler go through \sitn *: . op
(■ration, it will lx1 the first time in on out years that a
sex offender undergoes castration instead of spending
time in the pen
State District fudge Mike Mi Spudde:; ■■ der ision
could be the beginning of the end His ruling sets a
new standard of ignorant e within the legal system
For one thing, the agreement addresses the issue of
rape as if it were a ( rime of passion or an at I n! set .a!
prowess It's not It's a violent, degrading ai t against
women having nothing to do with sex drive
Butler's genitals don't need the renovation, his
head does A male who .sexually offends a g:: i or won;
an has serious problems stemming from mental dyx
function These problems manifest phvsii ally through
an act like rape
If we're seriously talking about dc.i;-. ti ■ ta\ o..f of
prison, and it looks like we an-, perhaps Hutier should
lie forced to undergo some form of (ounseiing for the
next :;tt years rather than ( •tstration. It would be mm h
more etfei live
Bilik to the operation Anotliei o.! a bad
idea It won't work
l lie operation he will undergo on ' o-i toms the
removal of both testicles I he ■■' xu..; it;.v < lovse eii
with the operation, since the male hormone tf.toster
one is produced in the test ;i ! e • t. at in' ; i.. : . t
completely, the man is still i apalde of an erection, stot
able to rape.
Not that an erection is necessary in .1 rape rhe act
isn’t about sex, but about hurting and degrading worn
on; a rapist wouldn't have to be sexually aide I here
are other ' Pols' like bottles and broom*:.(ks Suk.
right1’ But true I caving men like Butler or1 the streets
with only castration as punish m : t doesn't stop the
problem of rape
The saddest part is that the vu tun's family agreed
to the operation deal mainly so the girl would not have
to public l\ testify
What does this say about the legal system s treat
ment of rape survivors in this country :’ Why don t
more feel sei ure in r oming forward to face their attack
ers m Americ a s courts?
And what does this sa\ about this country s gener
al attitude toward rape victims-' Why is this girl and
her family holed up in their home, afraid to confront
Butler' Is it fear' Shame' Doubt ’
This agreement is a had deal tor all of us
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‘PC’ professors censor students
1 < , f I
Pristi hers of (he Vw i.rft
or 1 huiioxv h,ivc gr.it mi
t i.issroom pulpits til < til
logos ,it rtis>. lilt- rial ton. udvani
tug [t. liin a! .igi-mius i l.i lilt* if
giUnu/ing whir If of professor
I’umt's 111 Ihf polliu .|IH I tf
r t-1 I I n s : s ! !ht mo v i nit n !
tit if Ml ' ■ s :s!. I i .1 ! i.is ! it i-n l.ilt
rti .tlfti within tl ■■ ijiitigium-s ot
Uv ; t n-.t r v .it I v f .it . i < i i • nut ton
am! muii.nlifs Initilf t.mt v of
dlVt TMU or poliln i/.iSum of tin1
t urnt ulum ‘ Vmi !»- Ihf judg.
t l.tviti iit t rs. sfiuor t tftior of
\f. "f- ' .//,•• ■ Is ih,it i’(
t run s haw tff.tli unfair blows
against campus it onm fasts
It-in i ills Is mu It it u It ura lists
and oliit-i t hallitngfrs of i n
I!,-! lift I | iow ■ : I . .it .■ Sh
I urtbiitfs’ ill llif f\fs of t v il
w h 11 ■■ p,t! r m r ( ha i si u t! t -n I s
I ■ 11 ( H s \f,tihrr /tini s
1 ml 1 Htivtii it ihf noil t-n
trt-nt fifil j tiWt'r n! Uxlui s c .m:
p , I s v ; - ! s lit .. ’' tilt nstslllgli
r,tilii .t! nimmitniH of inilttiin!
f t- m i n i s i ,i n if i.n t o I f r .i n 1
mil ft .it r.iiisi pis '••ssnrs who
wish in srpar.itf tfu- rumpus
a inn g l In ! ii if s o! r.f f gf mlf r
,i ml s. v: t; orif i il .it ion
Si 1: if f I : ! s wflosr V .11 til'S l-\
is si sui h n.irrow anil simplis
:i ts i;in l.irn s of intmli/.itiim
. • ■ j . : ..i visf .is InsfilsiliVf
.hi ! pjiri-ssii f ami .iff ( on
sr ■ p;. ii !i \ h.ir ,i ssfii a ml i t-n ■
Students at Ni'iivoii College
m ( )hu- ill expel 1 In tuk.<■ Biol
ogy of I'c-male Sexuality as a
Ht.i.In.itiim requirement, which
doesn l .1! firs! glanc e conjure
images cit thought control or in
cioc trin.ition But .it ttie hey;in
limy ot c lass. Professor Kef •
wards assumed lull command
of her students She immediate
ly tianded out syllabi that in
structed women to make 'ver
bal contributions to discus
sion yet made il clear to men
that "participation means seri
ously listening more than con
tribuling to disc ussion
It a student has the- nerve to
take issue wilt] this type of re
pression ol ideas, tie may be
sent to the intellectual gas
c handier id a gender aware
ness seminar I'hus. most siu
dents just acquiesce to their
more politically astute prides
sors li st they b- labeled "insen
s 1 ! 1 \ e to wo m e n
o r
huii:■ ipholiic (Sense anti
Net ' . i*\ S.itnmul Rrvh'w.
i >#*»!
