Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 10, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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Tilt- follow i ,g illl X loll In were rrpurtril to ihr Off! i i- of Pub
Iit Safety anti the Kugeno pollen* department from Fell l‘> to
Mari h •!
• A University student reported an assault and robbery ti j
lua- Feb .!? The 20 year-old man said ho was walking along
Alder Street and 14th Avenue whet: fw. live apprise lied
him and one of them stahN-d him with a butterfly knife, at
cording to police reports
The stispet t who stabbed tin student tier: held ! !i ■' knife
close to him and demanded his money a ordmg to police
The men started to drag the student inti, an dU \ l b,ev said,
'‘You're going to die if sou don't con' i re w th rue and
continued demanding the student's nnm, •,
The student told the men lie w . . : !■ ( in' ! the s«s
pasts then told film to remove r i - i I.- poll; e
One of the suspei Is look tin : :■ ' • whim he
had just pun based at a nearby ■' n■ ' was ahe- to
run away From the saspei ts ;i. / d • had .hi en
stabbed and walked to Sacred Mean C : n m , d
* Police citisl a 4.'i ve.ir old tr
the University 'campus Match f
All KPU officer w as dispatched *.. • OP'S
i ers saw two men at Ml' w ai * " " 1
southeast corner of 1 fit ti As • n n ' 'd
ing to police reports One of ' • • • ■ 1 '
of trespass from the timsersiis hp. hi'it n n
man of his letter of trespass and that thesva;. s\ . i uiver
sits property
1 lie1 man Hit ill lit ’ a., ,■
hut thatthe 11’t!i■ T t■ v j)! ri:<t ufte.j.yrtie v a - ■
()I’S told .1 '!)• !'!i . • • a : •
tfur lll.in’s letter of tf ••! i • !'!:■ ;t!' 1
• Pol it i :[}■'.1 -dig-P ■ . i r. ■ ■' : ' ■ -•'
versily's Westmoreland family l1’: .. \1
Whih ■ I vv
Street, two 1 Pi) »ittit ers 11■ ■.i:»! ,i
likt! 'i child, .i; . -rding !i pn, ■■ ri j W
checked the parking lot of Westm r
found a three year-old t hild al irw - . lit*.
on only a pajama Sop and bottom-. and ■:
w till no lams
Thu ollii urs found a door open to onu . ' . !a v lt>- e.
lng apartrnunts according to polii.e Insiifi theott.mr found
pictures of the child tllev found outside and i one mar old
infant asleep m a crib in tire bedroom The oft ers o il i not
fix ate a parent or responsible person
The offit ers rallerf the Children's Serve es !)iv isior: and ar
ranged for the children to fie taken to a foster home for the
evening, according to police While the 1 vv;. a ntmg
tor the ( S|) to deliver a child restraint t’. tel It’ n .
parents arrived one and a hall flours after the ollicers first
dtsi overed tlie i tilidren
I he lr> year old father said he was a t mversilv student
and licit he and Ins to vear old wife had gone 1 ins I ah to
turn off fits computer
• Two men i fanning to lie ( )I’S offit ers slow a ' :.: wr sity s! s
dent's keys on March t, according to p. >• o p rts A l<t
vear-old 1 )v merit Hall resident told pi d u e she found one sirs
pc< t rummaging through tier < assets- tupi ■ Sh- ■ I • : e also
observ ed another suspet t in the hud wav m-\t ' iter room
carrv ing vvliat looked like a wale- talkie
The woman asked tiie first man wh.rt he was doing ill tier
room, according to polii e The man replied, \\ - re trying to
catch a guy in here " The woman said What'" arid the man
told tier tfiev were campus set urily He asked fu r w here the
guv with the walkie talkie was and she pointed into the hall
The su struct then walked out of tin* w ..man's nx-uu m i dis ip
peari-d down the stairs
I'ver\(lu> l<»\\ prices
M I h 10:10-7 • I n 10:TO-ft
S.il 11:30 4 01
1275 Alder
Classifieds I
346-4343 ^
Class listing correction made
Chi' Am,m Ami'rlran K\p«ru*m:r .1 nnirsi- lx'
itaught spring term for the first Unit' in mom
than .1 ifrt .uii'. had an inrornx t tinny listril in tin1
s, In-ihili' o( 1 lasses Thii i nurse. l.S I IS, is llstixi
iimicr fnlklori' anil I'thnlt studies anil will mw!
!r an J 111 t .’(l |i m 1'uesdav anil I hursilav in
K. a: . i) J 1 hapman. nut from to I .'(I p m
Japanese study program ottered
()r ■>:■ ;■ students have an opportunitv to study
a a ■ -,i- : inpiai;i- an i 1 ulturi' without' leaving
■ ' it* •' ■■ ugh a new program
i ! . a U 1 in Summer Program will
, . ' a III 'Or 1 v, m ' si talent's mil AO stu
ih 1 a U 1 •• la fa.iversity one of Japan's
in a ■ ' pa .ligiysrs 1111 \ 1 • r s 111«-s
* • • .. 1 • • . w •;: room with (apatii'si- stu
,i," ,i\ w '' inu'n'sf stm ha;! •. and partita
; . • : ■•.wath ! 11 - im ■" stu.Irnts m
j, ;a-, i V'- a ..ai'-'n! ;! t riiss t 111!ural i'llvlron
w. ■ . , i i vsjiii! , a !>\ tin- I )r
egoti Si,ilc Sy stem of Higher lallir at: m Waseda
University, m'Iim ifil private Oregon . ..lieges and
uimi'isiiti'v, and tin- Oregon Partnership tor Inter
national liilur ation
The program will take plai e lulv to Aug .PI
at Lewis ,x ( .lark (Allege in Portland
Students who have studied |apa: • language
may enroll in intermediate or ads an ed levels ol
language instruction taught In \\ e da facility
Students w ilh no prior expcricm e may ■ nro.ll m a
c ourse i omparing Japanese ami i aglisli lain
Id la- el igibfe. students must have nmpleled
their freshman y ear by june it an Oregon
.Allege nr unis ersltv . demonstrate a seiious inter
est in Japan. maintain a minimum '> grade point
average irid live on < ampu.s during the program
The S!. '00 .ltd mi hides 1quarter h .ur of tut
lion, room and hoard, field trips and a three day
( Allege Outdoors experience tuny. Uy students
may Is- eligible for finani nil aid
l or an application and further inhumation,
stop by the l iilversily Summer Session Office, or
• ntact \nn Burger .it I >•« is i I.ok (aillege.
r»H ;• tor»
We'll Pay You 1/2
On Books Needed For Spring Term
At Our Main Store
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