Proposal could increase fees By Came Dennett i3 As:-.. . ;jV t!. / Only mil' person testified .1! .1 University public hearing con t rrmng .1 propose*! amendment to in administrative rule 1 over ing special fees, fines, penalties and servir e 1 h-irges Marlene Drescher, diter tor of the O!fit e of Student At!voi .1 i v suit! she c in erned tliat lee Increases■■mav amount to another tuition sun hare,- for students All Ol those little tees add up verv. qui< Idv ior stviii'ents." site said "Ifis crin nil to iink. any proposed lee tnr're t-.r t .- tin actual cits! increase tor that program " Dresi Iter s.mi Miens students are on the verge u! being unable ! > afford .t I 111 vers 11v educa tion, and that they "simple can't afford to lx- used mure Aiming the there then l.itiltj spot 111 charges -levied h\ 10! lUim'.nL'.tr.iiiviv iinii .1. ideinu units arc several new and in creased fees reflect until 1 pnSed costs during the !u*!2 n I .i(aditniic year i)rrs,- her iiucstunit .! why •i'. tiiii.itit or stunt skating rit*s .1 $20 fine Irunv the {)ffko oi Publit Safely, hut .1 hi vs list v> t.i;.Fi! \ (t‘!;i t.i1 i- stri .01 is Ruu ;i oiiiv SI5 Alter Dresi her s lestinjonv. ()!’S Officer Otis Si .(Thorough s.inl skate:-. 11Ui sk,1 tehuardei .ire Usually tumor high or high si hool students S. ".ir ho rough said the 1 'mser sit\ is try irig to (list oUr.ige :Ven ■ nil ersj'ty students ft.mi , :; 1 ilig to . auipus to skate!'..a: 1 • 'Case o( the propel ! y destrui Men 1 results Also, 1! ,1 skat IT inriifed 111,- thru erssty Hill io. • i)f!her .iili) s.liti sliu. W.IS , .1 tu i-ni ed a hou ! propi■ sed lint's fi»r misses I appointments : I ■ Health IVnter that range from S> »0, up from the < iirreiit dal rate I»nt* of Sf> Students w ho miss .1 p■ . ial !\ rare appointment will he charged SJO under the ptopos ill '.Specialty i .ire" tilt IUlies appointments avith gvnet old gists, pss ( hl.ltrlsis il 11 el gists, dentists and mode me or -ports medicine phvsii tans Students who need to see -specialist* shouldn't lie pun ished UU'te • r inis , i appoint nients. Dies, hei said t he proposed fees . Ill i hide a tee ot Sr> a ■ten’ll or sill a school > ear tor a- pass to swim or use tiie w eight n ■ :u Author shares job-finding tips By Rene DeCair Efiiof UiC! ASSO- a!0 f ;t1 * Finding a job is .1 lot like finding .1 date The way to find a romantic part to e is to meet lots of people and play the field not to look, in a newspaper's "want ads And the same is true for establishing a career. At least that's what 1’eter 1‘askfll, tin- author of a new hook, Ua/if a A’ew f-antast/c /tetter job: says He'll sign copies ol his book tonight a! \ al ley River ('.enter's Waldenho. Is from n to H p in 1‘uskill, a Portland businessman, said that dat ing, just .is job-hunting, involves networking, where a person samples many people (adore set tling on one because HO percent ol job openings are never advertised, job-seekers need to learn to make i un til. is in the field in whn h tin v jdan to work, he said Most of us when we want .1 relations;,. j> don't go to the 'Relationship U anted a.:-, in the paper.' 1 ’uskill said "i find just .1 lot u! p.-. jin- are really dedicated in doing the tjob-finding) process It's the issue that they don't understand the |me ess They send a lew resumes to the chirk black hole and sit hac k and wait. 1‘ask.ll -.aid Instead, they should tie est.ihlishing [irufe'.MuUu! ( ontacts Pasklll. a Hit.4 I'niversily (lu-an.-ss graduate. spends his time as a partner in llir Portland .i i. 11:ip.1:iv. i .irt-i•; Makers; p«-< ■;>i*- how in tabhsii rontai is .mil I.-.i( hmg tle-m oilier job seart h skill' In ills book. Paskill has dtrflned what he c.ills the "10 truths o! ( a i*>h Tin; No I truth. lie said, is that employers hire people they like, regard less o! whether tie person has I lie skills I’uskill's truth No H says Sou don't need ,i re same to find .i job. and No . d< lares that it you can tell me hmv you will make me mimes, save me money or save me time, I vs»11 take you seri ously as a i andid.ite lor my position in my ium pariv whether or not I have an Opening " The problem with jobseekers, and imperially students Is that they have never been taught how to find a |uh, la- .aid .lies falsely believe Hi,it if they merely pr a nt tie r ed , alien to an employ er on paper in the hum ul a resume, they ran get a joti "Then- vs i : ■ i.o classes that ta ..,'.1 me how to rietw -:k I’! said Dldn I t .. how to interview The pr .. ess is ‘Ml pen erlt nil You have to understand that Most pe..p;e ii- not .1 be-.ji.-opie tor tie m selves, he said l’eoplo need to lie very targeted and enthusiast., m [h- .r -a an h, lie said and g< ! to know liotii the ■ and the p- - i m tie y w ant to ys.u >. lor Cargo Sale ^3* T 90% oil rurw spring ilock • • . . fcxXh 1 > * n » l .\. r t //<»4 I 1 ilh Avr ■>»• »• *. thr l i rUiof U i H6f> * 11 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS ClO’NING Jtwnn'* » »a« ART FROM AROUND ’■* WOWlD UO BOOKSTORE Thirteenth 4 » *. i Open Mu' (fjy S-itijidjy Phone 146 41 It 30-50 % OFF • NIKE • REEBOK • ASICS • CONVERSE & MORE Starts SAT. 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