In s ;i h courses. students are
ruin bed fui admitting an iiti
herer. . in natural law. for all
, »i Varxisls know that Chris
tints was i re,ited so men
t ou Id I ege 11\ rape" their
s h aditu; feminist An
• t: ■ i lu irk in insists, but
vs orn yn who shave their
he.ids and worship witches.
C.1,and ieminis! art he
t\ pes are praised ha illustrating,
a sol ia! hraverv
K.utiUi multic uIturalists and
ti ■ m j n 1 si s envision the ideal
university as an intellei tualh
Iota '; T11 i / ed student body ot
cultural relativists who t ease to
grappa w :!h the issues t ritlt.al
! V hi.: : mplv at i ept am V able
system on the merit ol being
In another instant e ol Intel
hx Inal repression, a student at
. • ts11v ol U ashmgton
!i e an intr in. tlotl to Worn
e.n s Studies i nurse His proles
s ir asserted that the heterosex
ual run le.u family is "dyslunt
luma! and that lesbians and
itavs inevitably produt e health
ier i htldren
. \ i i • r ; .is v me siuneni po
litely asked hin professor to
substantiate her < laims. and she
turtly responded. Why are
you ( hallenging me?" Discon
( erti-ii. he dropped the discus
sion .1 nil left At the next lei
tore he Vs.ix met .it the doorway
h\ campus police who forced
his removal from the building
("Sense and Sensitivits ")
Students who perpetuate
Martin Luther king jr s won
derful dream of judging; people
only on the content of their
i harai ter must he careful if the
target is not white, for he may
he charged with racism Class
room i ritii s of the NAA(d’, the
I'rhan League, and other pro
moters of dependency have
been duped as "bigots" and
hate mongers," even though
many hlai ks today feel politi
cally alienated from these
I he president of Smith Col
lege in Massachusetts assures
students in an ideological man
ifesto that opposition to racial
quotas, sincerity or depth of the
argument notwithstanding, will
he treated as a serious offense
I he st honl has employed a
full-time Affirmative Action
Offher to monitor objection
able public,il opinions uttered
by students ,md faculty (''The
(bill of Multiculturalism” Nr\\
Kcpuhlii, 1991)
Next on thi! politically incur
ns I bit list is the Western ( ur
riculum Yes, Augustine used
tbe gender-spec itii "man" in
referring to tbe human race,
.iiel Odysseus was rather op
pressive in bis encounter with
:! .it alternative Cyclops fellow
vs lien be gouged out Ins heady
eye with a big slut. But such
male aggression" does not
compromise tbe wisdom and
philosophit a I richness pu t
toM h in these books
\ prolessor at Wesleyan feels
differently I'be < lassie texts of
tie \\ i stern tradition have lieen
imposed on students as a form
ol m.de domination " (Itmi) At
Stanford f’niversity, a student
contended that "The implicit
mes-.age of Western culture is
\igger Co Home ' " (Ibid)
llmm talk about a stretch!
Leftist totalitarianism in the
classroom? This charactoriz.i
lion may seem like a stretch
also, but some university ad
ministrntors have nearly as
sullied the role of an autoilo
minis "state, which dit tales
standards of appropriate Ix-hav
ior and punishes condui t tfi.it
Is otherw ise illegal
To debate ideas whi< h ques
lion the accuracy of leftist his
lorn ill revisionists ran lie dan
gerous in the classroom A stu
dent al Ihis university pointed
out m his U S history course
that Afrii an tribes held one an
other as slaves in the 13(Xl's,
and he went on to desc ribe
how linguistic and pigment dif
ferences caused misunder
standings and eventually, geno
cide Before he could linisti il
lustrating the omnipresence of
insensitivity, his instructor has
tened to silence him so as not
to offend "people of color
As a means of alleviating
what radicals falsely identify as
"oppression" and "insensitiv
ity." the politically correct
movement has threatened the
sanctity of speech In the ( lass
rtxim 111 does exist and will
continue as long as radical pro
fessors seek empowerment
through silencing those who re
fuse to interpret the world
through the distorted lens of
gender, race and sexual orienta
Kyan Dlurkrltrr is a sludi'nt
•it thr l Vi/vrrsi/y.