Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
A sudden stonn hit the Eupeno-Spr ■ ;Uc‘.d area emu
;v' n! ' • ' ,j dec near Fc " tun . ,\.is ;
; redn a 40 percent chanct of howen r : with
cnance of dno.ne Saturday
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Concerned greeks unite, fight rape
jNew group promotes
awareness, shows
members care about
halting sexual assault
By hr.y Baiey
£ n '>*;< a ><J R
| hr UtiivrrsHv now Ini' <nn !hn
rdui iiltonul wrupoti against rape
,nui M'xuui assault As |J.*rt ■! a
, :,iss prujrct two s'.iiilrnls lornini
os Against K.ipr
Univi rsilv studrnis Scan loxlrv
und Jodi Struiurh i u • (o u ml r d
Cn-i'ks Again-.! K.jji«• for itsnr i las-.
(Irfata Kiijif •!•'rif Lin .roiimrnt
Crnb Again*! Kapt*. a Mil) ill vision
of Mi ll Against Kapf, liolii ;ls Ills!
mni'llng I Ah 2 1
I o x 11* > . w fin is ,11 s o a M (i n
A, hi..! Hapi- mi'intaa sa..l (.O ' is
Against Kajii- will f»; aiiolfiiT moan-.
b\ wfiii.fi poop L- t-.in lalui.ali! lluau
MifiA ii l n o.i { i , i i; i! •■s'V'vi.ii a-.
S-iU It
Anv.v hriv you ( an grt an ui>’an
li. ! : 'A a ai t '.III
' l) • a ■ • ! . ■
t f: j.; th'V Wt ! •* r •»5 *• i t li i ;.►.!!. > l'
a strong j.;r«'up <d propli* who it
< haniK!rd in tht* right tjir<*< linn,
( i .o hi do iijif guo< i
A .. i;. { i< .1; i! • will ( rt-.il f t
» . . ■ i..'.<■ v\ (■ i >>.
.simps r.ipt* .if. ! m \ mil assault
and furin .i support sv*t»*ui for rapr
survivors, i ("'Tv sail I l-oxitry's prj
sou.d g-a 1 t.t , k.s Agumst Kap*
't c\ r: . t. < '. (,n\ o|Vrd
Striu.H h su id sltf and l-uxlov
t*->ri:if«i l... , \ 1
I * GRE f KS f i
Ozone depletion
convinces Bush
to ban chemical
j President bans chlorofluorocarbons
due to their harmful effects on ozone
By Gem! Koeppmg
' 1 ittc miis ,ir<‘ st rumbling. tilt' media art- si urrviit>t
: heurUsnes. but Mirae-w tentisls arc stii! doubting
!,■ sky is !.i!11 nt; or at least ha-. a hole m it
On PVb i. NASA .illinium f«: that .in uni onipieltid
. !\ ii.cl tiisi (ivcrctt the earth s prolet Itve layer of
:.iie vv as ibinning over pullulated areas
In (at l. a "hole" in the u/mie lav. r might develop
'!,e Sri tu . N AS A lepui Is In .id.liliuii, tile sp,. e
m v was expiating a general thinning id IJ/.me
-a. ; must id Nortliern i ur.istii
. NASA a si e nano i U; es su h as I d. a;. M. ■
.v anil Amsterdam would be bttlubarded with
above average levels ul the sun's harmful ultraviolet
j ad i a IU ;|| w tm b a .. skill i.iiiut and i >t I if I health
1 11 make mullets WO! ■ . NAS \ s lid a high ultltmle
li.glit id a muddied spy plane on Jan -'ll Inuiltl the
/..lie shield was being damaged at a rate three times
lugger ih.iii what was first thought
Pour day's after these alarming announcements. the
■[.ate unanimously passed a hill calling lor a total
halt t to the prodtii tiun of (.hlorolluorot arhons. the
worst ol the o/one damaging chemicals.
:n a more surprising move, the Hush admllllstra
dun vowed to end (11(1 production hi the United
Stales hv l'eis, la years earlier than the previous
While the media and tile pulihi Were alarmed hv
NAs-\\ (uidings. some memheis o! tie siientilu
community were less than impressed
HeUihold Kasmussen, an atmosphere chemistry
professor at the Oregon (iiadu lie In.siltule III Heavel
tod. said NASA s ■’ .11 ! t .c if an t x.ni.j.f
vvli.it hup pins vvlioii 'el ■ tamed m!o a gun
:• i. to :.iis.- : -do: . hu d'
of vested interest to get mure funding, and you can't
11111111;: g .:. ■ e, : ■ ■ I a II a . g
' OZONE P.itpi i
The University has proposed increasing
some fees, such as the cost of missed
appointments at the Health Center, and
adding new fees for other programs.
See HEARING, Page 7
Wayne and Garth
have left the base
"ment and gone to
[the movies.
Se« MOVIES. Page 5
Oregon and Oregon State basketball
teams face off for the second Civil War
game of the season this Saturday m
See BASKETBALL, page 8
New candidates offer different view
jChris Pharis and Donald Morgan,
candidates for ASUO president and
vice president, offer unique ideas and
By Daraiyn Trappe
Chris Blurts and Donald Mi qt.in atm rm .ai their
Candida* v I 'T ; ') ! AS- () | : id*ail .in ! v. e pies.
dia.I U •••in-' -iav • . en l.'. • • • t: .er j
j paled in a. eminent before a. i they a rend
• are vvli.it .\s () '-lands lor
1 he far t that thev have no past rxprurm e and no (u
! .,r« . p;.;!.*. V ’ ''.'a ad.mtaj*.
their [)lar;s d <nec led
As a V\ aV to raise 'maun .'! •’ ' .it! ai * s and
other effects vd Measure o, ‘.lu . .r, :!.* . '.van! to hand a
roller coaster in W.aarneUe Had and < tuftfe -idm: m
’lint vv u' n: s. d l
‘ - Tins
’•» •*».»' > -r.
Chns Phans (lolt) and Donald Morgan aro running for
1992-93 ASUO prosidcnt and vice president
. . vc \\c | ! .it . : .. ' ■ : ■ ; > ■ : Item ' . *.
in eventual!’,
! !ic\ ,i!-. > think tin 1 rr- .tv should -.apply stii
:■ : !>, with fr■ ■«• h.-i-r ‘. r finals
Mii.’i’.!!! said I he two .ire looking forward to having