Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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(7-20 miles)
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Continued from Page 1
Despite the name, the "ozone
hole" is simply a lessening of
0/0110 molecules above the Art:
tic and Antarctic .liter those re
gions’ seasons of extended
darkness end Within three to
four weeks, tin; o/.one level re
turns to normal.
Rasmussen saltl that in the
late 1 l)?()'s the phenomenon
was discovered over the Ant
arctic:. For the next six to seven
years, the phenomenon was
tailed the "ozone minimum '
But with the perpetual need lor
research funds the ‘‘o/.one
minimum" became the "ozone
By making the phenomenon
sound more threatening, scien
tists got more funds to sltidv It.
Rasmussen said.
Later, NASA said a high alti
tude flight had found the de
struction of the o/.one layer Was
occurring three titties taster
than previously thought
That conclusion was based
on one flight that had been
done out of J-i, said Brian Dun
bar, a NASA spokesman 1 he
flight they had mentioned,
Dunbar said, happened to be
the one that measured the high
est level of ozone depletion
In fact, NASA will not re
lease the findings of the other
Tl flights until after March
The Wall Street journal re
ported almost three weeks
ill!rr NASA m.uli' the I rb ,1 .ill
ivouncement thul NASA was
now getting mailings that
showed thi' ozone Itivol was
hue A. to previously forecasted
Irvrls, which is consistent with
Paul iingelking, a University
i hemistry professor, who said
thi- Invcl fluctuates hourly
Kusmusst-n said thn NASA
statements ari'ii't good si lence
"They seem to hi' pi its hi
asi'd in showing only the worst
I asi' data. ' hi' said U a rr If V
Ing to fine! an ovrrall pattrrn in
any si irnco \uu have to look at
rrpratrdlv recurrent phrnonie
na before making a cnnclu
Hut l.ugrlking s.. i hr -n.il
believes thi' ban on tilt Is is a
good iiit-,1 (lids art) chemicals
usrd as coolants primarily in
iiutoinobili! air conditionors
and in ridrigurators
(li tis urn drawn into thr up
per atmosphere, whom the mol
it ulrs break apart and the i hlo
rini' atoms tin'll go on to attai k
ozone molecules. bngelking
D a s p i l r 1 ii i' tilt! bun.
hngtdking said hr is still can
tious. as there urr still many
c hiiniicals on international and
national markets that cun dam
age the ozone layer The most
numerous of these chemicals is
"By 2020. we will have only
doubled the amount of ozone
damaging chemicals in the
stratosphere Instead of tripled
or quadrupled," lie said
bngelking said mure reliable
NASA studies have found .1
glofrul o/.one thinning of t per
c rut from 1 <17*1 to loot)
However. Ilngelking sutd
JO.lt) will see .1 10 peri ent ills
appearam e of o/utie protection
in the northern untj southern
latitudes In .1 ii 1! i 11 o n .
1'lhgelking S.ml, we Will see .1
nearly 100 peri ent reduction in
o/.ono levels above the An In
and Ant.in tu
Kngelkmg likened the differ
ent e 111 these o/.one levels to
tilt' dllferem e between .1 suiit.m
and a sunhuiii He said the
amount of 1 V ladiat.otl one
gels dlfei t!V aflet t . that per
son's chum es of developing
skin can: er ( filler har Illlu I et
lee Is could include increased
ruilnliers of eye ( itarai Is and a
vv e.1 kenluof the body’s in
mune system
But 1 h i- real p r o h I e in .
huge iking said, is that tie ; • ,
sure wii.it ellei !s i III tr-e.i'il lev
els of t'V tadiatiuri will hava 11
the eriv ironment
While SI iuntisis debate the
severity or es 1st ence id the
o/.one hi If. the cost to < on
sumers and industry mounts
Cathy Andriudis, a spokes
woman fur the llu l’ont compa
ny. said SI.t'» billion worth of
equipment in the United States
is dependent on (litis lor their
operation She said Du Pont,
formerly one of the largest pro
diners of (lids, was spending
more than $1 billion to find al
ternatives to the 1 hemir.als
freshman Seminars
Open to students with freshman status and first term transfer students
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ARE 199
PH 199
PS 199
PHIL 199
ENG 199
CH 199
TA 199
Matters of Life and Death
Racism in American Literature
Pioneers of Image: Ethnic and Minority Group Stereotypes
in the Visual Arts
The Cosmic Connection
Political Biography: A Window on American Politics
Existentialism and Types of Characters
Crucial Human Issues
Creativity, Eccentricity and Serendipity in Science
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