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Win ming tut Nutiinluv iiul plut ril u sinuig stx tmti to I songus in A: :/ ( .;r:: it; pit knl ii[i nil it i i|. h gut i s in Ari/on.i I tirspilr Ihr srt iuni pin ■ slitiwmg Mush mr.iiuvlii Ir st nrt'tl u I. ' prl: .‘lit i :t I I V 111 South Carol nu rvlrliif tllg Ills si ring . i| s h ii touts hut still iiit i >n n luring Ihr rough!\ one ihini ptolrsl voir III- srrn in rut h llus sruson (,():' I liullrllgi r I’ullll k Mu i hunun Iruilrrl in Si»uill ( uro vvitli .' mg This campaign is about inure ih.m piling up delegates Sill! ills tildes were dls.Ip p<>mil d that the ( urvM'rvativi* commentator tins vet to better his 17 pert en! m i otlti plat f finish m New ll.impshire lie s\ on Iti pm ent of the vote in (Icnfghi lust Puesiiiiy Hut him,ill strategists .ire looking beyond Super Tiles if.ii ton uni u showdown on Mure ii i ” in Mil higuti; hoping .in upset there ( oulif energize fos flagging I Uinpuign US Hon ,,hi K, .niun's vii tor \ in \ >rth ( urolinu • ri . lit \\ . ir.• Lit brio nil on this i ;if vr, I son gas s iid Sunday ( .niton iiumw hiln. dr |. : i. d his involvement in .i r. ■ . drill w ilti I hr ow ti er ol ftitloci say mgs and lam "There was nothing inappro priate," hr s.iid in Austin \! issue ( Hinton s hall in a real estate corpo ration with a longtime triend win. later bought a controlling interest in a savings and loan I hr New Vork //rues re ported the real estate deal in a Sue. !av story that said (Hinton and his wife, Hillary, were at little Imam ial risk bee ausir the SM. ow ner. lames MeDou gal heavily subsidized the cor; .ration Hit (Hinton said that, in f.i • 1 . and Ills w de lost moo HARKIN Co”: -'lied bo”' Page ■ ■ U • • .ei.l Mi-:: l.n M .»r k ;: ■ IN the sei Olid dh’Illoi t a! ::. p i! ' ;! r • H alter a series <»t p • : si i*va tig's V i s n Bob Is • " • > vvi'.h :: "W i--: win * a in r I in isin in: poor K • Man h t Virgiti'ia.i .i-v 1. ,in U V' : (i. i ( the Mi e Ihv! hi .ms s Oti s w ere i .isi Markin was ! he !,].;:<• ! r ni l! i< m.i I 11inM.ll lit till' hold Me p'otn.s, .! Jeep ij. il rise ; ;its, a ' now Ness Peal anil i nhisM-ve puhln works jit 0" on designoii to ere all- intis .mil revil.ih/e the natron's iislr i strut luri’ But the formula l.nied ! tomoi M !•■ do munch'd eiotiutnu. sjiei lias and. tirvd nl losing tlii- Wi'iil. i I... mans i',! .is i •! loss ini t linton a ml I I w : eralos SV'itll 11 ■ lain 'i H i nvi'iv plans At his iiv w s i on f c r i i 11 i f1 t k i [iliimii’il in jiriiis,1 his 11s .Vis aiiil i r I'resident Hush hut .:j :■ i jiol i nh n I l endorse am >1 her < and id ale, sa id ■.ms Cine 'will i s j) 11 k > - 1 ■ Ha! k 111 O: S: i:la \ hut ask'ail Tilil !. hr nh litiIll'll two of Ins ns als InnuiT S' r. ' a si lls Son. I’aul I soli'.:as anil lorlti'-r ( ah lurnt.i (on Ji-rrv Brown said thev w ould aggressively I nurt ill' I.i’" a ;i ju iri that had goi • to I lar kin "Markin gave sour lo the as|nr.i!ions of thi working men and women of this country . and ho doserves our gratitude. It row n said I s,ing.ts said he and Markin spoke hv phono and joked, 1 asked him In help me Willi m v speaking s!\ |o Arkansas l.uv Hill Clinton stands to benefit from Markin’s union su|i|)orl. largolv hoi a.;so l.dwr opposes I 11j. - ' :: I. I h :; i haim i ’ig I fa' Ii e :lu; . ■! j 11 ■: ■ M s i:. s e 11 r i - a k r r s k u ' w '• K . I • i V\ islnn^lon ' ivv \<;r ti.I sin; Wotiil «i< ■. H,»f k ' ' " W s 1 • - s \1 . ■ ■ ! : ,itn! ii•. i :, nr*! i nmmriii 1 i i .i !■tow ■ Sin.!!: i i■ 11!isi : v\ ru : <■ hitpfti tor i: ' .iu ■■ f. f - nH ti pm 1 : k : i l‘t V !• V |!i r If III i'll .1 •s'!• ■ ! si-tli.i ks.m lln- i-.irU jirim.irif•• ! ■:: -.■ ■ •: !i ;n \ w 1 * . • pshin -in*.! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ v■ > - :!i : soi11!i 11 ,k >!.i A s . ■ •; : V tiiUM'i.i . im in If Mill*, slintt'',!’kii! .ith-.iil bill till- r'f suits. M - . . i ' : . • V si f 1,1/1 till W ffks llnf' Im. I 'lii ip. .( In si.i \ In l hf r.n i mill! ill.