Kerrey calling it quits, aides say mu A S HI Nl .TON (A I’) Nebraska Sen ilii! Kerrey 111 r.m*]^tn j0|(j Democratic colleagues Wednesday he «e abandoning his campaign lor the Democrat t presidential nomination. .1 Senate aide said lie s going to-announce to morrow tie s pulling out." said die aide to a senator who attended a meeting Kerrey had with Democratic senators and supporters Wednesday in the Capitol. The aide requested anonymity Kerrey scheduled a Thursday morning news conference fo ehn in Washington and a wel come home rally later in Oma ha. And Leo i’errotta, ins Rhode Island campaign manager who w as preparing lor the Metre h 10 primary there, said, Kerrey is dropping out of the rac e' Kerrey c anceled his appear am 11 s Wednesday 1 n Florida and on CNN s "Larry King Live" alter doing poorly in all ol Tuesday night's primaries arid c aucuses Arriving at W islungUift N.t 1 iona 1 Airport, Kerrey con firmed that his campaign funds were running short hut said he had ft le yet about bis i alldld.a V [Hit senior advisers rein fnrt i\l widely i art u .at tng r< ports [t .it K ''rfiv w.n.dd halt his tatnpjlgn Vtiu don 't i ani •• I luur v if Ii*i<* r .;ht before a bunch of pr i mil r it's to stay in ! fie r.u i'," one adv iser said Another said friends were ad vising Kerrey that tilings look, loo ideal, to risk, the future by going oil Kerrey was the only Demo < tatii taildidate who dhi not chalk up a vu tnri Tuesday night And he was a! or near the liottoiii m every contest ’> pen ent in (leorgia and Mary land. It peri ent In Idaho. I t -percent'in l tali. Id pen ent in Colorado Asked Tuesday night where he expected to vyin in next Wet I S multiple Silja r Tuesd.iV i aili list's and primaries, Kerrey rejdied ' Nowhere Kef-rev , a former gov ertlur, had long been Considered a ris ing Demoi/ratii star tie earned a V iai ,sd Honor in Vietnam, where lie I ••! part of a leg He dated ,ii tress"liebra Winger He had i harisnm Hut Kerrey s iirst national i a m pa l gn tin gu u half w a y through his firs! Senate term. was plagued by missteps and ntisi alcula! ions His campaign even the t andidute himself seemed 11> be reim ented cy erv wi-i\ I trs! there vs .is Kerrey the tough trade warrior, prompting rivals to accuse him of |apan bashing Then there was herrev the war hero, who maintained his unquestionable patriotism made him the most elec table candidate There was also herrev the healthware reform candidate a theme he sound ml so often that many observers said he was missing the larger economii pit lure t lay ton Kauffman of (band island. Neb . a friend !or 1 1 years said herrev did mil dis play his wit or humor during in,.i h ol the c auipaign When he's ci liuine Willi I .t ill 111 a r fares, that's when he re.illy cooks.'' Kauffman said Kauffman also said Kerrey had never dwelled on Ills war record before and si.gyesied the shift w as in.iiie on tlie .uiy it e of misguided i onsultants The p u ti l H a p p t ec 1.1 l es modesty in their heroes. lie said Sometimes you gel the experts on a c ampaign and they tty to shape a person to tin1 market btantord wnistie-Diower to run tor oongress STANFORD, (talif (AF) The man who nil i overed research overhilling a! Stanford l 'lljversi - !v took a parting shot al si houl nltn la's Wednes day. ( ailing lhem "two-legged rt>dents" wl; lived high on tin’ federal dole Paul Biddle, the on campus research contrail negotiator tor the Oltice id Naval Research, had n signed to pursue a politic al c areer I he 1.' year old Republican, who is running for llongress, slammed the door on Ins \sav out "Instead of looking lor fraud at Stanford, I hope I i an get out there ami hiok tor waste and had management in other areas.' Biddle said "I'm ti lling you, I learned a lot about waste and greed d individuals here Stanford spokesman l.urrv Horton said he Wouldn’t respond to Biddle s leave : iking tirade. but said the school I1' looking forward 11> seeing Biddle's replacement come on < anipus to oversee ri'sc.irt h contrui ts We re looking forward to working with .1 member ot the government who doesn't li.ive .1 i on11 ti ! Horton s.iid, referring to 11 suit 111.bill' til. .I on bi b.ill of the government in in effort to ton e Stanford to reji.iy overt h.irges Biddle came to Stanford three years tigo anil ininied lately Ut amt) suspn sous tb it the school h.e! enjoyed .1 1 o/\ " rel.itionshij) with his gov eminent pie let essors. who il.ldn't audited St,ill too! s books in .1 det ode St,infold tietueti widespread overtoiling, but paid b.e. k SJ I million in inappropriate' hiis*. mi hiding 11e11nt1T1.ini e ol .1 yet hi on ! shop ping enter, and tinners, lurnitute and partu s at Stanford administrators homes NATIONAL BRIEFS North Korea to have material for nuclear bomb WASHINGTON l A|*J Tin* commander "I 1’ N fun rs in South- K. ; • a said U. dm ..lav V :th k km will have tin* fur .1 nut lear bomb In this summer anil could build an untested Weapon as earls as nextyear \rrny (.en K -U-rt Kisiassi lulil Ihr Senate Armed Services t »1 mill I tti ' • that Nurlh Korea iuuld .onstrmt a crude bomb sometime l>otw een ll)*KI arid I 'l'i l Questioned about a delivery system fur the weapon. Kisiassi said North Korea could slate it loan aircraft. put it nit a Scud Clearly. they have t hit tribunal expertise to 'do that " l int t onunaritirr elaborated un CIA Director Kubrrt Gales' trstimunv last week. tu tbr House foreign Aflairs Committee in which till’ agent v 1 hirf said North Korea inulil produce a nut Irar weapon w ithin a few months to a frw vuars North Korea has agteed in prim iple to allow inspections of its nu. lear f.n tilth's However. North Korea has been slow to allow the inspections, prompting South Korea and the West to express concern that the debtv is allowing the North to prod tit e nuclear w Bush pushes tuna embargo lift for no-netters WASHINGTON {A11) the flush iilministratiori on U ■ lines.fav proposed lifling tuna Import embargoes tor 1 nun tries that agreed to '10(1 netting dolphins lor a five year peri od beginning Mari ti 1 'ilH t'ntus called the proposal insulin lent and said it would result in more dolphin deaths Court ordered embargoes ol yellow fin tuna have been in effei t against Mevi. o and Ye lie/, tie la sou e I O'II) bei a use they tailed to redui e the numU r ol dolphins killed fiv their tuna fishing fleets l fie embargo was widened fan 11 to mi hide nations that import yellow Tin tuna harvested Irnm the 1 istern tropical I'ai dll. t). cun In Mexu all and \ etre/ . d III vessels that Use dolphin killing methods to c at. h tuna '.event. .11 nations tall into tills I atrgory and their tuna exports to the I lilted Stales are embargoed The embargoes will after t marly halt ol the t S supplv ot tuna, ai 1 old mg tu t he ( ommen e I iepar Iment RIGHT ®N TARGET or.,.*»,i. Emerald 346-3712 ancc—i NATURAL FOODS Cerebrate Mar^kGras Sarnia nee StyTe Free Tasting Sat, Mar. 7th, 2-6pm Come try a taste of Mardi Ciras - • Cajun Combread • Southern Black Hyed Peas Sundance Natural Foods 24th & Hilyard Open Daily 8am-11pm 343-9142 Sundance Wine Cellars j Free Tasting Saturday, 3*6pm 2470 Alder St. Open Daily ’til 7pm 687-WINE Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Weasel’s World Kraig Norris AKGH! : Mi &£UEVF This / .*»* frH-t-i **i '< ' I *.< ■vhlK'J. 'HE •' «* PC-. rI Wi -"H t/SU' *»'•• fS ■ -/ *TA . fOU N r r HtA I m:*,> T >: "i VM ft KM 7Al*. ' '"V'v y !3n. P t • *vt « • * •