Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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IFC leaves budget
cuts way too late
Thought Reaganomics was rlc.id and gone' Not so.
(Jm* (,111 find ,i perfect working mode! r >• ht hero .i‘ tfn
I 'niversity.
Tim Incidental l ee (iommittec. .ti * ge of dol •
out more than s-t h mdtion in student mo- • ho!.;
en into lint trap of "if you’ve got it spend
()in (if 1 hr professed goals of the 111. vi.. v\ •
to 1 at student group budgets I he reason tot 'lie. to
keep students from p.tying an ever inert-as,tig amou'i '
i ii fet . in a time of skyrocketing tud ion It • vat d.u
<{i jits pav a vvflopping SKI i per term in ini id< utai fees
and tii.it figure doesn’t lake into at tour! tm- add!
tionai S et Ml and StH if) t toirivd for K ■ .Made '
Health ('.enter and .i state mandated !> . da *, tis
Spet! IV el V
Keep students from paving "■ ore fees'' So amis
great, right7
Hut a funny thing happened on tin vv-av to the
budget i ids It didn't happen
Sure, some groups have fallen antler tin as In fart,
the M t has i tit more budgets than it has int teased, but
the net int reuse is 2 pert ent
A pert ent inrrea.se doesn t sound like much Af
!rr .ii I. prrt rut ol S 1 0 ! is
|ii •’ ,t i i!! !<• i >vrt S>.' not
l - •. :l ’ v i i.a v I n 1s1 r ■ U! lint
the itidiu \ 11 (i vs i'vt*f small
it is, i ■■! i 1 t hi' I s Mil’
I he ptoblrni is hi the
a, )!:: l! V ..'i! I. lit} III)*,
biMt.'.i't i.a s rid. I hi! II l
has put it.iif in I In * {Ktsi
tjun ol It.is isist hi slash
programs with h i mm' !at
rr in the h<siring proucss
I A*-!: U ( Ut.ii: woman
I 1 l ima Is.mi th.it
Ii. III. .hmiiii
The problem is in
the system. By
not cutting
budgets early on,
the IFC has put
itself in the
position of having
to slash
programs which
come later in the
hearing process.
mat !t ,i( rnv, t he tHl.if'ii
, ''ll- in ;; l: a ; i; ’ arid kept ;! ! j <■ ■ , • ■ i ,■ ! of
u ! • 11 i i i M , j,), i:mi I is i Iri.i v i ns* i i :; , m > ■ i a
groups ss It see their budgets slashed more ih.m mil's
liosveser tin- problem in not nil's ss th the III
Ibe III budget is ,in estimated figure !i.,-»*«I on nest
si \ i mo merit hguies Hut 'hi' I .si mIs ii dget
(llfui ss! d' compiles sucll st.itistii ■> took ’s lone
i hi .1 e up w ill a number Anil ss S’.cii ll I- i in i •
figures tinalh iMini', ttics svere signitii antis h eh
I hcrt: arc no simple solutions I lie suggestion*
alios e s\ :; I work lor nest year's li t - but as fo: " ■ ve.u .
the damage has .lire.ids been done I he late; pomps
ss ill get dr.n oniau budget i uts if the II I ssatlts to keep
student fees from being increased Hut the III should
do everything it can to make sure the iuts are .is rea
scalable as possible.
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Sta r Wars U • The Investigation
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Maestro pours beer masterpieces
.s till lit t
; «, I . . | I . ( ; . ■
h .. , ,l slalom pnur ing
m r,!t‘l|tit't r after inuMrrpter f
()l t'mif.t nttt ibis I titj.n
,1,'hI not again until next term,
but lliiii's another stoiy
V t " • k: . w •. ■■
I lilts.Hi ■ IS '.hi elder st.iii'sm.ll!
ill lilt i At! Hi i r l ..irili'its He
ho. jH I fill ted lh• olll* c r.1 It lll.il
.1 liiuMis in every blue collar,
"old -I ' i ! 'Ill I >! (MU
pouring ihi' perfect Is’i-r
Ai sj lur .i mini i- luff, the
gardens is shl! imr o' tin- In’s!
tb > Is. around Bui heir .li .1 rt’.t
, u-.l .ill i Ins’ I hips .till!
