Eugene to celebrate women’s concerns By Hope Neaison It started in l'»l 1 .1-. .1 llaS to remember tl»n women\ labor v t r t k i* in I tit; IMhOs and evolved Into tin International das to f el • •brute wunmn and 11j«• ir i •• u• ■ •• liit Wonurn I >aV will In' (I'liilir.itni hi'tr in l.ii i;i in on Saturday with a i raft ami aft lair, live mosii speak its. massage. loot!, uni) an an-.i tor i hSlilr.-n t ioorrliriator Uoberta I’uplllii • l! s a lias to Cl'lrhr .It i' women's Ilia ration, with inn tin tin' of tin1 I'ViTit tm• iri' 'ittlt Vr.its nf Km si stain i Through W i Tii’ n's •, "it s a i olehfation of w here wi’H' Ihtti anil s\ In n; sm Tr going." 1‘uptllie sanl It ’, also pulling out tin' message that svr still hast1 a lot farther to go Tin; worldwide event, ofll Mails on Mai i ll H. will take plain in Isugene on Saturday from to a in to 5 p in in the Wheeler I'avillon at tin1 lain' (.ounty Fairgrounds Memliers ol the National ()r gum/ulion lor Women and the Sexual Assault Support Sir s u es are sponsoring the event, with SI at the door donations going lo SASS I nn Collier, volunteer i nur dinator ol SASS. said the group dei idl’d to help sponsor the event because mans ol the ide ah. ol International Women's Day (all in line w ith the SASS's ideals (oilier '.aid tin (•roup's (luals Ilk. those Inti mation al Wi linen s | lav all- ill pill nuili' social change .nul lo he representative of different cul lulls i’up, I:, - .1 SOW n. fiiii* ; s.iid ilu- women's issues of mu |ur i anci'in i«< N’tJW mi l-.ide lllHHI n,i--. year is Hu fu. i! pom fell, r t,- , of 111. rudtl wsr,) I IJ i . , Human Klgbts Iu.mmlssion number Ain i.i flays s.u ! lie sides helping the sponsors fi unite: in 11 v III'", will present un award lu two women who have hern mvolvi i in women's is sues in the nimiminiH lor nighttime ui luities, a d im e vs li! he held from H lo 1 1 10 p m ill (lie wheeler I'.e Villon, which will feature the hand' Moig.ii: and i'helan and \ : mis l.nvy A sliding siuile id Ml lo slll will he charged to help pay (or ihe hands and raisi lands for SASS ( loser lo home, the 1 niver sily lias dCtivilins r idehruling International Women s I Jay ()n Thursday, Ihe movie .Seriso will la- shown in Room 150 Columbia Ihe him portrays the Irealrnenl of women hy ille Japanese mile I.i r \ I riduy from h lo 0 |) III . a pollull. Will he held ill the h iiima (Miller wilh Iwn women speakets horn India and Kenya Contact LENSES complete package includes eye exam Dally wear spherical All brands of replacement lenses available Ciba Wesley Jessen Bausch & Lomb Hydron Barnes Hines Vision Man Gateway Mall Springfield 746-9922 Co *mt pt'-cto Members ol Seattle s outrageous feminist band. Venus Fnvy. will perform at the Lane County f .ur grounds March 7 Doors open at 7 30 p m and tickets are $8 to StO. Venus Envy to play fairgrounds By Rene DeCaif I h c s t: OU I - n illv pens 1 rfuI \\ '■ like to 1 .ill oursrh i s o u t r age mi s f 11m i 111 st folk funk Out- of llif group's rewrites includes Aretha Franklin's "( ihain of Fools, v\ fin h aim nu nis on Americ .i s "Kepubli i nn ruled government She’s Not There," .1 re write from .1 different .irlist, I.ilks iiliout ii housewife who leaves tier domestic world and goes on a rampage of sorts The hand's biggest hit, per haps, is called "Heaver Cleav er I ever" and sends audi ences into tils witfi the lyrics, Some ol you dig brother Wall) Some gel oil on good old Ward Hut 1 get hot when I see mama June posing hv her ironing board 11u- four members, Laura Love. Linda Noel Sc hlermali. Linda Severt and Koch, all vs rite 1 vru s and play one or more instruments, Kck Ii said Defore getting together two years ,igo. they a!I performed solo Love performed m Seattle venues with her rock .hand. Hoorn Boom II 1 . before join ing Venus l.nvy Her latest Cl) is called 7.'lltenij>\ Schler man played street fairs and Hike Place Market with her a i appella duo. Raw Sugar Koch is an actor and musi i al performer who has record ed a children's album titled Shukin' Loose with Mother (.'nose and has acted in Seattle theaters Sevort, the band's drummer, is a professional juggler and actress who also is a member ol the trio Modern Fabrics Venus Liny plays college gigs and local bars and lias one holiday cassette out called I'll he ,i Homo for Turn to VENUS. 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