IAL Who decides where to draw the line? The Washington State Senate recently passed a measure barring the sale of sexually oriented tapes and CDs to minors. Touchy, right? You bet One cun. hear the argu ments now: It s time to draw the line! Who gives you the right to draw the line7 We’re in moraldecay — we must draw the line some where! Okay, where? Who decides where to draw the darn thing anyway7 And round and round we go, again, When" it comes to a decision affecting this country's rights, it always boils down to the same argument The trouble is, no one is ever absolutely right; both sides, at the same time, offer winning and losing points. The measure would expand present law now ban ning the sale of erotic printed materials, films and pho tographs to minors so that it includes musical record ings it passed the -Senate with a 35-f) vote after receiv ing a near-unanimous vote in the House. It will now go to Guv Booth Gardner So what would define sexually explicit lyrics7 In this instance, the group 2 Live Crew A words would serve as a prime example. The bill came in response to an Lvcrett. Wa mother who complained about her son repealing "obscene” language he’d learned from one of the group's recordings. Now here's where it gets sticky. Point number one: It is correct to wonder just what a child, here defined as a "minor," is or isn’t able to handle, what is or isn’t healthy for a child to be exposed to. Laws surrounding children should ideally protect them from what they supposedly are not ready to experience Now, number two As stated above, who will de i ide where to draw the obscenity line7 Just what will constitute "sexually explicit" material? Lvervone knows everyone has a different opinion. On every thing. So whose will take tin1 l ake? Applied to 2 Live Crew’s lyrics, what one person might find offensive an other may find acceptable. It's not for one to judge right or wrong, it's merely a fact that there are as main ways to see an issue as there are people. Room must be made for various opinions And that’s where drawing lines gets hard. It gets dangerous when The Law decides to play God. When these folks get to say tin- final yea or nay on what goes instead of the individual, it's scary. Then again some Americans some imposed restraint. Final answer? Hard to saw You decide LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must lie limited to no more than J:i() words. legible, signed and the identification of the writer must lie verified whim the letter is submitted. 1'he I tncrahi reserves the right to edit unv letter for length or style. ()rc$t in Duitv Emerald Managing I drtor L Atonal L drtor Graphics t d.lor f nlartammant l ditcw Don M •..* f w .» PO BOX 3ISA. EUCINt. O4HGOM3740) T*' { ;Wv! * k'.a f W-»sa> j*' i -n.t, d * ”w k*\x> ,«K» .» «3 I JU-. '.I, A %i d .> 'vg "it t*r tv, "na 0'»>v • [>.» , ( - ,*4x! o l . f v ugo* i Oo\,'^ TN# l -Hi v>;*©".t ix. xUt* '> Ol !*’'* IJrvvw •. •, * ► s ”. m*. i - u o' **• l Uw- ..1 a ■ ft/*J v .1 M t«f of !f,*u A&Wt -«'<■* f u-.-k !*•« I T *' Hd ik O' » « •» ► > >»*»-"'jr lN» T*' 'O'.,.: \u ' . t,-.. *. r. ,r j‘a> d o l drtor m Ch»f . «* B«i Po tAo N*«*s 1 drtor i o(t «-tt t Atonal t Ator j*»r' I’iiv^iy Sports 1 drtor l Ay vi In Touch t drtor Night ( ditor > ’ i, Associate l drtors Studartf Go***iym«ntActivities Ufl'-if Dappa Commuhity Ho « (V .i ■ Higher ( due at' o-v ►to t . «, . -» : > M .vt Jo t *4K' ('*•'’,? KOflpp*-\J * VO ■ l v., .1% »V>I SuAV " ***■’ f\>- -i Copy i drtor• De f k.i *>n { ju * f -**3 Pa m.i m'tj W %*. Kii:Ky Photographara ;u**v faca Mw * u» V vf*» Advertising Jb.t f- *.:<»> . 4 .» la-, o f a «* ,.#» \> ft > %.''•» H a - K.&w'^ Kv” laws lU'tdO-- tWy hi Ms’> o S v V. *v. T Jt* ’ Shd/jn Vau* C!«tlif«d f wsivf if * ■.*>>■ A a t* S’ o . o ; OumiMI K » » V •*tx> *» ■*. .«WkCSvV V s» v> > Pro duct »on ; o vS‘ u ^iif,A isvt e.xvjsj'.v !>*».» • • of o' • a *t**»ti . ,» m «», ; «u«j M » i' :• i > M KK Jo 'O- A/V o : Cop:' « -V " Jo WtUi T aW •*» t Gi'4rti Mjr\ig«r 0> R *» Ad*#M«tif>g Director tl , i ft ..+*)&» ProdbClK)^ Mj \4j«r M N*«iroom 14&-S511 Dt*pf«y Adv^.-ltkiitg Botmni Offic# 146 ^$12 Cl*»«rti«d Adv«ri<«tr»g K o Gating J*. 