... i S s. i .iii' no I .ilvs.ivs gum! reu
sons in return I ohsung is the
reason in return
. 1 y t a I . > Id M .ii si fo .hi
v i h nn;i sl.i.11-:’' ti Min i ilti'l
has i Mli-rl.imnl hfi’l connois
s. ,: ■ 1 : : yy, veals With u si
llii' right 111! and foam si-para
lion, 11mi- after inw l.nbsang
has {uiurril rm the finest Hen
r\ s around
iiu! I ni nui thr only one to
unlit i- \ pm let t ly si unitifn
;• ' iki•:. -I pi-iipli willi
is ■ .: :, s hr.-r i m 1 rtday s
is ", : [ ! a Maestro’s 1,i
's- : : e .ilt hml Say s one,
1! ;11 ns .; great Imer Saul
an. :her !ir's the best
h nn,illy lulls,mg's talents
vs,'i::d hay e gone unnnlii ed il
China had no! t rushed an up
• .sing in hi-, nullity in 1‘WH
: s.i: , ime in the lime:
siiy m | nn ’ on a si holarship
•ft lh, o' g.ilstlrs departmenl
m.i money from the Tibetan
goy eminent, hut the st holar
' 'it''. I r.i. Ised
dotyti i m .!'■!. rutting off .i 11
f' to students
I1-..1P cd Ill,- political til
-ill . >h- t * ig < hose it>
!: ’I .mti W il! fur the
! i.”.' Ur III II! It) return
U -;.i ! iiu! s;u home .a
' ' 1 in! "U • t! hern
in If; ■ „t,i had ideas til
'' -: ei i i > . didii I w..: it us
, ► ■ inn i, ; .utisiinj)
. ' ll • i V l
I. '. ’ ’ \. !;e started pouring
In.1 anti vs 11T i his a I! i t ud e
' : ' k and ,l!x)Ul pour
ing ! f m pel fret iirer, suerrss
was jasi nuitmi the corner
\\ • ■ . I - if ' -a. h I
master istf! jtis! ins beer pour
ing \m s1111 cam pour a Ixvr,
gei tin tight hr.td on il and
set v e :! ' i- iw tit .! lakes a
maslrc SI a w *:.) looks a!
pouring a h ,-t .is a i rail, to
lie a - H i 1 t afr.it
i til M.i' si! s ! ml Otltt of tile
n a - . s . i a ' ■ is. i ships l)err
I- r a In in,; a him. it is a
li i lit: i.i11i• it's at. attitude
feel rrsp.iusible to pour
people i i,., , la er. he saitl
w • » : ,■ 11.i! ii studv
Pig hath ! ■ .; week 1 pour a
r. I e l>. 1-t I let give them a
' - '1' -it's . mie tiai k
The Set hmijtir didn't come
II. I I:: r a ; i \ In lus d a V s as a
1: liliee ; tills.:::g Pad to prat tli e
ami ol-srrv t it s that dctdit a
ti it:, t!a t a!r.i ' .• rs lie poured
to ge! it right uni the drive lor
prrln lion ti lt propelled him
h) tile top
kr s ■ Maestro is
willing t;i v\ at that extra set:
p.d ! rev, t lam heel separa
tion, then damp some foam
and pour more t n I! there's a
line, h. starts dumping beer
right aw .IV s tl:, head is c lose
tt i perle; ! lies nut satisfied.
' Winer w : •'. s ..: Il .I quit k fix
Net to ei \ mie (.in appreciate
1 disang s a' ;tv Yea can't just
\ i: • r You have
; ! dr.nkiiig
Th.it dni it'l humn leakmg
comments on .1 fleer's IhhIy or
aftertaste I’ti.ii s pompom.,
i upp ■ l,. k iii ! , i■ r 1 .ithiT
it t . 1 s 11 s :; • id or . t sinks
Doesn't matter it it's ,1 lager or ,1
stout. Amorii.ih or import.
1 i !' .ip (U ' \ p ’ I \ 1
I tii M.i-stio tints , 1 rt tor
.ill people, Ini! they are best up
prei luted by those of us who
fee! drinking in-.-r is a is as ol
A lid not ev 1 , us an lake
ads anlage ot i is Maestro's tai
fills He .in:.' ii lilt bos Skills
elsewhere It s fleer (.aniens or
nothing, and the 1 All ( ullural
I orutll s( lied 11 les the gardens
oil Sill h a pier 1 meal liasis that
it's remurkab'i the even! still
takes place
As is the 1 .r.i vv .til am great
master. Ins work is si art e In
tart, tlie (Iult11r.il Forum s.iss
the gardens won't return until
spring term, and even then you
can't count nit the gardens ev
ery Friday
So. beer drinkers be alert
the Maestro s.iss once his
work is finished at the Univer
sity. he will never pour again,
and a treasure \\ ill he lost never
to be re: overed
Chris Bnuni'ft is news editor
0/ the Kmerald