Duck Invitational competition not up to par By Sieve M ms -- N Of " ■ jtoi.■ [ hr Orcjjnii mm's fjnlf w.!i !.n ■ still fluid m iht Dink h-d.iv Initiorrovs .tl ihr I .i:ni' (otintry (.1 ih- iirii.iriw-itt stippnsi d ' ifii 1 h slriiiijs-r lull Ihr mill sr.tMin n lion ol <'•■■■ h Si oil Krir^rf l.isl ninnil I !• Ill I.! .m • ll.i.nlv I.vrf tin M It .mis onjiiiuillv ihrilulril Ip phiy did ii,' l rn ..n r i i ,n 11riii,i! ion .ind ihos m In ■ ' i f i . . ' ' hit ‘in VS • ' ►. 1 r - J f -I v.’ I •;», r. i , I I ■ ( Jfrrnn ( Jf !)..< i,.,: V * \iiiti't: ’’ “ ' ■ ' i am i V i ini'l jiitnrs (.hriMii.ii Sen-: ' !)u( Jj.iii hi w ■ > ■■ |i it Ihi- Din i.- • ') • biM toum-ii! rnl .ind Alilrn ti wt->» * 1 ,i Iriurmiinnril ilunrig (hi- l.iil ibui-ilu . i> • i,t' ■ ; i■ ■ ,*Ivinu l.i ' w > V\ ! :i . ■, :• : :l WI i! . IW •- t ' . ! ,' ■ ! :i .r ’ W i mi! M' !,ntnli.ifil\ liii! the pl.ivi-rs ‘-'i'. ’> , * in 11 ■ • < m 11 i. * > i >«-:. • \\ • . Hi ! '" ■ ' r 1V' " >.! *■ ' if i t,ii :1 : b! r; ■ ■ i ’k-i h} t ;‘ %\i Mhi r H |;»Hi fuf !l ■ , bt; ' m \. .5 ? w * U }.« M« r - - ■ . ... V IV-v ' !■ jii.,'! hrns'i :hi :Hij{ M-irjtl In!<• rs t.H< ^. 11 .! ]! !!;(.rs:l IV. W hi-Tf :! <1 ■ I .1! li ■ - r- »- ■ ‘I teams I I | I ks h'j* In nitivi' up Into the toj> 20 when lh*' ■ ■ ■ ■i " • ► :■ -,v .-!■' imirii.imi-ni: it t .1 1 mm'- ws up i !■ \\ twin spots n-»tn ••• \ id t :f h s.llll (Jr • ■ ' ■ , . 1 ■d V\ : LluCVt.iii iiu finished jn < lie for liurtl nt two carl p.ii: Wlill l.pms ufil strnl iH-hl!;:! p mdis i8 It Mount Kanqehenunqa in 1989 On March K’. I ou will let hue atxHit Ins many mountaineering ailyenlure> and present an t?*i illruj slide 1 h w ot he climb' I Ip lias sir . >• s1 tally spoilt.u'und a pat Ked loom in tie last t.v vr it; to Hie UO I )on t miss the ■ ip;s sfunity to meet .>ne ol Hie woikf s greatest in unta n . limbers t le wilt tie a. , « m; s risst hy bk p Yo-well ar.. ill er ,\i aid t las', mountaineer — LOU WHITTAKER LECTURE AND SLIDE SHOW THURS . MARCH 12 7 30 - 9:30 p m 150 Columbia, UO Campus cod hi . a • a a It e . t ' \ t ’ f ■ ■ r\__ Talk to Lou Whittaker At the UO BOOKSTORF FRIDAY, MARCH 13 10 00 • 1 00 Win A Mountain Climbing IHp l nter iit the UU bookstore tor a Climbing Trip on Mt Rainier with Lou Whittaker and Skip Yowell as your professional guides ! he tn| irk ludes one night aci itiii lal r Jownlowr Neatne i t>i at cruif e and dinner > ■ ri Puget Sound a live day em.nar and bamc mountain , hmt.? n ; training tour flights ■ -da ruj and .1 meals at Camp V . • • ’.V Mamie' . i ant a. mm >dations at the base ut Mam.ef are! an'd a Mi.’ and datve party Worth $d Hus exeitmg trip is spoil sored by Janspod The drawing will be held at Lou Whittaker's lecture March 12. and you must be uiescnL lq mu On MARCH 11 & 12 the UO Bookstore will be giving away TWO DAILY PRIZES of a backpack and a sweatshirt On MARCH 13 to celebrate [ ou Whittaker's visit to the bookstore we will be giving away HOURLY PRIZES of a bat Kpack and a sweatshirt with TWO PRIZE WINNERS EVERY HOUR' I nter in the lobby of the UO Bookstore March 11 13 20% Off Jans port MARCH 9-13 You Save 20% On All Jansport Merchandise at the UO Bookstore -;.i ,• .ferns not nKiutioa) BOOK SIGNING with KENNETH HELPHAND "v ~G OlORMH): \ /S/()\S (>/ t / \\7)>C \/>/ Author Signing *■ Thursday, March 1 2 12:30 - 1 30 p m. in the General Book Department Ja! v." He; -1.1/~!Cl is .I professor O' .r'.!v.iw .if re Ur .«»'s-f> o' Oregon Women lose at California, drop to 14-12 The Oregon woman's bas ketball team lost H5-75 ,il California Saturday for the Ducks seventh loss out of their last nine parties On:g«»n dropp< I to ■ 14-12 overall and <> ‘1 in the i’.u il |e- If) Conference with the ins-, California improved to .to 7 and O ri on tin- year {, a i i ! n r n ; .i' s Milica Vuk iilmia m sc omd 2i> noints arid had a school-re m ad 13 >ss n-ts in die'-!olden | : ; r-ki ts from liters. Si hull i unnei ted on -t Of a thfee-pi (inters Debbie Sporrich played mih i 7 minutes hut si ored 1 i points fr a the Hue ks The sophomore forward also had !1 rebounds Oregon was playing ils sn ond game m a rim with out I e ad scorer Start Uallenborn, who was at tending her brothers funeral in Washington last week The Due ks end their sea son ifiis wei kend at Mi Ar itmr Court, wherti they have lost live ol their last sis games Oregon faces CSC Thursday night and CCLA on Saturday 50VTO6O sititniirr PUMJC MARKET © rs viDtoAiromjRt ®viunMvnfuzA -^ZL^Z, lHHI*ll'llllM«l>»i Create vcur own FULL COLOR r-\ T-SHIRTS PHOT OS •ARTWORK HICH QUALITY IALACIS a MRficT cirr -* ‘.4-AW 'Ai?r kinko's !fk’ m)* trier •*« Ul* t»TM AVI IMIHI (M f'MI TER I YAK I ALLEY CURRY DISHES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 BEBJM RICE.5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK...3.50 YAKISOBA NOODLES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 TF.RI BEEr.....3.50 ACROSS PROM DAIRY QUEEN • • HUYARt • H5 )5S