CANDIDATES Continued from Page 1 main breakfast* with University President My Ins Brand- Iliey hope In convince him In ^mw hath hi*. mustache, and thev’d also like Brand l-- let their friends attend (he t niversity free of i harw We'd ( harge them a small fee would If put In good use, Wiirpin ' But they suv the\ are i nmpletely honest and itus! worthy We will openly rnisapprupnat* funds i‘hurss said I- finer AMO viii president J.nSm: a Watson re signed last month after .1 long public ordeal during wim h her p! 'll e re: Ilfds were mode pid 'll I.y the me ,i..t Phare . : Morgan '.nil they bate nnihmg to huh they art' perfectly willing 'to make their police rr< tirtis public Bui Phans .aid they don't have anything in their past that would bring them down It's ...• ivpu.ii < allege h. rink* i! s.od 'We wen i pi d fur th'- '-..tut' th.i.,: mi thr s.itn*' evening s how i ampul d ,’i- w i are Phans and Murg.m said that if their opponents !h h In Lee and Karmen l-'otv. don’t run a negative tarn paign, they would consider giving them j i.sitions in the ASUO Lee who has three years uf A St ’O experience, (ouli) help them figure out how tin - : .denl g eminent ( ffu i runs, Morgan said But they area 1 interested in learning too non ii from those who are already in tin ASU() "We hath [eel that student government no lunger rep rc-M-nls fhi’ students hrr»\" I’huns *..>:ut ^ 4 r o u n d t ft bl« di»«.uMi»n jjtiw-d . ;•% (hmiurnty Anulniol i»« iual*‘ ai 12 30 pm KMl (-wfjtury K?•-;'rn A K M l b u « r d • • * >.'>•' lift pi..! . ' <■•■ > . • j! I l«.» f ! .* Ml, K rn 20 B I hr N.v*m.»n I rnl»*r ■ r. ' ' j, v» <*».<■ • ■ M.iw ‘vi^r .'.iv .*»'• p tn and .Sunday « and 1J « ITV ami a! •' M) IttltTH Jl n>na) < a>II «'t' I! 11U f S !. 4 f> I hr ituingy « til Wm]UI>UII > , . *• • • inirartiomTbum 2 30 to 1 h p m in Lm Mu VN'iiS«ji:»-ju». African Mudi'nlft \ **ofiu< k ■ l nst ilul (i‘U j! \ ii i ni a I l Air and 1 t oiiumll** 1 am pubiuadon hi A/s run ih*t ■ " ! ' • »< l-Vftii'-i . . / ! .vr v. V >*.i irnumM pu-'. tti.7ll iUk' H. .**r* Jinrtl lin, ’'fnld fcr*s f/jw light 1“ fit (I CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT!" 346-3712 Emerald KINKO’S More Than Grant Copies Rrjxtw t Binding IBM .mtf M.»« Knit.tis imijn! PassjMJit Photos Nr si Day i vpinsj Nn v u r f .t\! V-ll V-rsr < «.i,.irr s W ! t h \ UI • ) I (f(j Nr si l'».n Krsumrv Vti [ >. i * Hu smt • • t.wiis f¥rr^>' U EXCLUSIVELY A ADULT ■ IVcjiim- u dorMi’l h.ivr io tv ciiriv 10 tv j^oodl 1 hr jrraV Ijrttr.M ^election ot vjM.ihi y VIDEOS, TOYS DIETS & BOOKS tor the discrruing adult . .. j. . . s^rif'l V ,*prrated l.»f A Vnin '•< ^ 726-7104 (i • L-n Nj: .'tv:, •, J lv s '-cij-. ..iii-f' JO^sL hi