Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1992, Page 13, Image 13

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    •' ■«
Gill: good memories, misguided fans
CORVALLIS I h ,! v .«
nothing hut i olorful mem
orios of Civil W.ir games
at (.ill ( olisrum
I..ist season when i I'errol
Brandon-led Oregon team loll
flat on its fait' it (Oil. I had a
groat I irno Not hot an so the
Dm ks lost H I 7f>. mitl'd you.
hut boi .nisi' w hat happened
around the game was interest
Brandon store i a .career high
iH points in that game last Jan
uarv. and the contest was rloso
all tho wav through, hut the
real f harnior t amo as being part
of the crowd
The Dut ks worn 7-4 and had
won four straight up to that
point, thus attraoting ,i dot out
amount ol Oregon followers tc
Corvallis I was among that
crowd, which really paled in
comparison to the number of
Beaver hat kors at (.ill
But that was the fun of it
Sitting at the very top ol So.
lion 1 (don't lot the number
fool you, they're the worst seats
dill has to offer), the Duck
cheering section including
myself w as t onstantlv boo. i
and jeered by the surrounding
Boav or tans ()h, wiiat fun1
A friend and I wore sitting in
front ol a particularly rowalv
group ol Kugenians supporting
tho Due ks Tlio highlight of the
game was when one of those
fans got his Due k quackor con
llsc atoll by (111; olf iela Is w la -
said using the quae kor v ini a tod
building noise regulations
Now I w as starting to foe . k*
the Due k basketball team un
dordogs no matter how \ >• i
look at it
I hmgs . hung** so little (>Ver a
l.vi'ii ip llii' • (irk'-! ! inn IW'
.in.! ,1 fs.»If hours before the
K■ irr,i Saturd.iv.-' ss as an un i •:
dog Y non Ori son St.it*- it -
dm! O', fiont of ini' paid Ilf the
>.11, ■ h -n t [>ri< '■ I or a g> • er r
admissn n Ink,'! (SI1, ani 1
thank 11hi v N.-mg thn n a th-a
viT i i• n expected the 'vifni
jim * Wrong
| made the mistake of telling
thn wiving woman in thn loll
tn kel booth that i vs ai from Or
(tgon Min w fi.it i .m I sas ' I’m
honest, at liwit Seven dot
lari. ii vs hat she said
Sat u rda\ i ( is ; W r pilin’
was i iiffnrnnt thill \ear ■■
i.onti'it i-ithiT aw i p' tor tin'
olis ions l.n t that m it m arl s .is
mans Husk l.iln hothn’i'd to
make the trip i hough I t mint
cd hundreds ■ ' tot u pen k. r
h,n kuri itiui*'nti and . .thi-rs
allk' a! iist-a'i ia s m ib !.
up by ms : unlit ss is iins
one of four itudi’iit t.iin at the
garni* Saturdiis inr'- that i an
exaggeration. but probably not
by much
(dim idontalh I mi behind
the other tiiree gentlemen,
forming our osvn version ,d i
pitifully small Oregon student
section From rns seat ! i mild
see the handful ot Dm *. tans
unlinks enough tog'1’ stui k Hi
Section 1 (they should’ve lls
tened to me! and another hand
ful behind the Oregon bench
liven i family of Dui k tans !:u
gored a less ross’s behind no
against the ( dll ssali
The feeling of being an un
der.iog ss is os erposver i ng
One id the Oregon students
sitting m Iron! it me den rib. d
the underdog (eehng best
We re dead, man. fie said
WI- re giin* ! hen i noltong
else to it
Hut yve dldn t let that stop .is
iron: i to t■ r.ng on t h1)*
W" wo on our !••*•! ! s' :v
“Sit down, you —in’
hippie," yelled one
Beaver fan.
Or'-«rtn s. or,- . i■•}>{>!tor .-v
cry ih-aver foa! and y m Kii:y
JMttiny; he" !• f-a-.k. tor
stmt! favorable calf*
Hit* ( orvallls natives didn’t
take !• >o kindly !-. ws
I itav1 ■ tfu- Iy ■- i stu ml i up
i>y .i! mu i a! near y '-y rry tusk i !
for the first to minutes of Un
it r- ■■ yy I-- n tvv as ’
it Ami lor the Itrst to minutes
of the name. th<- Heaver tans ex
plVated their i no-Li in hi,,! mli-r
prrtiiliotis i)l mv piTson.il i h ir
artt-r and < h - >i« ‘ of «i< ,idmm<
instil,01 «i >ns
Sit ait>wn v• 11 m’ hip
pi"’’ v«aif»a on.
