★ ★ ★ F ILM Wd>'>4» * V. rtd it curro itly fttu w : .g d! C.n«*fU4 World and th*. L>pf;:’ j' md Quad Rat ad PO 13 • • * « i>i ^ i *>'■+ * • • * • *■. • *•« Hilarious and touching A him ol stunning bt autv U hum consciousness meets the elhe re.ii spirit ('ome Oscar time, thrre will be t ine liuo ie on ’ he lips ut evrrvone l b..it mo\ ie is Ib/V/,V.S U.i/i.y Shhyu.sh It is .i damn good time at the mu vies It m\'. U I v'/re’s U t ;is an extensiun ot the St : . r ‘ t • : s , 4 i C t ■s ! i i i '.Kits 1 11 111 have appeared lor a couple of sea si iii. S iif ( tarnpbuil and his best friend l birth film out of W.:vile s p,.runts’ basument it’-, a p.111 .1 v > ! t.nk sin s and tinur ■ , :< k. aiai gi: V. .. *. : ' !i !i! .inti III : !i*,.,:;s.yo! . ! ... !.ir . mure i on* I a.::; hav;;:,; i gi . >.| ..' me . . :..... ihigh i in I ." '' . e. ,:tn is runst.mtlv -.a 1 •' i v eivngth .is1 \\ i , ' : ■ ■ *. ‘ k it! Ish. so . . 1 ... •in' verge n! 'hurling ' ; iit* i'iim is just ,is gnod .is : ■ v\ u;ii expect I rum .1 film I;.,il ii.is !u ■ vtuiiii ill.* premise ul ,i three-minute sketch to .in hour and .1 hall ilr.li*.ul u! It' 11:: .g un (.i!i h phi .isrs drill uni*-liners. V;kf Meyers .mil i) in ; t .,trv i \ lli-sh mil .i p.iir of : U.., In*.. i ll :i* turn age best friends But tin* film i ,m easily Is* . 'i*i*i. in .inv ten-minute inere u.ent rim pint is merely a :: :i*. I that leads \\ ayne .mil (i.irtli along on a series on The logger issue in tins him is not. hinvever. the plot. : it rather the threat ol growing up something Wayne and 7 >» r ' em f Photo Mike Myers (lefl) and Dana Carvey play the totally awesome bestlriend pair in Wayne's World ('..ulh steadfastly refuse to do IV,IV Hi' s IVor/i/ has ,i sin: lor firl to the Bill .uni Ini movtes and. no doubt, compar isons will he made Hu! Wayne and (birth are smarter than Hill and led Where Hill and led seen! to he silly and playful, Wayne and (.birth, especially (birth, seem to tear impending adulthood There are great references to those w ho lire on the way out of high m hoot or of college age These guvs are proud of the dec ade they grew up In They don't feel the need to go tuck U> the t.Os fur nostalgic referent i s hkr so many uf us vs ho iliiln'l i*vim live in lluil liri ade instead, il is the ‘71K ihal is ttic ili'i .nil- in tribute Wli.it other movie i an i hum a Scuuhy Doo like ending, or a (trail-on ttm money parixiv of the opening credits to l.nrinr \ Shuli", ' Tfin film funis like one long insiile Joke And the 1m*sI thing about il is that the and lent e is let in on it Adult society is constantly ridh tiled l'he only interesting people are those, who like Wayne ami llarth, think tlic primary goal in Ide should he attaining .1 high luvrl uf rt'i run lion Oim rr.iMin llirsc lii’iiagurs sci'm a It it wiM-r Ihiin munv uf llit'ir curiti'tnjinr.trii's may t>«• the agi* uf thu tn'lfirs portraying tlmiti Miii'Sh vtT . who ploys Uayiw, is ni'.irK 111111v Dana (larvuv, who portrays (tatlli, is iilrv.nly m his lain thirtms Ihil limy romernhor youth so well that llmru is not a inunmill ulmii thrir portrayals aru not utlurly hi'lti’v ahlr By I ucas J Gutman ! I 1C nfrit) ,1 ' CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL 1991 MODELS =■31 REPAIRS S CYCLES Come in to register for our monthly drawing and check the weekly specials! 1340 Willamette 687-0288 SPECIAL FORMULA PRO 94 A special formulation of food con centrates to energize, nourish and help build continued body growth. I his tasty formula comes in chocolate and vanilla. Com parr ONLY 2 lb. Canister Available now at the Main I)«t>k Store in the Erb Memorial Union SKI THE PASS AT TWILIGHT with Burger King , FOR $15.00 1 At participating Burger King Restaurants in Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove and Roseburg, you vail receive a coupon for Twilight Skiing at Willamette Pass good for a $15 00 lift ticket a $3.00 savings. Twilight SKnng every Fnday and Saturday from 12 30 p m . to 9 00 p m . February 1, 1992 thru March 28. 1992. }\UGN 979.r * ~llol ( t>uA/ry Ottor limited to skier', 13 yearn and older One coupon per customer please KUGN ’ Olympic ( ovtrag*