There’s no leaitimate reason to fire Monson FROM THE SIDELINES BY JAYSON JACOBY Tin’ bigg.-M question mrmith fating the Ore gon men's bciskettiall team in no longer whether .1 suerc'ssful sea son (.nil In salvaged In terms of w in Ions records, 1 O'11 in already in the looks as one of tile Din ks worst seasons ni'l regardless of what happens in lln fin.if I WO g.lllll'S Now I he unknown is ihe future of couch Don Munson (oven Oregon's in jury woes .iml the lineup w ith wlufh tin Dm ks f.11 e rebounds pur game or inof half the teams point average iind m irly half its p« r game rcliounds The I- .'.lit' : . f i I \ hs O VS.I.' VS .! I eV (Inn and Collier out of the lineup and norm- since Jordan joined thi- injury pa rodi* shouldn't r.uiiio «is *i surj>ri Antoine Stoudamlri- lias }■ n • i up some of lh< slack, scoring morn that . " point* per game But hi inis lion ! ti < «t lo i arry aninordinate portion of On grin's snoring load In tin' Ducks omy svtn situ i- the c onferenc e opener i in ‘i against ( al .1 M <1 i vs In mu < begun State I 1-h It Sloiidatutt'’ had hi of Dr rgon s points In fad, Stoud.uiiin lias 'a orrd more than one third of Oregon's points in I'ar 50 games Teams with that i.u k of si or mg halam '• don't vs in many games The Ijuestlim IS vsh\ lias there hern guilt'll laris of support lor Sioudamite' Tiie .msss i r is simply tii.d the Hut ks have had lo rely on players most of whom are Iri shmen vsiiii no college haskeilsill experience hi h.u k llllli Up (Iregon has start. I at least Isso fresh men in every league' game, anil for the past three weeks first year players and true freshmen Jeff Putter and Johnnie K, ,-t ,■ along vs ith r. dshirt freshman Wd I nuns, hay e started Again. the Ducks i iirreilt seven game losing streak shouldn't come as a sur prise It’s no shin k that the league s y oungest and most inexperienced team is in last plac e So lar 11 looks like ail the evidenc e is ag.nrisl keeping Munson However, one season does mil a c arerr make l or example. Du k Harter who was re plac i d hy Moiimm s pm In essor, Jim Ha m y, in 1*l7H. v\ is just <■ .10 his first sea son Harter Hi nt on to h ad tile Dm ks lo six straight winning seasons C.rallied (Ills 1st! ! Munson's lirsl sea son. hut llie same logic applies You have to give .1 i i i.u h the nec ess.irv time to de yelnp hi- program \t the present time M nson - progr im Is made up mostly of Don Monson young players I hr most experienced of whom imxc been injurii! A te]<) record under the t nnditions of this season don't warrant Munson s dismissal As disappointing as tins season 'Inis lio n, it is likely to pav substantial divi dends down the road 'I-hose dividends will likely start up p- .i[ini; nest \ ear I lie Dinks, who this Veal have appeared .it times like hoys playing against nu n, will boast the league s most ex per lem i'll i rop of young players next season liven better, all those freshmen v\)h were initialed into lollegr basketball by a veritable trial In fire will probably have the luxury of iaiming off the beneh next season Stoudnmire. I.vden. ( ollmr. Jordan and returning (efoot-11 junior Hob lilt who lias two years of Pat Id expert elite under Ins belt will likely he tin starters in 14tC’ ‘It That's a pretty im pressivts lineup, even ill the I’ai It) Rente potter arid Williams all id whom are developing into steady per formers will likely he miitv successful turning off the I*-! li, rather than kmiyy mg that they are the first line of defonst against the like-. Or i umi I >.mU ^ int i .il»t ( lassifu cK f — . \\ I K t V I ^ <)l K si K \ H I nsTYPMG SERVICES I 4 *oi <1 p' «vi Printed lent to computer files fS C A NNE R Sj 7474580 344-4510 HI 41 |l 1 «- 'I I I I- -I I fiO'i t nth TYPING UNLIMITED \ [ yiHC. » iNGt MS Typing Mfvtt* I At! iccunl* prof*»»iona! SI 00 (xg* up 4IU >>018 JO I Ml TYPING PRO , ■ • t»». •' M ■ pat t>-« A. fo• f .1 ' «» A >4 4 0 ’S9 Mi*UN GHADSCMOOt APPROVI D »**■’ ' *r \ * ;• !«'— ptl.'*#'-1 «r. -« **»' Hftrtvft'ft l and 46b 114j ON CAMPUS' See Section 115 For all your typing needs mTYPMG SERVICES T Ml WOHD SPftlAl ISIS W »-t i‘ . •• , i . P ' * . * • •*-»' App- '.wl t CINDY 4cU V4V4 120 TUTORING GREEK MATH TUTOR Tw»* Thun 7 30 0 00 PM in 232 12S INSTRUCTION Pronto 5ip*r*t*h & Poriu^tM t h v • *> » ' ’Q ' f " A *»vi» c 4 4 ‘4 Dooncsbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU -1 i r « ; v v? v A * !v • -A » ' . - p 4\ 41 \ .V -■ V'* Of .«<»<*• ti\K A • - i, / »