Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1992, Page 9, Image 8

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    , U • 1.1
Oregon s leading scorer Antoine Stoudamire attempts to get a
shot oil only to find OSU s 6 10 Scott Has km in the way
,t‘o XT- Page 8
Ml I! ; !. .1 flii lor .1 whl Ir.
' hr ! hi > . si ini'll tip It) the
Sit oI imire st tired (In'
fins lirsi msrn points o(
the mi <jiid hail, int.hiding .t
thrt ' jiomtrr and .m mured
i hir twisting la v -1 n ih.it
xpped llie «id vuntugr lo
27-Jl.i will) 17 lift remaining
Although the Heavers im
proved lileir shooting ilrasti
i .■ 11v in the se< ond hall, hit
ling a si//lmg 70 port ent (10
ol 7.1). the Hut ks did nearly
is s> ell it oj port out 11 1 of
77) Ihf biggest different:!'
iT-.el ’ lli.lt was lilt'
inuvl .!u|nm.m! during On;
gon S! iih*s d tu Isiv a 11 1)
si:!. 11 was lime j n»i n t
(frisgon Si.ilt; m.nlc 7 of 10
Iruys in tin; sih ond hail, in
i.lulling thrri' tiuring tin:
1 1 0 run ()ngon did main:
four of lughl, hul ihrrf of
ihosr i aim: during ihr final
four minutrs afliT fhr garni:
had broil di.'i ldi'd
()t agon d idn I have mm ii
storing o l Ii i- r than
SIou .1 am i r :■ U 111 ia ms did
gut in. bill hall ol his [itmils
i ami’ in ihu final I 20 I’at
IiTson, I’olti'r and lolinnir
Ki’is i nmbltli'd lot llli' rr
maining 10 |x>inls
Women’s tennis team aces foes
R, M,r* Ba-V
- :• v\ m .s *. :in; s :•
' ' '! > U-a .■ : vn • K-'ini .»t •. 1 v .
vuns! ■ • r ' ' ; ' h'/ .1 in !....;
V I’nrUand Stal- and I" •‘ an! • :\
I• riclii\ ,nitj t\i( rl : 1 uthrr.in Saturday \*d 'hr . ■
viiuif < am pus * rafts
in ! ;■ ' Om:>r- **■ ' nv didr 1 _h»M- ,1Y. • ••
■* H* ’ rnlirr VN > *r k. > •:. I .. ■>. !h* ih:, V
i! > : * .' • ’ a I ad dh.rrr »ip pOFl ■ n! > An :u ; 'Uv
>la'n*;s tv 1 *' a I > ‘s .i f V< I 10H !.1 V . ” A ha
i ffShu'l;l!v k-i ■ 1 -d.;d.i Or \ ■ ' A
p! a v rr !>d fh*' !• ■ im tov u dnrv hv vn •• • I
h.rr v:iu;irs m >!» h< v 1, 0, 1. 0 Y -r .da d- • ' d
Salaa 1! Vars v i’ortland's V - ' •• • ;
and 1 rutsrd by !’a< i!u I.ulhrrun v I»r..i>;» : A’ :
S.it!ir 11 \ !;» i'!■ p* 1 »\r hrr m'ammi rr* not * *
l! Ir< i ;;•• '! 1 ■ vn : n ', 'i . 1. l a • ' W
had a !■ ‘! o j !11!i i;h map hr> lo ifn • ;'
H OM ! as i as\ Vs th«. m rros. VNn/u id . ..! ,
Yn d • : ! I : .•.!'• f a -4 ».»!!► • ■. ■' V ■ • !
lirr jin >w t ss i < oniroHing ihr had 'nn
c on hi t ale h ' h< a opjnmoiils of! pi.iiti and .
pi * vn v r -thorn
V . ■ ’ d 1 VN ! • ' An; V i 1 . * V\ '
dnm u lit rd h<;r opposition . Olhr: phv v*.
SS , ? i '. f! Mil Ill's SS Hill nl!
.; .l. . 1 K iin1 l .iuiu Mi-.ilfn • • ,
• s \! !■; ss h i .ill n mi m.Hi I 1 i
Kind i>lav 1.1). i> o
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! s- ib !• ili'il i'lirl l.lllii V'1 >'
\ .im bs -i ... i ifr i il li -11, (* U V1
V ,m.l 'n .i Kot i»Kii ‘ :'
! uni M.Hi i'ppimrtlls <■ (). t> (I, .tml K ■■
ss, - ni inisi I'l l s (mil Kiib.il W m
.miHimr li ll i> 0 ssvivp
"l . Hi .1 i mul I .itrgrii’S r ilrli'.il I '
. |i M.tvi uni 'Mislr W.ifitii* in
! ’: 4 >! 111' i ■ t H tun i' (1 ltd K rut.i \
! mils ili>M' singles in.Hi li nl ilit'
ss . ss ! ■ n i .Is mi ln-lil nl I I’l ! M . I
(. 1 ' ' S.iluril.iV
\ 'l LllllTl's III,III II sv.lli r. s
■'it ss ■ i lsi tul, (Mint I
...ii i).;.imsl I’Ll s ilisubli's If.mi . !
\ I 's r-,!:, ! .. i! , Jims ,il I tits', I. Il
( It •. .•• : .1.1. b I mu (Iri'iili'r ri ill, i .Mb
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I IS ■ b I VVilb nir Imp •
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ii'ir I'nr I
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.ml.is Hi
\ t Is i nps
till' ilutt
ss i rKrnil
W I .m
ilu- mils
■ I >111 Is
( begun
lts.il ss.'
‘freshman Seminars
1)1 ( K < \I I Kl-.(i IS I K \ I ION
( )|kmi Itt students with I resit man status and Iirsl lei m t:.111,1 ei ,im!.
Inrollntent limited to .'() students
mn IW
I V . l‘)*>
\RI ll>‘>
I’ll W
I’S |‘W
1*1111 l‘W
1 \(; i‘>‘)
cm i‘)‘>
I A l‘>‘>
Matters tit I ile ami I Hath
Raeism in \meru an I iteruture
Pioneers ol linage I tlmie and Mmoiilv ( itoup Sitit'uiv pcs
in llu* Visual Arts
I he ('osmii ('onnei turn
I’olilaal Riography A Window on Ameruan Polities
I vistcntialism and I yjK*s ol ('handers
('rueial I Inman Issues
('ream it \. I n. eentr ieit> and Serendipity in Si lenee
(’ontemporar \ Issues in Modern Drama
l)//lift’/ f/i<* 7 Van i>f ,S tudtn r> 'id ( hr,/i<n 1hill ; h< II ;n
^ Duck Call &
k is Ending... A
So here’s your last
chance to get some
Hands-on Practical
Experience and
University Credit in:
You can get experience in:
/ Coordinating events
/ Public speaking
/ Writing articles for the WcllNow ’
/ Facilitating workshops
V ... • ' •, { ,' : '■ :
Ajub.- ; f: P4- 4 1' P -
’ 1 • ••• * •• '
O:- •>■• ■ i i-i: • ' -r1 iv.:
Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
Oregon Da,ly £1110^1(1 346*37 1 2