OHAUS i*i * : Vc SliH r I *#H#» S|MU>qf»«’l\ ha% |»n»*t«W * («•« j*I *mrnf*»fv lmti« UlMiiiilttry rquitmtml < hrmti *\\ *»i*f «u(»|iIh*« lot «tu«trtif% Inn• nr%\r% IW oll«*f « t onvrnlrnt I«m tllon < (Mil »*» iful * ilr\n»- In tnrrl (hr »|mm ill* •»! nut « utlnmrt^ I'lf #%r • *lf m « «»»»*** lr\ «nv litrn TAMMIMC CCMTFR WHERE THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES t lijh mi) ii » ' * u *. flu 1* JtiJ Iwiiv tin L- *uf ! r . -• ? * f , . U !• I • |‘f . . :, : : t ► ! . !. Uiflti H i , ' i • ! ' ■ . ( luf' un ' >*! ,i ! *■« . ?i jJ« >niC»jn: ■ i * I > {= 'i •' .hiy ir, , ^ A .til is t ii.il. . . A Open 24 daily - ■ \\ Proi •\ * N A \\ ii! . I• i, ll:' i , i> ■ i !. a ! i! !! -! :■ v 1 ' Sii u ■ > Ik u!i'l;..iu n SC)S K. 1 $th Patterson 4SS ^2 52 5 Recycle This Paper I STREETWISE QUESTION: What do you think of Duck Call registration ? '! Ilk** it | b<-f .iuv it ■. I quicker but I itmore frustratin') „ when they I 'jo down I Hut I guess they're (j UK) to t :ivc v -me glitches witfi the ri'-vv system ' Chris Bryant junior, glogy ! ti.r.h l rjiven me any problem:, I w. treally surprised but things worked M out perfectly 1 I got all the cl.e,I wanted Chileshe Nkonde bophomure. finance "I like l! a lot It s real > convenient even tor I adding and I dropping ' classes The firsl lime I used it I registered in five minutes, so it s a big improvement " Steve Martin senior, geology 'I think it •> I ■ i very i tc,ltlV«' innovative ,tnr the *,tu Hi (i, iv* - to I, ilk !i - .1 machine " -Stacy Mitchell soptxsmore, journalism "You'ant f r if it what I think of Duck Call Before professors wi)Uld say. Oh. I ll just slip you in. aiifI now they can't The human aspect is gone Mary Elizabeth Ager junior,sociology CORPS (lo* ' owed from f\iqe 1 ho » . »n\ !i.tf V-. I'.irv, .ns said hi' h ij intrflif' - j In sprnd 11»«* - ■ -.! n! h< r lii> in ihr I'l’m r i »f p* ! ri .illv 1 >k< tin* I*«*ii« r ( ! ; . Vi ; , ‘ i l I* M k SO IIUII h r - l); . r. \ i i r Two V oaf's . . refillv nothing VVluii- I*.irs »n* f\.is only r« * 1111 \ frlufm <1 L.mr * ount\ l ;nmi ioih r Jt-rry Kust, ho r v* i 1 in the ( orps from to 1 ‘ifj7 Inis had morn limr !o absorb his r xprrirm v Mihotigii tin idea of putting his 1‘. <• ( orps exponentr on Ins ft Slintt is .1 /rm." Kust s ini his hi Ijim^; found Mi* dads ini was ,m outgrowth of his IN mi i* Corps service Sim c its c rr.it mn. 1 lord .id s h.is rm ployed several thousand people in planting tri • s and building trails i ti' ir -. harif I \ ,i il.i \ goes In lti.it 1 iliiii l nmsi inii'.lv think .it*.hi im I’i-.ii r ( orps r\|)i-ri t• r»i'>-.' Rust s.iii) "It s |iisl ii ji.irI til im m>w (her I In- ,'l. \ i-.irs I hit I Vat it i .ups ii is In-i n sending Amert ( Ills ti) .11.1 Olll'TS IIVI’EVMS the nrgani/aiturti mil its volunteers !i ,i v i* in t f r ii r i- it sim ii'lv's i li.inp-s Tin- stereotypical ■■ Hi Its I I I h i 111 Ilf 1 hr 1 Wilds Is n i ! 1111 y; i - r accurate fur the (mps Sin Ii ,i \ .irirlv ul pi-ople go m ill- IV.in- ( nips, simi cun'! plllpi.llll llli’lll. s.mi KIum ( mi nurs i.mipus I’r.li I- Corps re cruller I he average ago of volunteers ti*in\ is II. u11 from 2 I In -!ri 111 tin I*1*.(is Aluml Id pcm'iit ol the (i.d(K) people serving each year are over M) the oiliest 1 Iilunteer was M l r The IV.ic i' (.orps is .ilso trv mg to raise the number of mi nority volunteers from Us c ur rnnl 7 peri cut In .1 figure lli.it better re flee Is \meric .111 soeie ty rlu- IV.ic r Corps has moved from accepting almost anyone during ds lirsl lew formative years to for using on lilieral arts m.i|ors who " w ere willing to go anywhere and do anything'' to people w lift spec die skills, said IV.hi Corps Information Spe < ta11st Tim < Irosser Spec die alls. the I’cac e Corps is looking for agriculturalists, natural resource managers, true la r trainers, fishery spec 1.1I ists engineers, business people, health professionals, skilled tradespeople and educ ators In a lot ul ways, its liec one Turn to CORPS Page 5 CASH 1 OR BOOKS Smith Family Bookstores T IT's Chryswr Corporator % Coflaga Aisistanca Program lr ADD IT ION to modal ratxita*. aro sp«* *** *'nar* ing programs offarad to tha pottr. *a •• rww mafcog <1 * atari group o* van* nr* j.d 4t^i tograou*l . moxx * «rf*o m*> .» ini- ’«n.»'v«e .toy- w« *>>9t> 6 r»K>r>tfn «! An a uwllw.! uioyo or ur».-^«rt «V ' m t 4 1who ..*>UMr«M3 * ** y*va 4 ywAf J po%! j'»*,*!« .Juy uo triKn a . x>tojo .*f'r.«rvfy . ‘i M>r*ia» Academy or nurvMQ program A tludvnt oumariy ©/vo»*o in a or Ocxfcxafc program • •ftttaat wu»i t*> J» .urt»0 C>ac 31 ’992 V cX»arr>. Q A Jeep Wrangler u*u»2 Sale Price $11,499 Factory Rebate 500 Special Rebate 500 College Grad Price *10,499 You don t hava to pay mora. to gat mora at. Sheppard! MOTORS LTO 2300 W ?fh E ag©n«*34 3 8811