■ Inf st.ilfs ill Illinois |f,i M : : f o: '.i !: : ll holi! p) illl.l! if s V .• > : it ! ' i I. hojif.l In-, l.i-ln ir Ilfs u i in hi ii.: ip ll if I Ilf! f Hn! 'll.irk’l: ' ip. ■ i 111'.! Wlllt south fin 11 s .(I* ' i Ilf..! i\ t iinlf'.ls j Ills uVfk ti' in i mi it if I or <>!>;. 1111 /.VI mu .mil I; 1:1 * I * i. i*lfil In puss in it iliosf I I prim.irii .uni i .mi iisi s . H o k , if-. f :■ jif 1 > f nil;. ■ I In Minn- ol liis strtitiufNl.h.mif •! iif sup jTiirtvrs lor !n.nlfipfulf uffunif ulion Hi I ri A i!i .1 In-uv tlv on low :i .ii I' ■ vs . I!: Iff. Ip' ! lOii 111 n.l! f f 1 i j I ■ ■ I 11 11 * Son: ol his probli'rn is pisl pl.un ...:. so 'il ii| ' n\ ,i I n 11f. 1 \ n I o \\ : ► ' , I ( .! :: ( ! I. :. I lb w .; ■ ■ ! I ■ :1 : i; i . :T I Mi '■ : > von ... i 11 who lln-v hr. m f I: I mi Ik..ini iin* . . i I n v ■ it. iii If. ■ 1 ; ; ; ! ■ T, S, '! lif III I ' 111 I ill W .1.. n I 'fill uni if f.u tf.l ini; lln p| ' ' : f ' i I W ill ,". '.IlllfllV .ill' I ill'll }if i:; !lini III f 11 Ills { *|IH11< I ll V lor I Ilf IP turn r.iln ion in Siplflllbfr ' ' . w : V. f11 ! V kI: ■VV I , : : I lifiiri whi'M In- I mint lit s I Ihf i .mi p, :,-r: : ,] I,, piitiifi! min Ii ol Im. Imp! s ., opt •:.:*V Sir,mi: I . I: ill ll. fist' irv !h Srvi ll.iuipshf' U OF O IS RECYCLING Please recycle at these LMU locations Glass I rshbowl, 1 root Desk & Survival Center Paper In front of Survival Center Finals Got A Friend Down? ^ Pick them up \ with ' IIOWIKS!! ()rtlcr llowi'is aii\ iline J I lit pltOIK' MTVKt' Si* or ' I’u k lip .1 spit “Make the Ciraile Spring hunches s-l !Eugene's JIowit Homt { l'lIK I'NIYKRSITY FLORIST MO I 1 '111 .it I'.lltllMIM Alpine Import Service The Volvo Specialists X Pressure Tent X Thermostat Check X Hose Inspection X Radiator Power Flushed *'' iY ASf Certified Techs One day service vY One lull year guaranty iY UPS parts service to out ol town VOtVO owners MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30 5:30 COU/ 726-1808 I CDM AI'I'OIN I Ml INI 1 12th and MAIN in SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 U<* can help you find Money For College Hi »*n S!u,it ii! i H . ' ■ ;.■/ hint!Ht Aid •• i V.t !. -!p . f . i ! • • • : • V i -! < ;u t 'ill..11 111 • :!' t .IV. .1! i - I .. i ml .f! .11 f;i . 1. I mi ludinjt i jri i r | \h - ! In i it.ik'.- .iiii] i .. i.-11 , mfi-i.--.tK •Guarantee *, ... - at U*.iKt ki*V.*li ;(.»••> t I I • ■ it. to !"f It 11 ,i: i i. l i .ill ! win refund % ui in n. ', in. ir• • i n and ..ur I-'I{Kbrochure please complete and mad tin- i'uu[mii below I’l.-.iM- send FRKK :u h.-I.ii ship inf.■»mati. n t. ■ I |*h».n» ! M . 1 • Sc holarship Resource Sen ices js 515 E. Pershing Suite 159 i j Cheyenne, WY 82(M1 | L _I RIGHT ®N TARGET : - tveri ; ■ 06. 371? Book tolling iMarch 12 • 12:30-1:30 K 1'ii’ti in.) . enni'lti I i nf I uni I i .. • if\ • i ft( ii '■■■■■ ■ ■ ' I ( i Ik i. 1 .1 ■ i■: !’- ■ I I i a 111■ I• i>I f I I’ !.i> V. hii .init\ i ii.ulu.ilc 'h hoot "I I i;;n in l'* ,uul h.i.^hl • it I I mu in I ■ r. u ■ I In-tiluti' . I I * ■ t m. 'iogv .mil I'm 11 v>t,itf h im i'i ■!(’. I n ( fh'r.U ■. >n ’.in .!n,vn,.iN Lind- . the state's physical f i< < • it ti >{><•■.• r.»phand it's resources are ear h r loselv considen*d to r the <*tftm I thev ha\ e luu 1 on human set t lem ent ,1 ini me l nderstandin^ that the imp.u t ot people on land is luip.e and s\ mpathetu to the need - ot pei pie in all their approaches to the land, this work is not a polemn It 1 • a hi-torn al study tor the layper on guided In principles of tolerance, pluralism, and a re-, pet t tor pint es and the human in term tion UNIVERSITY C) I O K l C. () N VN I in lm J' liH r> I .tnii v ape, .1 11 n< * exists suppe ts I lelphan. I i > 11 I ** u \ 111 'in ttit* pi! .\ hu h ma\ be squandered < »r un. -t» t 1 In rewalm^ it ■ history ot inter.n ti. -n t , *i««».1.i*• •• I a ni I si ,ipe pru\ e l< • itiui h ti.111 intern j Lite abi iut the 1111 lire ■ I 11 ie \ n ■ 11 u 1 .11. I 13TH & KINCAID • OPEN MOW-SAT » 846-4331