LETTERS Stinky U * . w >\ i : n.i1 I , some COVerage of till' siii'- that s furling tin' pornography iivf Disappointment .it the t * ►. stores decision’ Trv fun. trs rage Hut tm rage is directed not so much a tin- bookstore's hoard as at the I'mrr.fhl > • di tor(s) Long ago this term the l me; a/i/ printer) one editorial and one opinion ptei e saving the same tiling censorship and tire a b ridge 111 e n t o I t ll e hirst Amendment Hut what every one s treen missing is th.it this right is denied to most i lasses of people Here's a case in pnml i re sponded to these piec es : if' join nalism with a mV own l.o.iking t > get s.am ii.dance of opinion on the issue printed in the pa|>er. 1 wrote tii.it tins is not i ensorsii p ties is requesting tile bookstore to stop selling porn out ol resj.n , t tor a large portion id its pa. Irons Hut \mi didn t ge! to T; , i tills piece, s ail lil 11! ed Wees-, ago rile editor told me lie's wouid run I! "as spat e tier ,.I1.. available \\ IS k a!!.-' u s w i. • . other issues were raised and debated in guest editorials An i v: el lent I umineiii.lt v I: I! 11! appeared in 1 >.tv id i'eler-.i e. ..' Men Against Rapi tin on < ampus spearheading the is sue Vet tiie veil same dav tic! r,,: ■ ::;, :. k : : : ■ aid vs said to have dei id * d against to request I 111 s del I Sion VS .is put* ! i s ii ed iiv tile 1 mer.ilil a tew das s later III effect, the editolts! of the /.'wera/if at leil in i niiijiHi its with this det imoii iiv suppos ing limiis iet.ate through tie paper's position ! smell tin stench of i ■ nsorslup right in our Unisersitv s daily Jenny Root Women s Resource Referral Not responsible k::n> ' ' :! s no! :m\ ! ,-i. \ livn. Tin urt i j ur s 11 on s an, i • lixml the ( i v, ! iiiin'] k ■ -.\ itll'V lit' ■ ' w .Hi i n; ;";m ! !''!■] a. I i! " Iff ill!;: si;.!.if;!' f Ipggm-)';ip •.. • i,« : i: 11 a ■ » k f .! ■ V tv iiff h 'h-i-j'T I I f I p 11 •• •> -1 -!\ 1 .Ills > 11 f .11 if ,1 i i V I! vfui i U> inti ls : " ’ ■ hkr \ ! : a, ; .1 I I t ' M.» :p ! ' • . !• • 1. - s.t!< f i.i« \i\ U IrV>. fit!> is v'' rhi; i. ’U •.vU'.f.U ./a fnt'nti i :-i »''. u'v ■ ; 1 ■ . \ irt ,iUs« • v! s' hY ! >i.. 'lH ■ ;■ \t i!i\\vr n CO.l n 1 :' V «»mi Kt jiit!»\\ \ alivt;s HU J.ison Sprjque Sludont Well done : hr purpose ill this li tlcr is uUiti r Si .irtiunmgti ot ()i’S i k ■ .a lli.it i: ;■ ii iii . .uvi’iil A m o ' HO : ' - ! • fin ' 1 ! h.n: i sum.uni' hut m light uf n-t i ft! Ifltfrs