Shut op you 1.1 it it o!
shouted another
iioir’ on-- -aid simply
i If dot Os I li i 1 VS ! f 1 ;t! I' : ’ ' ■
them, and they didn l bother
mi* bio .nisi- i -Ion'! i onsidi-r
hue's lies I ! lbs- f , V ■ vs
ahead nun h of the ihime. I vs is
hay mg too mm b. fun to v. iti< e
and ! had mv fair share of retal
Kitiuns, even if they yy.-r, a bit
more tame
Mv favorite and most memo
rable 11, a ver ! i: vv.e i y oi; u >;
lady who seated horse:! lire, l!y
two rows in f‘ fit ! me a! tie
' ee .-U'.inj* III in- ijam- \\ Men
heitan i h.eerinit for tie- 1 Hk k •
during the in trod ui ! em of !1■
startirift lineups the i>irl turned
an mud and sip. ire . ; • i • i tin
in the eve
What's up ys *": you-"' she
Huh ' e-k- ! '. ’ ---ys . der
What s
sa, i ,U\I: !)«■,: h mm '\ 'K:. y
Wh.ilV a •!: ■. . ■ ; re
pi • • ■! ah 1 'hi':k •' .«!■ \
■ . ,. v :
VY! I els vsas I im 1 I
\ t\ ■ ! ; I ■ i ; :■■{• a 'A ’ At .
After she 111!'t uir . sh, mkin 1
! I ■ • ■ t ’ i: >.; ‘. ' . I : i A
blood began to i hurn a little
i‘ ' !ttl. I h - -a h.ii a ,? ,:; ■
‘Mon! ; tp tit! !. t itn' I if lit
>4111 ! K.ii, i A •: .r hi- I. Vf
IsHi in mv mi ir i .
V» . ' a f.ii
stand • >r th.if Slit- i: i li.:- : n.
group u! 1 ’ i; - r 1
will 1 I ' ■ *
half lit.- m- turn ■ | i >•■•!■ -I
start a t bant rln m :ng. '' -
1) .. ks' •' . . 1 .
Ami all tins thim 1 -!h ight
that vs as win' ft- s . A ' ■ r
\11vs that I'vr looked .it the
lit. •; if ( v U li I
i ,, \\ ,1 ■■ >:' .It ( , I
lit IV: Vl If .'I-.1 I ' "
a: < -ill' An (fregon a ii
(lould I it tu,ills gel a srat
tvhl •' i -A ill. Ill I tnlSf In keep
■ In1 blood flowing from m\
111'-. A ‘ ’ I! 'll. .1 ’. ! I'll 1
: * ■
(amid the Oregon Stale tails
rea 11/it- that I a m not I fte
fmnue.rsu.il iiiivsrf . ' Id tie \
" i ,i •. I start i. k 111g
me tie I" .in.; till- piam-ol lazy
■ otlego student I really .nil'
()r i mild I pis! realize that
this is die vs a\ thtllgs are III (dll
I idvciim where the smell of
manure dial Inis V"ti .is soon as
VuU step outside makes von for
re I re., I I .: its el t the I rerp V
graves r I m I- ml o! Ah Arthur
( oilft ‘
T it t ft f U I I V . though, f a t
i ham e ui, any .1 them
/eke //erg is f/ir spor/s eihlnr
at tlu‘ f iner,ild
Bears maul
Oregon for
two losses
I'• •• t ■, iflbijll to.tm\
r■ ■■ ■•■■■ trip 1‘nrii'it Mnml.n
«iih *i p.nr of In it ( .ill
form i in Ixilli In.imV !\u tflr
10 ( nnl'-rrm i; opi'Hct
Tin- (loldiM) Ho.if. vwi’pt
tlvo .ioiiHii’ho.iiii'r ! i .mil
(.11. mipruvi- 1.1 IS 1 on
0 . no ’ (;i l ilmpjo ii
1 ’■ i m
a (. ,i h :or i: i p 111 f:i*r s
'A! ' 0 1 1 ’ t. O' ! !WO
h w
K f ■ 15 V.innui^ vn • ■ n t live
Itir eight on Uo- <lit with
' K!l!v three runs and
;i ; m'li hi-.' . Mar mi*
V t i!. tt .1 sin for eight
w ilh lh: ■ KBI. three runs
ami three stolen bases
I * i it bur Natasha Dumosk i
.'hi pi ked up the win in
Jin’ iitsi Karin*, working Five
innu.g. mi! sinking on! sov
K.o tiolln la y lor (.11)
earned (hr win in the sis omi
garni* Slu* jiili linl flvo in
nings ami strut k nut nine
Oregon's game on Sattir
ilav againsl Stanford was
i ailed on at.(.nunt of rain A
resi lied u led game to bn
plaved at Howe Field is
The Dm ks return to tirllun
with a pair ol doubleheaders
at Willamette and Oregon
State this weekend Oregon
next plats at Howe Field
Sunday afternoon at M)
against I’ai iFle Lutheran
lull ' un I, J-. t'A u i tin Ik , j:. i w. i !:. k>U!,!.>m it- tan |
lx |i it- Spjji(Weak Aihi, -nil. t «th< r i ujjcm- tannin*: ..i.
'■ luh vuii aiII .tlicdulc a(.’p>'intiiifn!s t ■: , j an. I: am !a.
PAjik ins ail, ■ tin am turn
•/ »
Open .4 ! ir> J •
. i
nae-n u ur> in : at..
*%*£ b W h: Sy>UT. Pr
, New W It! Sy>tem t.int.-.njj k. t'v
>nvenicnt !t->treet parking.
Stereo heaJphono.
595 E. 13th & Patterson
_ _ _
Weasel's World
Kraig Norris
f,' ■ 1 • >.
■1 s .Vv •
% t'T (7. mla*:wa
►».*' hW 'f>,?
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
f • . »l l ' * ’ *** '
• , f - V