'w Hok.t xJ 146-3712 146 4143 IN 1988 OtoPGt gltfM AiREO THE Vsj'lLUE WoRTON ADS . /NFLA/AIN6 VOTER FEARS IN A BRAZEN ATTEMPT" To polarize tue nation F HE'S GONE Sc^T. VOTE. PAT BUCMAMAN. PAT b^ChajuM PcH DfttSi D£wTCOW WE'Gi CALUN6 iT - 2 a H _ AjU^AB[ rty/s y? ^ LETTERS Concerns Ail opt*n letter to Barbara Kolierls As 1 propart? to gradual!) in June, ! hate become increasing ly aware lital other yvomen (r :ii It.w mi unit' familltis like inyvll. will not have tht; op portunity tu gt'l a (jualitv. af hi education 1 . an t speak (nr all colleges m Oregon, but the University lias suffered ins ause of the eui h i. ks rt si;.ling (mill Measure f> i i .line to tlie ! niversitv to at tend graduate scIkKjI in roun seling psychology be; ..use it s known as one of the f* st in the t nunlry However w ith the urn erlain ty of funding. I believe the quality of this program, and other programs at the Umversi 1V. yy ill d .reuse it seems lively students yviil pay lor an educa turn in schools outside nl Ore gon i( there continues to be a la; v of financial support for high-quality education in this state ! would encourage you to i all a spei iiil session to allow the forming of a bipartisan solution that w on Id restore the Universi ty s fin,mi lal integrity and the necessary commitment of Ore gon S finani ial n-soun es to ed ii. ation I yy .old support re;;r j oritizing state expenditures that yvoukl (Hit foundation funding for the Department of l.duca tion before additional capital project funding for the Dejiart merit of Transportation I prefer to have our taxi's spent on edu cation rather than cutting through national jiarks to build neyy roads I wuulil upprtH late ii if you would share my concerns wtlh tfit* Ways and Moans commit tee Thank, you for your work I look forward lo hearing from you am! keeping informed Theresa Scott Student Support In a commentary in ihe Feb •t Emerald. Phil Zui kemmn of the Jewish Student Union at tucked the Student Insurgent for publishing «sj its-Swum lit. tale tics All the articles Zuckerman cited regarded the history and policies of tin' Israeli govern ment and the nature ol Zionism .is a political ( reed Though Zu< kerman did not mention the name of their author, all ol the articles m dispute were written hv Carv Murrell, a grad uute student and graduate tea. hing lellow in the hlstotV department Vi. are fa; ultv members ol the history department, Jew ish and non Jewish, vy ho vs ish to go on :es ord in defense ol Mur reli s integrity and rebut actu saliutis of anti-Semitism made against him We do not ail agree vs tth Malls aS V U'W S .11 tile Middle hast We w ish to affirm, howc. el. that while Murrell s articles are unmistakably anti-Zionist, they are not, in either substance or Intent anti Semitic Criti cism ol tlie Israeli government, indeed criticism of Zionist principles themselves how ever stringently or militantly expressed must not. Ipso facto. In- confused with ethnic hatred of Jew s We is ... v. the debate on this c ampus regarding Israel, the Middle hast and Palestinian rights can be and ought to he conducted in terms of political argument, without resorting to unwarranted, charges of 1-1111111 bias on the part of people- tak ing p.irt 111 that debate tdwm H. blngham Howard Brick Matthew Dennis Jack P. Maddex Jr. Jeffrey Ostler Daniel A. Pope Qulntard Taylor Glenn A. May Bryna Goodman Randall McGowen Mavis Mate History Dept. Money What will Myles Brand think nl next7 First he spends money to send out a letter announcing something that could have just as easily been published in the Emm hi 1 presume that this ex pensive (postal fees, paper, pouliog us-dx-.i. lurux .curus municulion probably didn't im prove the turnout But now he wants me (and all of us) to spend SI in order to trade places with him Where is all that money going to7 And what will the one stu dent chosen actually learn from the exponent «? Debra Frye Student To choose Huts off to the University Bookstore's board ol directors for taking a firm stand against censorship in their decision to not remove pornographic litera ture from their shelves Being personally opposed to violence done from one human to another In any form, i do, how e\ it, regret that Men Against Rape and the Women's Center continue to make the il logical derision equating corre lation w ith causality in their ar guments Some rapists may have perused pornographic ma terial m the past, but I would imagine it was probably some thing depicting physical ai ts of cruelty against women Playboy and /’enr/iouse are not exam pies of such material I In- tai ls art- that many, main mom men will look such magazines over ami not commit any acts of violence Do the vic timized pasts of a curtain mi nority justify inflicting their will upon a harmless majority' True mg backward in the lives of deviant persons is a danger ous game, for there will be many unusual and unexpected connection for these people to their crimes, which would not appear in the non-deviant, non violent population. f inally, freedom of speech also means freedom to choose. If you don't like pornography, nobody is going to force you to read it In our country, we are free to turn knobs und dials and pick what we want to read, see und listen to. I value my right to choose infinitely more than vuur biased opinion of what I can choose from Timothy Lsydsn History .Psychology