A Taste of India Lunch BufSft M'/ii Fr: Sr '» Dinner buflrl Sai S Sun $9 % y *'» r.< i,'i ,MS-1 * * ■« I ^ i; .V • ^ ^ V« '-rniru' iV'-r '*;!><■ Uvr j.'.il iodun ni'i' i HL . i .. Ik THE TAJ MAHAL f r» Oj»t* 0* inda '0* IG* S i»4v 0*nJirt r >0.1 tH >' II 7 Mi I )i» >i >ri I it s!." \l(, f «» -\S IMP. UOVIf »MIHDBlOWLF f OF THE YEAH I »W NAKED LUNCH nHAl *VE t K Ntgr ■ I'TOMl ★ ★ ★ ★! IMt It* i mttl otlglml csmttfv ' EXCELLENT! AnsR the •all t r;mi fi.’’iTOrTFWTJ; HHAl *rl t K *»./ ■ » * » W j JJearijroflftrhexs til wmmixwszMia n\*:wa • 11mm Dl N'IRO NOLTE LANGE CAPE FEAR F $6” • 9 holes $10°° • 18 holes MUST PW 'i NT COUPON AND CUM N! U of 0 It, ARO Ojkway Good through May 31st • Weekdays only 084-1927 • 2000 Cal YOung Rd. I WHERE THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES i luh Sun has tuur flu- U ,i . and tuu c flu* hour. t>>r \ u t (an Ivlofc Spring Hfi'.iL \ud unlike an> .‘flier l u^ctu* tanmn>: ;! :i. l lub Sun vull hIh vIuIi- appointment- for \.»u am Is *ur. ,m\ Ja\ , f W Jiik ms A i K ofm &*£ 0[\n J4 Ivurs daily Imgot hoars n lam;. 6 V&bift System Professional tanning beds, ■i* n New WNht System tanning bulbs. ('-’mviuent 'll-'treet parking. •&'f ' Ladplones. - J * L 595 E. 1 ^th Patterson 485-2323 \ *0 t>Y p*c#0 Bradley Williams and Kenn Woodward will sing the roles ol Borneo and Merculio, respectively, in Romeo ‘Romeo et Juliette’ opens at Hult By Mmg Rodrigues t nmrnki Coni' ibutof Tin* of opera is changing.' When voi .i!s »' [>• (tic tradition, ( with student and sennits disc mints Tn kets are .iv.nlahle at the I.MC Main Desk or by calling the Mult Center !i< ket wifi: e .it t.H7 MHH) i Sittin ’ Pretty | Personalized Professional House Sitlin^ | | you're worth the peace of mind 2 Ilondrd M ful's important to you is important to me l o\ ing ( are For Home \nd I’eLs J45-K4I5 I I I lilt* I K»l \ isil With I Ills \<| J al EMU CULTURAL FORUM A 95.5 THE HAVE PROUDLY PRESEN1 MOTHERTONES ON SAl.l NOW » » Hlun lmrirr tr.^ IlufTlf * ;-c\ ■' | ft Ur. ^ < >4ofadk> U/QW FRIDAY THE hau 13TH i ■ • wi j . *« 4 ■-! ilm housjs eiOBRii^.oicadan s' ) 4 » «i» 1 » • Cajun Dance Saiiirtla) Man'll 7, \'>'H I II illuii lljllfiMiiii M W) PM So.00 The KAVE 05.3 Presents: .Viulb 30 blUikillt. V|lN>|t 4lhi IU.J.-.r$l 30 K*i» Si 00 Support Your Local Theatre McKenzie Theatre 630 Main St. (Downtown Springfield) 747-8349