- _.» - * Phc#o by S**^ Pomw Of agon* Jatl Lyon* lad tha Duck Invitational aftar tha first day Swinging Ducks lead golf tourney j Men's team stages comeback in Duck In vitational, shoots for the win today By Steve Mims f CTMJf aW Ctx'lf itiUtOf Oregon''* men's golf team used in the after noon round UC-Northrldge's Jeff Sunday and Boise State’s Marc Rhoades are two shots hai k, followed by five others at three shots fiac k. including Ore gon's Doug DuC.hateau and Troy Tamiya We made a good comebac k to pass San Jose State on the second 1H." Oregon head coach Shawn Aicher said “Jeff and Jimmv (Chrisman) came around and gave us a lift Lyons had some sensational shots early, twite missing a hole in one in only one foot He got his game together in the afternoon round when he missis! ,i to loot linp in one inch on the tenth, hole He then birdiod the 111h and 12th holes to move to 1-under-par on the Lou Whittaker is an internation ally Known mountaineer whose historic achievements include leading the first successful ascent ol an American team to the top of 28 168 ft Mount Kangchenunga m 1989 On March 12. Lou will lecture about his many mountaineering adventures and present an exciting slide show of Ins climbs He has successfully spellbound a packed room in his last two visits to the UO Don't miss this opportunity to meet one of the world's greatest mountain climbers He will be accompa nied by Skip Yowell another world class mountaineer — LOU WHITTAKER LECTURE AND SLIDE SHOW THURS., MARCH 12 7:30 - 9:30 p m 150 Columbia, UO Campus Sponsored by Jan;:port and The UO Bookstore i 0- _ ai P> f Talk to Lou Whittaker At the UO BOOKSTORE FRIDAY. MARCH 13 10:00 • 1:00 Win A Mountain Climbing Trip truer at the UO Bookstore tor a Climbing Trip on Mt Rainier with Lou Whittaker and Skip Yowell as your professional guides The trip includes one night accommodations in downtown Seattle a boat cruise and dinner n Puget Sound a live day seminar and basic mountain climbing training tour nights lodging and all meals at Camp Muir on Mt Rainier one night accommodations at the base ot Mt Rainier and an awards dinner and dance party Worth $400 this exciting trip is spon sored by Jansport The drawing will be held at Lou Whittaker's lecture March 12. and you must be present fo win. On MARCH 11 & 12. the UO Bookstore will be giving away TWO DAILY PRIZES of a backpack and a sweatshirt On MARCH 13 to celebrate Lou Whittaker's visit to the bookstore we will be giving away HOURLY PRIZES ot a backpack and a sweatshirt, with TWO PRIZE WINNERS EVERY HOUR! Enter in the lobby of the UO Bookstore March 1113 20% Off Jansport MARCH 9- 13 You Save 20°o On All Jansport Merchandise at the UO Bookstore -vf included BOOK SIGNING with KENNETH HELPHAND OLORMH): \ ISIOXS Of A l A.XDSCAPE Si Author Signing Thursday, March 12 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in the General Book Department 3 Kenneth Heipnanc s a professor ot landscape at the University ot Oregon This Is the toughest Fve ever seen this course Jeff Lyons. golf ream member day Tamiyn gol the Due ks off to a strong start with a 1 over par 7:i in the morning round. Hi; foIlow<*d that up strong with a 7f> in thu afternoon to move into a tie for fifth pint e DtlOhafeau is also tied for fifth .ifter shooting the opposite of Tamiva, n 75 in the morning and 7T in the afternoon His sis ond round got off to a shaky start .is he got up as high as f> over-par before getting bark to e v e n In r the r o u n d DuChaleaus putt for par at 18 lipped out, giving him a hogev and a -4 over-par 148 for the day The tournament is set for an exciting conclusion today at hmeraid Valiev Coif Course, as nine players are within three strokes and four teams are sep arated by only nine shots When asked what it will take to win the tourney. An her re sponded, "Under par Despite almost perfect golf weather, the course played tough Monday. Many pins were placed in spots where Oregon players had never seen them before The tee boxes were moved hack a step on some holes, taking nwa\ some of Ore gun s homo-course advantage inis is mo tougncsi 1 vu cvor soon this course," Lyons said The tournament moves to Lmeruld Valiev Golf Courso to duv for the rinul 18 holes All players will bo toeing off .it 8 30 a m . with the lop individ uals from the first three teams playing together Individual Top 9 1 Jeff Lyons-UO 74-71-145 2 Sal L n r i i| u e z - S J S 70-70-140 3 J o I f S T r o v T a m i y a - U () 73-75 148 7 Jeff Arneson-SJS 73-75-148 8 William Vanagisawa-UCI 75-73 148 9 Adam Horodvskd - UC! 73-75-148 Other Oregon finishes — lames Chrisman 81-74-155, Mark Aldrich 70-79-155 Team Standings 1 Oregon 298 *93-591 2 l'C-Irvine 298-295-593 3 Sa n Jos e State 290-299 595 4 Long [teach State 301 298 599 5 C C - N o r t h r i d g e 309- 302 (>11 r. Boise State 308-310 018 7 Oregon State — 321 303-024 8 Utah State — 314-313-027 9 Portland -313-310-029 10 Washington State — 310- 320-030 11 Portland State — 319-319-038 12 British Columbia 317-322-039 MOBILE: I COME TO YOU' TQUE-aPS 8CYL.: $45 • 4 CYL.: $30 Pnces inducte sparii plugs Cad al Tixi* Ups Rus 746 7672