Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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IFC hears six budgets, cuts four
By K;rs?en Lucas ,nd Karen ! • g<- s
Tho Incidental Leo Commiltei allocated
SSS/tSO lo six prugrants this witK, n iax mg ( tits in
four and giving urn- first turn- funding
At Wednesday's lit. meeting, the Lesbian. (lav
and Bisexual Alliance took a t> per ent det reuse
from tins year's STM! budget The ll-'C allot ated
Sr>.2<m fur Lt.iiA s Ill‘l2 ')l budget
rile vote vs as -i 1 1. with Sue Dot kstader ab
staining, and Sara Dodge dissenting Doi kstader
is currently the co-director of LdB.V however,
she is not paid for tier l.tittA position The ASL.'O
recommendation for LXIBA vsas $'>, 17B
l.t.BA bad retjtiested S5,<mt., but vs,IS ( oopera
live in making substantial outs in diret tor sti
pends, among other line items
To demonstrate the need for a safe plat e for gay
anti lesbian students on campus. Lt'.BA represen
tatives played a tape of extremely hostile and
threatening phone messages lo the I HI
The Whitebird Rideshure program requested
and unanimously received Sl.M'.i from the lit
Wednesday, (or a 7 7 percent decrease The
ASll) ret.oin m end at t on lor Ridesliare vsas
Ridesliare, a transportation networking service
lor low income students, received SJ.'tM from
tins Il (I this year In order lo make the budget t tit,
Ridesliare voluntarily shaved its work studv and
dirts lor stipend expenses for next year
The tIniversity brant h of Big Brother Big Sisier
of mid Oregon took a 20 percent tut Wednesday
night The !H unanimously derided to allocate
SH21 to Big Brother Big Sister for its 1002 0 1
I'lits year the group received SI.034, and vsas
not asking lor an ini reuse The ASUO recommen
dation for Big Brother Big Sister was S00H
Students for t 'nited Nations returned to the 1 !■’(I
Wednesday night after ils budget vsas ret ailed by
li t member Roliett ( ru/
The group ss.is not funded bv the lit! for this
year bi-cause of internal il( conflicts last year,
which halted budget bearings
Representatives of Students lor l'ruled Nations
told the II I that the group has been operating
solely on fundraising money this ve.u This Its!
the li t to question the group s needs for 1I C
The ASl't) recommendation for Students for
Tinted Nations was S22‘i
However. Students for limit i Nations walked
dig Bmll** lag Sfriliw
A««drT><*t»iAnrJ Tf»fwr**s
c«pu» Ratio CKWVA)
S‘<643 JS.Z96 6 0
3 854 3.648 2 * 77
1 034 874 • ?o 0
2 XJ5 t '.'4 .>■, o
35.000 44.182 ♦ 26 0
'•*•**»« l*r *•* ''MM,
away from Wednesday'!* hearing with S2 2‘i fur
IFC suggested finding a volunteer for the se< r
next year The 11 (. vote v\ a*, i .: 0. u ith-JB I t hair
woman Lydia hernia and Dodge dissenting
Before the group left, li t.' member Anita Staiey
notified members of her intent to reconsider Sin
dents lor United Nations' budget
At Tuesday's lit meeting, the ■committee voted
unanimously to cut the Westmoreland ienant
(’.mini il's ltft)2 'lit budget to $1,724. a 25 percent
reduction from tins year's alloc ated 52.105
Dodge cited an overlap in secretary and news
letter editor duties as one reason lor the cut The
tary position rather than paying a stipend She
also noted the group had a healthy petty cash ac
count Westmoreland tenants had requested
S2.2H1 and said they need a new computer
After two hours of sometimes heated discus
sion, the 1I C voted 4-0-1 to allocate Campus Ra
dio (KWVA) S44.1B2 for next year, a 2f> percent
Increase The group then voted unanimously to
allocate an additional S5.000 from this year's stir
plus fund for equipment
This year, the group was allocated S 15,000 The
total allocated 540,1112 falls short of the group's
requested S50,r>0'(
Campus Radio organizers said they are now
within weeks of receiving a I CC license, which
lias held up operations Organizers took IFC
members on a tour of the new studio timing the
meeting to show Campus Radio's progress
li t members were hesitant to allocate the total
requested amount and questioned the necessity of
Mime line items, but said that after the 550,tK)l) in
vestment so far, they would like to see the siatlull
get oil the ground Several line Hems In the pro
posed budget Were cut he tore the final Vote
Continued from Page 1
raped She s.iui the\ U>uk llir
( \ K K l lil'.N till illlM' tiles vn . i MI
ed to st.1tl the 111 VI group
Creeks are showing interest
in the group. Stem,u h s.iiii At
the Men h 1 meeting, a:» ;» o|i!e
itlelllied representing 1 ') gleek
i luipters
"(iroi'ks iirn u lol of turn's
UM'ti .is the si iipogouts for
rupc." stu' said "Soiiut |K;opli>
think vs n condom' i.ipc This
vs ill show wn'rti trying to do
something afxjul it
liiis ks Against Rape vs 111
slow people tli.it groks .1 r«•
i on. mini about the problem of
r.i!>*•. s.o.i harrie Hirschhmd,
f’anhoIlenU Council six i.] 1 is
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Mil's ( hair.
"(Creeks Against Rape) will
he!}) our image," shr said "It’ll
'ft jjf<ijj!i know we do c ure
Hir sr hI a n d said drunks
Against Rapt- has jdoptrd Men
•Against Rape's broad deiniltioli
of rape. v\ hicfl ua lades ev ers
tiling from fonasl sex t. sexual
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March 20 1M2
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